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Created November 8, 2023 19:19
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semantic_query test
PUT _ml/trained_models/.elser_model_2
"input": {
"field_names": ["text_field"]
PUT _inference/sparse_embedding/my-elser-model
"service": "elser",
"service_settings": {
"num_allocations": 1,
"num_threads": 1
"task_settings": {}
PUT test-semantic
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"infer_field": {
"type": "semantic_text",
"model_id": "my-elser-model"
"non_infer_field": {
"type": "text"
"another_infer_field": {
"type": "semantic_text",
"model_id": "my-elser-model"
PUT test-semantic/_doc/doc1
"infer_field": "these are not the droids you're looking for",
"non_infer_field": "hello",
"another_infer_field": "carry on"
PUT test-semantic/_doc/doc2
"infer_field": "Whose motorcycle is this?",
"non_infer_field": "It's a chopper, baby",
"another_infer_field": "Whose chopper is this?"
PUT test-semantic/_doc/doc2
"infer_field": "And you know what they call a... a... a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris",
"non_infer_field": "They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with cheese?",
"another_infer_field": "No man, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what a Quarter Pounder is"
GET test-semantic/_search
"query": {
"semantic_query": {
"infer_field": {
"query": "burger"
GET test-semantic/_search
"query": {
"semantic_query": {
"infer_field": {
"query": "robots"
GET test-semantic/_search
"query": {
"semantic_query": {
"infer_field": {
"query": "motorbike"
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