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Arduino MIDI Controller
#include <NewSoftSerial.h>
#include <MIDISoft.h>
#include <LedControl.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <MemoryFree.h>
#include <Flash.h>
Midi switcher controller based on CAE RS5
by Carlos Eduardo de Paula (CarlosEDP)
1.0 - 2010-06
#define DEBUG
// Macro to print debug statements to serial port. Can be disabled commenting the "#define DEBUG" line
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DEBUG_PRINT(x) Serial.print(x)
#define DEBUG_PRINT(x)
// Pins used on SoftSerial for MIDI Communication
#define MIDI1 2
#define MIDI2 3
// Momentary buttons wired using 2x 74HC151 multiplexer to read switches (up to 16)
// Mux control pins
#define MUXENC1 4
#define MUXENC2 5
#define MUXENC3 6
#define MUXSTROBE 7
// Mux read pins
#define MUX1 8
#define MUX2 9
// Pins to communicate to Maxim 72XX Led Driver
#define DISP1 10
#define DISP2 11
#define DISP3 12
// LED pin on Arduino board
#define LED 13
// Create a SoftSerial for the MIDI interface
NewSoftSerial SoftSer(MIDI1, MIDI2);
// Now we need a LedControl to work with.
// pin DISP1 is connected to the DataIn
// pin DISP2 is connected to the CLK
// pin DISP3 is connected to LOAD
// We have only a single MAX72XX.
LedControl Lc = LedControl(DISP1, DISP2, DISP3, 1);
int ledArrayRow[] = {3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4};
int ledArrayColumn[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1};
// Blinking interval
#define blinkInterval 500
// The display needs to blink?
boolean blinkingDisp = false;
// dispState used to set the blinking dot
int dispState = LOW;
// Store last time the dot was updated
long dispPreviousMillis = 0;
// Variables for the memory report
boolean reportMem = true;
#define memReportInterval 1000
int memPreviousMillis = 0;
// LedControl address of the blinking dot
int dotArray[] = {2, 0};
// dotState used to set the blinking dot
boolean dotState = false;
// Store last time the dot was updated
long dotPreviousMillis = 0;
// Declare variables to control 2x 74HC151 MUX
int MuxVal1 = 0;
int MuxVal2 = 0;
int MuxVal3 = 0;
int BinVal = 0;
int MuxLoop = 0;
// BinPat is used for figuring out the High / Low (1/0) values of the MUX control pins
int BinPat[] = {000, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111};
// Buttons timing setup
#define debounce 50 // ms debounce period to prevent flickering when pressing or releasing the button
#define repeatTime 250 // ms repeat period: once the button is held, the time is reduced
#define holdTime 1500 // ms hold period: how long to wait for press+hold event
// Button port 1 variables
int button1Val = 0; // value read from button
int button1Last = 1; // buffered value of the button's previous state
long btn1DnTime; // time the button was pressed down
long btn1UpTime; // time the button was released
boolean btn1Held = false; // flag the button as held to reduce the repetition time
boolean ignore1Up = false; // whether to ignore the button release because the click+hold was triggered
// Button port 2 variables
int button2Val = 0; // value read from button
int button2Last = 1; // buffered value of the button's previous state
long btn2DnTime; // time the button was pressed down
long btn2UpTime; // time the button was released
boolean btn2Held = false; // flag the button as held to reduce the repetition time
boolean ignore2Up = false; // whether to ignore the button release because the click+hold was triggered
// MidiChannel sets the channel to be used by MIDI communication
byte MidiChannel;
// SwitchMode selects between multiple modes like Preset, Direct, Edit
// SwitchMode = 0 -> Preset Mode.
// SwitchMode = 1 -> Direct Mode.
// SwitchMode = 2 -> Transitory, while in Bank/Preset select mode.
int SwitchMode = 0;
// NBanks - Quantity of banks
#define NBanks 30
// Bank - Current bank in use.
int Bank = 0;
// TempBank - Temporary bank while preset is not choosed
int TempBank = 0;
// Preset - Current preset in use.
int Preset = 1;
// CurrentPresetControl - Holds the current controls associated with the preset
byte CurrentPresetControl[10] = {80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89};
// CurrentPresetValue - Holds the current control values associated with the preset (0 or 127)
byte CurrentPresetValue[10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// OrigPresetValue - Holds the original control values associated with the preset (0 or 127)
byte OrigPresetValue[10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// Memory address positions for various parameters
#define MidiChannelAddress 5
#define LastBankAddress 10
#define LastPresetAddress 20
#define InitialControlAddress 100
#define InitialValueAddress 500
/* -------------------------- Setup Arduino -------------------------- */
void setup()
// Initialize Serial port for debugging
DEBUG_PRINT(F("----------- Start setup() sequence -----------\n"));
// Setup MUX reader pins and activate pullup resistor
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Setup multiplexer pins\n"));
pinMode(MUX1, INPUT);
digitalWrite(MUX1, HIGH);
pinMode(MUX2, INPUT);
digitalWrite(MUX2, HIGH);
// Setup multiplexer pins
// Setup Led Driver
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Setup Led driver\n"));
Lc.shutdown(0, false); // The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup, we have to do a wakeup call
Lc.setIntensity(0, 8); // Set the brightness to a medium values
Lc.clearDisplay(0); // Clear the display
// Set the arduino Led pin mode
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
// Load MIDI channel. MidiChannel = 0 is omni mode.
