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Created April 9, 2012 22:31
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glpk test error message
(type-error car cons ())
unexpected error: #0 (caddr ((call dlsym _jl_libglpk ($ f))
($ (... args))))
#1 (parse-resword/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda
((call dlsym _jl_libglpk ($ f))
($ (... args))))
#2 (parse-resword/lambda/lambda/lambda
#fn("6000r0~k02\x7fk12i02k2;" [ops-by-prec range-colon-enabled space-sensitive] [[(=
:= += -= *= /= //= .//= .*= ./= |\\=| |.\\=| ^= .^= %= |\|=| &= $= => <<= >>=
>>>=) (?) (|\|\||) (&&) (<- -- -->) (> < >= <= == != .> .< .>= .<= .== .!= .=
.! <: >:) (: ..)
(+ - |\|| $) (<< >> >>>) (* / ./ % & .* |\\| |.\\|) (// .//) (^ .^) (::) (|.|)]
#t #f #0=[15 #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn(">000r1|c0\x8280e1~41;e2c3c4i21c5e6c7i10c83741;" [end
take-token error #fn(string) "incomplete: " " at " current-filename ":" " requires end"])
peek-token] #0# expect-end)
[[#f #<io stream> #f #f] ccall ()]]]))
#3 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn("8000r1c0|e132690e2~|42;c3q]31|41;" [#fn(memq)
reserved-words parse-resword #fn("6000r1c0qm02|;" [#fn("8000r1c0qe1i203141;" [#fn("8000r1e016E02i30b2[16:02e1|c23217>02~D16702|c3=640~;c4q|41;" [space-sensitive
memv (#\(
#\[ #\{ |'|
#\") #\( #fn("<000r1|c0=6R0e1i40312i20c2c3i10e4i40c5323341;|c6=6P0e1i40312i20c2c7i10c8qe9313341;|c:=6s0e1i40312e;i4031c0=6F0i20c:i10e<i4031L341;i20c:i10c=e<i4031L2L341;c>|c?326F0e1i40312i20~i10L241;|c@=6R0e1i40312i20c2cAi10e4i40cB323341;|cC=6x0i10C16G02eDi1031@16:02i40b2[@6T0cEqe1i40312eFi4031cGcHi10cI323142;i10;|cJ=6I0e1i40312cJi10eKi4031L3;i10;" [#\(
take-token #fn(list*) call parse-arglist #\)
#\[ ref #fn("7000r1]k02c1qc2q41;" [end-symbol #fn("7000r1c0qc1qt|302;" [#fn("8000r0e0i70c142;" [parse-arglist
#\]]) #fn("7000r1~302c0|41;" [#fn(raise)])])
#fn("6000r0~k0;" [end-symbol])])
end-symbol |.| peek-token parse-atom quote #fn(memq) (|.'| |'|)
#\{ curly #\} #\" operator? #fn("<000r2e0i5031C16:02i50b2[@6J0i30c1}|Mc2e3i503131L441;i30c1}|ML341;" [peek-token
macrocall #fn(string) take-token]) parse-string-literal
#fn(symbol) #fn(string) _str -> parse-eq*])]) peek-token])])]) parse-atom] parse-call)
#4 (parse-factor-h [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn(":000r1e0|e1e2b<[43;" [parse-LtoR
ops-by-prec] parse-decl)
(^ .^))
#5 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn(":000r1e0|316@0e1c2c3|3231530]2c4|e5326B0c6qe7~31e8~3142;|c9\x82F0e7~312c9c:30e;~31L3;e<~41;" [closing-token?
error #fn(string) "unexpected " #fn(memq) unary-ops #fn("8000r2e0}31640|;e1|316=0|e2i1031L2;}c3=6C0e4i10|322e5i1041;c6qe2i103141;" [closing-token?
syntactic-unary-op? parse-unary #\{ ts:put-back! parse-factor #fn("9000r1|F16802|Mc0<6<0c1c2~|N43;c2~|L3;" [tuple
#fn(list*) call])]) take-token peek-token :: #fn(gensym) parse-call
parse-factor]) require-token] parse-unary)
(// .//))
#6 (parse-term/lambda (* / ./ % & .* |\\| |.\\|))
#7 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1b9[41;" [#fn("8000r1c0q]31e1~31^42;" [#fn("6000r1c0qm02|;" [#fn("8000r2c0qe1i203141;" [#fn(";000r1e0~|3216:02i30b2[@6c0\x7fc1\x82G0i10c2~e3i3031L132\x7f42;i10c4c1~e3i3031L4c142;c5|i2032740~;|\x7f\x82O0e6i30312i10c2~e3i3031L132\x7f42;e6i30312i10c4|~e3i3031L4|c1<16402|42;" [juxtapose?
