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Created February 27, 2018 11:08
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configure mac image in virtualbox ubuntu
$ VBoxManage modifyvm "macOS Sierra 10.12" --cpuidset 00000001 000106e5 00100800 0098e3fd bfebfbff
$ VBoxManage setextradata "macOS Sierra 10.12" "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct" "iMac11,3"
$ VBoxManage setextradata "macOS Sierra 10.12" "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion" "1.0"
$ VBoxManage setextradata "macOS Sierra 10.12" "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct" "Mac-F2238BAE"
$ VBoxManage setextradata "macOS Sierra 10.12" "VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey" "ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc"
$ VBoxManage setextradata "macOS Sierra 10.12" "VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC" 1