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Created June 20, 2022 13:43
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Block matrix reduce system for finite element
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from numpy import linalg as la
def random_sym_matrix(side):
F = np.random.rand(side, side)
return (F+F.T)/2
tolerance = 1e-9
ntests = 1000
testallall = True
for i in range(ntests):
# a, b, c, d, e = 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
a = int(1+100*np.random.rand())
b = int(1+100*np.random.rand())
c = int(1+100*np.random.rand())
d = int(1+100*np.random.rand())
e = int(1+100*np.random.rand())
# a = b = c = d = e = 1
n = (a+b+c+d+e)
A = random_sym_matrix(a+b)
B = random_sym_matrix(b+c)
C = random_sym_matrix(c+d)
D = random_sym_matrix(d+e)
Aexp = np.zeros((n, n), dtype="float64")
Bexp = np.zeros((n, n), dtype="float64")
Cexp = np.zeros((n, n), dtype="float64")
Dexp = np.zeros((n, n), dtype="float64")
Eexp = np.zeros((n, n), dtype="float64")
Aexp[:a+b,:a+b] = A
Bexp[a:a+b+c,a:a+b+c] = B
Cexp[a+b:a+b+c+d,a+b:a+b+c+d] = C
Dexp[a+b+c:,a+b+c:] = D
F1 = np.random.rand(a)
F2 = np.random.rand(b)
F3 = np.random.rand(c)
F3 = np.zeros(c)
F4 = np.random.rand(d)
F5 = np.random.rand(e)
Kexp = Aexp + Bexp + Cexp + Dexp
Fexp = np.zeros(n)
Fexp[:a] += F1
Fexp[a:a+b] += F2
Uexp = la.solve(Kexp, Fexp)
U1e = Uexp[:a]
U2e = Uexp[a:a+b]
U3e = Uexp[a+b:a+b+c]
U4e = Uexp[a+b+c:a+b+c+d]
U5e = Uexp[a+b+c+d:]
M11 = B[:b,:b]
M12 = B[:b,b:]
M22 = B[b:,b:] + C[:c,:c]
M23 = C[:c,c:]
M33 = C[c:,c:]
M22inv = la.inv(M22)
W = np.zeros((b+d, b+d), dtype="float64")
W[:b, :b] += M11 - M12 @ M22inv @ M12.T
W[:b, b:] -= M12 @ M22inv @ M23
W[b:, :b] -= M23.T @ M22inv @ M12.T
W[b:, b:] += M33 - M23.T @ M22inv @ M23
diff = np.abs(W-W.T)
isSymm = np.all(diff < tolerance)
# print("Is W symmetric ? ", isSymm)
m = a+b+d+e
Ared = np.zeros((m, m))
Dred = np.zeros((m, m))
Wred = np.zeros((m, m))
Fred = np.zeros(m)
Ared[:a+b, :a+b] += A
Wred[a:a+b+d, a:a+b+d] += W
Dred[a+b:, a+b:] += D
Kred = Ared + Wred + Dred
Fred[:a] += F1
Fred[a:a+b] += F2
Fred[a+b:a+b+d] += F4
Fred[a+b+d:] += F5
Ured = la.solve(Kred, Fred)
U1r = Ured[:a]
U2r = Ured[a:a+b]
U4r = Ured[a+b:a+b+d]
U5r = Ured[a+b+d:]
diffU1 = U1e - U1r
diffU2 = U2e - U2r
diffU4 = U4e - U4r
diffU5 = U5e - U5r
test1 = np.all(np.abs(diffU1) < tolerance)
test2 = np.all(np.abs(diffU2) < tolerance)
test4 = np.all(np.abs(diffU4) < tolerance)
test5 = np.all(np.abs(diffU5) < tolerance)
testall = test1 * test2 * test4 * test5
testallall *= testall
if not testall:
print("For i = %d: %s" % (i, testall))
if not test1:
print("Max diff1= ", np.max(np.abs(diffU1)))
if not test2:
print("Max diff2= ", np.max(np.abs(diffU2)))
if not test4:
print("Max diff4= ", np.max(np.abs(diffU4)))
if not test5:
print("Max diff5= ", np.max(np.abs(diffU5)))
print("Final result = ", testallall)
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