* #fn(append) parse-rational call #fn(memq) take-token]) peek-token])])
parse-rational]) ops-by-prec] parse-term)
(<< >> >>>))
#8 (parse-expr/lambda (+ - |\|| $))
#9 (parse-range [#f #<io stream> #f #f])
#10 (parse-comparison [#f #<io stream> #f #f]
(> < >= <= == != .> .< .>= .<= .== .!= .= .! <: >:))
#11 (parse-RtoL [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("9000r1e0|e1b5[42;" [parse-comparison
ops-by-prec] parse-ineq)
(<- -- -->))
#12 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn(":000r1e0|e1e2b4[43;" [parse-RtoL
ops-by-prec] parse-arrow)
#13 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn(":000r1e0|e1e2b3[43;" [parse-LtoR
ops-by-prec] parse-and)
#14 (parse-cond [#f #<io stream> #f #f])
#15 (parse-Nary [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn("8000r1e0~31c1<740|;e2~312c3qc4qe53141;" [peek-token
? take-token #fn(":000r1e0i1031c1<790e2c341;c4~|e5i1031L4;" [take-token :
error "colon expected in ? expression"
if parse-cond])
#fn("7000r1^k02c1qc2q41;" [range-colon-enabled #fn("7000r1c0qc1qt|302;" [#fn("7000r0e0i3041;" [parse-eq*])
#fn("7000r1~302c0|41;" [#fn(raise)])]) #fn("6000r0~k0;" [range-colon-enabled])])
range-colon-enabled]) parse-or] parse-cond)
#\, tuple (#\)) #f)
#16 (parse-RtoL [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("<000r1e0|e1c2c3c4^46;" [parse-Nary
parse-cond #\,
tuple (#\))] parse-comma)
(= := += -= *= /= //= .//= .*= ./= |\\=| |.\\=| ^= .^= %= |\|=| &=
$= => <<= >>= >>>=))
#17 (parse-eq/lambda 15)
#18 (parse-Nary [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("9000r1c0qc1|a[3141;" [#fn(";000r1e0e1~e2e3`[33|42;" [short-form-function-loc
parse-RtoL parse-comma ops-by-prec]) #fn(input-port-line)] parse-eq)
#\; block (end else elseif catch
#19 (parse-Nary/lambda (line 15))
#20 (parse-Nary [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("<000r1e0|e1c2c3c4]46;" [parse-Nary
parse-eq #\;
block (end
else elseif catch
#\linefeed)] parse-block-stmts)
#\linefeed block (end else elseif catch) #t)
#21 (parse-resword/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda
#22 (parse-resword/lambda/lambda/lambda
#fn("6000r0~k02\x7fk12i02k2;" [ops-by-prec range-colon-enabled space-sensitive] [[(=
:= += -= *= /= //= .//= .*= ./= |\\=| |.\\=| ^= .^= %= |\|=| &= $= => <<= >>=
>>>=) (?) (|\|\||) (&&) (<- -- -->) (> < >= <= == != .> .< .>= .<= .== .!= .=
.! <: >:) (: ..)
