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Last active September 28, 2015 12:25
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custom Basic ROI (work in progress) for cornerstoneTool
(function ($, cornerstone, cornerstoneTools) {
'use strict';
var toolType = 'mBasicRoi';
var configuration = {
mRadius: 15
///////// BEGIN ACTIVE TOOL ///////
function createNewMeasurement(mouseEventData) {
var config = cornerstoneTools.mBasicRoi.getConfiguration();
// create the measurement data for this tool with the end handle activated
var measurementData = {
visible: true, active: true, handles: {
end: {
x: mouseEventData.currentPoints.image.x,
y: mouseEventData.currentPoints.image.y,
highlight: true,
active: true,
mRadius: 15
if (config.mRadius) {
configuration = config;
return measurementData;
///////// END ACTIVE TOOL ///////
///////// BEGIN IMAGE RENDERING ///////
function doubleClickCallback(e, eventData) {
var element = eventData.element;
if ( && && !cornerstoneTools.isMouseButtonEnabled(eventData.which, {
return false;
var toolData = cornerstoneTools.getToolState(element, toolType);
// now check to see if there is a handle we can move
if (!toolData) {
return false;
return false; // false = causes jquery to preventDefault() and stopPropagation() this event
function pointNearTool(element, data, coords) {
var endCanvas = cornerstone.pixelToCanvas(element, data.handles.end);
return cornerstoneMath.point.distance(endCanvas, coords) < 1.1 * configuration.mRadius; // now parametric
function onImageRendered(e, eventData) {
// if we have no toolData for this element, return immediately as there is nothing to do
var toolData = cornerstoneTools.getToolState(e.currentTarget, toolType);
if (toolData === undefined) {
// we have tool data for this element - iterate over each one and draw it
var context = eventData.canvasContext.canvas.getContext("2d");
cornerstone.setToPixelCoordinateSystem(eventData.enabledElement, context);
var color = "red";
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {;
var data =[i];
context.strokeStyle = color;
for (var property in data.handles) {
var handle = data.handles[property];
if ( || handle.highlight) {
context.lineWidth = 2 / eventData.viewport.scale;
context.arc(handle.x, handle.y, configuration.mRadius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
context.moveTo(handle.x, handle.y - (configuration.mRadius / 8));
context.lineTo(handle.x, handle.y + (configuration.mRadius / 8));
context.moveTo(handle.x - (configuration.mRadius / 8), handle.y);
context.lineTo(handle.x + (configuration.mRadius / 8), handle.y);
///////// END IMAGE RENDERING ///////
// module exports
cornerstoneTools.mBasicRoi = cornerstoneTools.mouseButtonTool({
createNewMeasurement: createNewMeasurement,
mouseDoubleClickCallback: doubleClickCallback,
onImageRendered: onImageRendered,
pointNearTool: pointNearTool,
toolType: toolType
cornerstoneTools.mBasicRoiTouch = cornerstoneTools.touchTool({
createNewMeasurement: createNewMeasurement,
mouseDoubleClickCallback: doubleClickCallback,
onImageRendered: onImageRendered,
pointNearTool: pointNearTool,
toolType: toolType
})($, cornerstone, cornerstoneTools);
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