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Created November 22, 2012 01:37
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Fiddling with STM and processes
-- Fiddling around with STM and shell processes.
-- Carlo Hamalainen <>
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Exception
import Data.List
import System.IO
import System.Process
-- Attempt to read one line from the handle, storing the result
-- in mvar using fn. If we hit an IO error (e.g. end of file) then we just return
-- an empty string.
threadReadHandle :: Handle -> MVar a -> (String -> a) -> IO ()
threadReadHandle handle mvar fn = do
str <- hGetLine handle `Control.Exception.catch` \ (ex :: IOException) -> return ""
putMVar mvar (fn str)
-- Try to read one line from handle1 and handle2, returning whichever provides
-- a line first. Typically we use this to read stdout (handle1) into a Left, and
-- stderr (handle2) into a Right.
threadMultiplexedRead :: Handle -> Handle -> IO (Either String String)
threadMultiplexedRead handle1 handle2 = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO (threadReadHandle handle1 mvar (\x -> Left x))
forkIO (threadReadHandle handle2 mvar (\x -> Right x))
v <- readMVar mvar
return v
-- Read everything else available on a handle.
readRestOfHandle :: Handle -> IO String
readRestOfHandle handle = do
ineof <- hIsEOF handle
if ineof
then return ""
else do x <- hGetContents handle
return x
-- Parameters
localPortNumber = 9000
remoteHost = ""
remotePortNumber = 22
tunnelUsername = "carlo"
tunnelServer = ""
-- Our insane ssh tunnel command:
tunnel_arguments = ["-t", "-t", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-L", show localPortNumber ++ ":" ++ "localhost" ++ ":" ++ (show remotePortNumber), "-l", tunnelUsername, tunnelServer, "echo\SPtunnel_hello;\SPbash"]
-- Test that we can create the ssh tunnel. If all goes well we should see (Left "tunnel_hello"). Otherwise
-- the error messages will be in (Right ...). We also return the stdout and stderr output.
testTunnel :: String -> [String] -> IO (Either String String, String, String)
testTunnel sshBinary sshArgs = do
(Just hin, Just hout, Just herr, pid) <- createProcess (proc "ssh" tunnel_arguments){ std_in = CreatePipe, std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = CreatePipe }
v <- threadMultiplexedRead hout herr
terminateProcess pid
stdout_final <- readRestOfHandle hout
stderr_final <- readRestOfHandle herr
return (v, stdout_final, stderr_final)
-- Run the ssh tunnel. Using forkIO we could have this run in the background.
runTunnel sshBinary sshArgs = do
-- This return a Maybe something, or a Left/Right...
(_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess (proc "ssh" tunnel_arguments){ std_in = CreatePipe, std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = CreatePipe }
return pid
main = do
print "Testing the ssh tunnel..."
x <- testTunnel "ssh" tunnel_arguments :: IO (Either String String, String, String)
case x of
(Left _, _, _) -> do tunnelPid <- runTunnel "ssh" tunnel_arguments
print $ "started real tunnel :)"
threadDelay $ 3 * 10^6
terminateProcess tunnelPid
print "Killed the tunnel process."
otherwise -> do print "boo, tunnel died :( "
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