(+ - |\|| $) (<< >> >>>) (* / ./ % & .* |\\| |.\\|) (// .//) (^ .^) (::) (|.|)]
#t #f #0=[14 #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn(">000r1|c0\x8280e1~41;e2c3c4i21c5e6c7i10c83741;" [end
take-token error #fn(string) "incomplete: " " at " current-filename ":" " requires end"])
peek-token] #0# expect-end)
[[#f #<io stream> #f #f] quote ()]]]))
#23 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn("8000r1c0|e132690e2~|42;c3q]31|41;" [#fn(memq)
reserved-words parse-resword #fn("6000r1c0qm02|;" [#fn("8000r1c0qe1i203141;" [#fn("8000r1e016E02i30b2[16:02e1|c23217>02~D16702|c3=640~;c4q|41;" [space-sensitive
memv (#\(
#\[ #\{ |'|
#\") #\( #fn("<000r1|c0=6R0e1i40312i20c2c3i10e4i40c5323341;|c6=6P0e1i40312i20c2c7i10c8qe9313341;|c:=6s0e1i40312e;i4031c0=6F0i20c:i10e<i4031L341;i20c:i10c=e<i4031L2L341;c>|c?326F0e1i40312i20~i10L241;|c@=6R0e1i40312i20c2cAi10e4i40cB323341;|cC=6x0i10C16G02eDi1031@16:02i40b2[@6T0cEqe1i40312eFi4031cGcHi10cI323142;i10;|cJ=6I0e1i40312cJi10eKi4031L3;i10;" [#\(
take-token #fn(list*) call parse-arglist #\)
#\[ ref #fn("7000r1]k02c1qc2q41;" [end-symbol #fn("7000r1c0qc1qt|302;" [#fn("8000r0e0i70c142;" [parse-arglist
#\]]) #fn("7000r1~302c0|41;" [#fn(raise)])])
#fn("6000r0~k0;" [end-symbol])])
end-symbol |.| peek-token parse-atom quote #fn(memq) (|.'| |'|)
#\{ curly #\} #\" operator? #fn("<000r2e0i5031C16:02i50b2[@6J0i30c1}|Mc2e3i503131L441;i30c1}|ML341;" [peek-token
macrocall #fn(string) take-token]) parse-string-literal
#fn(symbol) #fn(string) _str -> parse-eq*])]) peek-token])])]) parse-atom] parse-call)
#24 (parse-factor-h [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn(":000r1e0|e1e2b<[43;" [parse-LtoR
ops-by-prec] parse-decl)
(^ .^))
#25 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn(":000r1e0|316@0e1c2c3|3231530]2c4|e5326B0c6qe7~31e8~3142;|c9\x82F0e7~312c9c:30e;~31L3;e<~41;" [closing-token?
error #fn(string) "unexpected " #fn(memq) unary-ops #fn("8000r2e0}31640|;e1|316=0|e2i1031L2;}c3=6C0e4i10|322e5i1041;c6qe2i103141;" [closing-token?
syntactic-unary-op? parse-unary #\{ ts:put-back! parse-factor #fn("9000r1|F16802|Mc0<6<0c1c2~|N43;c2~|L3;" [tuple
#fn(list*) call])]) take-token peek-token :: #fn(gensym) parse-call
parse-factor]) require-token] parse-unary)
(// .//))
#26 (parse-term/lambda (* / ./ % & .* |\\| |.\\|))
#27 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1b9[41;" [#fn("8000r1c0q]31e1~31^42;" [#fn("6000r1c0qm02|;" [#fn("8000r2c0qe1i203141;" [#fn(";000r1e0~|3216:02i30b2[@6c0\x7fc1\x82G0i10c2~e3i3031L132\x7f42;i10c4c1~e3i3031L4c142;c5|i2032740~;|\x7f\x82O0e6i30312i10c2~e3i3031L132\x7f42;e6i30312i10c4|~e3i3031L4|c1<16402|42;" [juxtapose?
