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Created August 7, 2014 04:32
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Trying to use hs-jwt to validate an AAF Rapid Connect assertion.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module TestWithHsJWT where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Crypto.JWT as JWT
import qualified Crypto.JOSE as JOSE
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import Data.Aeson
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (mzero)
-- For a description of these attributes, see
data AAFAttributes = AAFAttributes
{ aafEdupersontargetedid :: T.Text
, aafDisplayname :: T.Text
, aafCn :: T.Text
, aafEdupersonscopedaffiliation :: T.Text
, aafEdupersonprincipalname :: T.Text
, aafMail :: T.Text
, aafSurname :: T.Text
, aafGivenname :: T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON AAFAttributes where
parseJSON (Object v) = AAFAttributes <$>
v .: "edupersontargetedid" <*>
v .: "displayname" <*>
v .: "cn" <*>
v .: "edupersonscopedaffiliation" <*>
v .: "edupersonprincipalname" <*>
v .: "mail" <*>
v .: "surname" <*>
v .: "givenname"
parseJSON _ = mzero
blah :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Bool
blah assertion secret = isvalid
jwt :: JWT.JWT
jwt = undefined
jwk :: JOSE.JWK
jwk = undefined
-- How do I use the privately defined secret string
-- to validate the jwt that was provided via AAF's service?
-- Things that I have to look up:
claimset = JWT.jwtClaimsSet jwt
iss = JWT.claimIss claimset
aud = JWT.claimAud claimset
-- In the unregistered claims I will find things about
-- the user's institutional email, staff/student affiliation, etc.
unregisteredClaims = JWT.unregisteredClaims claimset
attributes = HM.lookup "" unregisteredClaims
-- I guess that jwk should be a function of the secret?
isvalid = JWT.validateJWSJWT jwk jwt -- ????
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use decodeCompact to decode the JWT from a compact representation

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