* #fn(append) parse-rational call #fn(memq) take-token]) peek-token])])
parse-rational]) ops-by-prec] parse-term)
(<< >> >>>))
#28 (parse-expr/lambda (+ - |\|| $))
#29 (parse-range [#f #<io stream> #f #f])
#30 (parse-comparison [#f #<io stream> #f #f]
(> < >= <= == != .> .< .>= .<= .== .!= .= .! <: >:))
#31 (parse-RtoL [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("9000r1e0|e1b5[42;" [parse-comparison
ops-by-prec] parse-ineq)
(<- -- -->))
#32 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn(":000r1e0|e1e2b4[43;" [parse-RtoL
ops-by-prec] parse-arrow)
#33 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn(":000r1e0|e1e2b3[43;" [parse-LtoR
ops-by-prec] parse-and)
#34 (parse-cond [#f #<io stream> #f #f])
#35 (parse-Nary [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn("8000r1e0~31c1<740|;e2~312c3qc4qe53141;" [peek-token
? take-token #fn(":000r1e0i1031c1<790e2c341;c4~|e5i1031L4;" [take-token :
error "colon expected in ? expression"
if parse-cond])
#fn("7000r1^k02c1qc2q41;" [range-colon-enabled #fn("7000r1c0qc1qt|302;" [#fn("7000r0e0i3041;" [parse-eq*])
#fn("7000r1~302c0|41;" [#fn(raise)])]) #fn("6000r0~k0;" [range-colon-enabled])])
range-colon-enabled]) parse-or] parse-cond)
#\, tuple (#\)) #f)
#36 (parse-RtoL [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("<000r1e0|e1c2c3c4^46;" [parse-Nary
parse-cond #\,
tuple (#\))] parse-comma)
(= := += -= *= /= //= .//= .*= ./= |\\=| |.\\=| ^= .^= %= |\|=| &=
$= => <<= >>= >>>=))
#37 (parse-eq/lambda 14)
#38 (parse-Nary [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("9000r1c0qc1|a[3141;" [#fn(";000r1e0e1~e2e3`[33|42;" [short-form-function-loc
parse-RtoL parse-comma ops-by-prec]) #fn(input-port-line)] parse-eq)
#\; block (end else elseif catch
#39 (parse-Nary/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda
(line 14))
#40 (parse-resword/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda
(call glpk_ccall func (... args)))
#41 (parse-resword/lambda/lambda/lambda
#fn("6000r0~k02\x7fk12i02k2;" [ops-by-prec range-colon-enabled space-sensitive] [[(=
:= += -= *= /= //= .//= .*= ./= |\\=| |.\\=| ^= .^= %= |\|=| &= $= => <<= >>=
>>>=) (?) (|\|\||) (&&) (<- -- -->) (> < >= <= == != .> .< .>= .<= .== .!= .=
.! <: >:) (: ..)
(+ - |\|| $) (<< >> >>>) (* / ./ % & .* |\\| |.\\|) (// .//) (^ .^) (::) (|.|)]
#t #f #0=[12 #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn(">000r1|c0\x8280e1~41;e2c3c4i21c5e6c7i10c83741;" [end
take-token error #fn(string) "incomplete: " " at " current-filename ":" " requires end"])
peek-token] #0# expect-end)
[[#f #<io stream> #f #f] macro ()]]]))
#42 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn("8000r1c0|e132690e2~|42;c3q]31|41;" [#fn(memq)
reserved-words parse-resword #fn("6000r1c0qm02|;" [#fn("8000r1c0qe1i203141;" [#fn("8000r1e016E02i30b2[16:02e1|c23217>02~D16702|c3=640~;c4q|41;" [space-sensitive
memv (#\(
#\[ #\{ |'|
#\") #\( #fn("<000r1|c0=6R0e1i40312i20c2c3i10e4i40c5323341;|c6=6P0e1i40312i20c2c7i10c8qe9313341;|c:=6s0e1i40312e;i4031c0=6F0i20c:i10e<i4031L341;i20c:i10c=e<i4031L2L341;c>|c?326F0e1i40312i20~i10L241;|c@=6R0e1i40312i20c2cAi10e4i40cB323341;|cC=6x0i10C16G02eDi1031@16:02i40b2[@6T0cEqe1i40312eFi4031cGcHi10cI323142;i10;|cJ=6I0e1i40312cJi10eKi4031L3;i10;" [#\(
take-token #fn(list*) call parse-arglist #\)
#\[ ref #fn("7000r1]k02c1qc2q41;" [end-symbol #fn("7000r1c0qc1qt|302;" [#fn("8000r0e0i70c142;" [parse-arglist
#\]]) #fn("7000r1~302c0|41;" [#fn(raise)])])
#fn("6000r0~k0;" [end-symbol])])
end-symbol |.| peek-token parse-atom quote #fn(memq) (|.'| |'|)
#\{ curly #\} #\" operator? #fn("<000r2e0i5031C16:02i50b2[@6J0i30c1}|Mc2e3i503131L441;i30c1}|ML341;" [peek-token
macrocall #fn(string) take-token]) parse-string-literal
#fn(symbol) #fn(string) _str -> parse-eq*])]) peek-token])])]) parse-atom] parse-call)
#43 (parse-factor-h [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn(":000r1e0|e1e2b<[43;" [parse-LtoR
ops-by-prec] parse-decl)
(^ .^))
#44 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn(":000r1e0|316@0e1c2c3|3231530]2c4|e5326B0c6qe7~31e8~3142;|c9\x82F0e7~312c9c:30e;~31L3;e<~41;" [closing-token?
error #fn(string) "unexpected " #fn(memq) unary-ops #fn("8000r2e0}31640|;e1|316=0|e2i1031L2;}c3=6C0e4i10|322e5i1041;c6qe2i103141;" [closing-token?
syntactic-unary-op? parse-unary #\{ ts:put-back! parse-factor #fn("9000r1|F16802|Mc0<6<0c1c2~|N43;c2~|L3;" [tuple
#fn(list*) call])]) take-token peek-token :: #fn(gensym) parse-call
parse-factor]) require-token] parse-unary)
(// .//))
#45 (parse-term/lambda (* / ./ % & .* |\\| |.\\|))
#46 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1b9[41;" [#fn("8000r1c0q]31e1~31^42;" [#fn("6000r1c0qm02|;" [#fn("8000r2c0qe1i203141;" [#fn(";000r1e0~|3216:02i30b2[@6c0\x7fc1\x82G0i10c2~e3i3031L132\x7f42;i10c4c1~e3i3031L4c142;c5|i2032740~;|\x7f\x82O0e6i30312i10c2~e3i3031L132\x7f42;e6i30312i10c4|~e3i3031L4|c1<16402|42;" [juxtapose?
* #fn(append) parse-rational call #fn(memq) take-token]) peek-token])])
parse-rational]) ops-by-prec] parse-term)
(<< >> >>>))
#47 (parse-expr/lambda (+ - |\|| $))
#48 (parse-range [#f #<io stream> #f #f])
#49 (parse-comparison [#f #<io stream> #f #f]
(> < >= <= == != .> .< .>= .<= .== .!= .= .! <: >:))
#50 (parse-RtoL [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("9000r1e0|e1b5[42;" [parse-comparison
ops-by-prec] parse-ineq)
(<- -- -->))
#51 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn(":000r1e0|e1e2b4[43;" [parse-RtoL
ops-by-prec] parse-arrow)
#52 (parse-LtoR [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn(":000r1e0|e1e2b3[43;" [parse-LtoR
ops-by-prec] parse-and)
#53 (parse-cond [#f #<io stream> #f #f])
#54 (parse-Nary [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("8000r1c0qe1|3141;" [#fn("8000r1e0~31c1<740|;e2~312c3qc4qe53141;" [peek-token
? take-token #fn(":000r1e0i1031c1<790e2c341;c4~|e5i1031L4;" [take-token :
error "colon expected in ? expression"
if parse-cond])
#fn("7000r1^k02c1qc2q41;" [range-colon-enabled #fn("7000r1c0qc1qt|302;" [#fn("7000r0e0i3041;" [parse-eq*])
#fn("7000r1~302c0|41;" [#fn(raise)])]) #fn("6000r0~k0;" [range-colon-enabled])])
range-colon-enabled]) parse-or] parse-cond)
#\, tuple (#\)) #f)
#55 (parse-RtoL [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("<000r1e0|e1c2c3c4^46;" [parse-Nary
parse-cond #\,
tuple (#\))] parse-comma)
(= := += -= *= /= //= .//= .*= ./= |\\=| |.\\=| ^= .^= %= |\|=| &=
$= => <<= >>= >>>=))
#56 (parse-eq/lambda 12)
#57 (parse-Nary [#f #<io stream> #f #f] #fn("9000r1c0qc1|a[3141;" [#fn(";000r1e0e1~e2e3`[33|42;" [short-form-function-loc
parse-RtoL parse-comma ops-by-prec]) #fn(input-port-line)] parse-eq)
#\; block (#\linefeed) #t)
#58 (julia-parse-stream/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda/lambda
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