MidiChannel =;
if (MidiChannel > 16)
MidiChannel = 0;
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Loaded from EEPROM MIDI Channel n. "));
// Create a SoftSerial to use on MIDI communication
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Create SoftSerial and MIDI interface\n"));
// Set SoftSerial port speed
// Initialize MIDI
MIDI.begin(SoftSer, MidiChannel);
// Load last used bank
Bank = EEPROMReadInt(LastBankAddress);
if (Bank > NBanks)
Bank = 0;
TempBank = Bank;
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Loaded from EEPROM Bank n. "));
// Load last used preset from memory
Preset = EEPROMReadInt(LastPresetAddress);
if (Preset < 1 && Preset > 5)
Preset = 1;
DEBUG_PRINT(F("Loaded from EEPROM last used preset n. "));
// Switch to start mode
// Load preset for current bank from EEPROM
DEBUG_PRINT(F("----------- End of setup() sequence -----------\n"));
SwitchPressed(12); //<------------------ REMOVE
/* -------------------------- Start Arduino Main Loop -------------------------- */
void loop()
/* <------------------ REMOVE
for (MuxLoop = 0 ; MuxLoop <= 7 ; MuxLoop++) {
BinVal = BinPat[MuxLoop];
MuxVal1 = BinVal & 0x01;
MuxVal2 = (BinVal>>1) & 0x01;
MuxVal3 = (BinVal>>2) & 0x01;
digitalWrite(MUXENC1, MuxVal1);
digitalWrite(MUXENC2, MuxVal2);
digitalWrite(MUXENC3, MuxVal3);
// <------------------ REMOVE
// Strobe LOW to read
digitalWrite(MUXSTROBE, LOW);
int Bt1 = 1; // <------------------ REMOVE
int Bt2 = 10; // <------------------ REMOVE
// Read the state of the button 1
button1Val = digitalRead(MUX1);
// Test for button pressed and store the down time
if (button1Val == LOW && button1Last == HIGH && (millis() - btn1UpTime) > long(debounce))
btn1DnTime = millis();
btn1Held = false; //TODO - NEWCODE-TEST
// Test for button release and store the up time
if (button1Val == HIGH && button1Last == LOW && (millis() - btn1DnTime) > long(debounce))
if (ignore1Up == false)
//SwitchPressed(MuxLoop*2); //<------------------ UNCOMMENT
SwitchPressed(Bt1); //<------------------ REMOVE
ignore1Up = false;
btn1UpTime = millis();
// Test for button held down for longer than the hold time - start repeats
if (button1Val == LOW && btn1Held == true && (millis() - btn1DnTime) > long(repeatTime))
//SwitchHold(MuxLoop*2); //<------------------ UNCOMMENT
SwitchHold(Bt1); //<------------------ REMOVE
ignore1Up = true;
btn1DnTime = millis();
// Test for button held down for longer than the hold time
if (button1Val == LOW && btn1Held == false && (millis() - btn1DnTime) > long(holdTime))
//SwitchHold(MuxLoop*2); //<------------------ UNCOMMENT
SwitchHold(Bt1); //<------------------ REMOVE
ignore1Up = true;
btn1DnTime = millis();
btn1Held = true; //TODO - NEWCODE-TEST
button1Last = button1Val;
// Read the state of the button 2
button2Val = digitalRead(MUX2);
// Test for button pressed and store the down time
if (button2Val == LOW && button2Last == HIGH && (millis() - btn2UpTime) > long(debounce))
btn2DnTime = millis();
btn2Held = false; //TODO - NEWCODE-TEST
// Test for button release and store the up time
if (button2Val == HIGH && button2Last == LOW && (millis() - btn2DnTime) > long(debounce))
if (ignore2Up == false)
//SwitchPressed(MuxLoop*2+1); //<------------------ UNCOMMENT
SwitchPressed(Bt2); //<------------------ REMOVE
ignore2Up = false;
btn2UpTime = millis();
// Test for button held down for longer than the hold time - start repeats
if (button2Val == LOW && btn2Held == true && (millis() - btn2DnTime) > long(repeatTime))
//SwitchHold(MuxLoop*2+1); //<------------------ UNCOMMENT
SwitchHold(Bt2); //<------------------ REMOVE
ignore2Up = true;
btn2DnTime = millis();
// Test for button held down for longer than the hold time
if (button2Val == LOW && btn2Held == false && (millis() - btn2DnTime) > long(holdTime))
//SwitchHold(MuxLoop*2+1); //<------------------ UNCOMMENT
SwitchHold(Bt2); //<------------------ REMOVE
ignore2Up = true;
btn2DnTime = millis();
btn2Held = true; //TODO - NEWCODE-TEST
button2Last = button2Val;
// Strobe HIGH to avoid jitters
digitalWrite(MUXSTROBE, HIGH);
// } // End for <------------------ REMOVE
// Call the background manager function
} /* -------------------------- End Arduino Main Loop -------------------------- */
/* This function is triggered when the user press a button */
void SwitchPressed(int sw)
// Behaviour for 0 - 9
if (sw >= 0 && sw <= 9)
if (SwitchMode == 1)
// Switches in direct mode
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - "));
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" - Switch in Direct Mode\n"));
else if (SwitchMode == 0)
// Switches in Preset mode
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - "));
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" - Switch in Preset Mode\n"));
if (sw >= 1 && sw <= 5)
else if (SwitchMode == 2)
// Switches in temporary bank selection
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - "));
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" - Switch in Bank Select Mode\n"));
if (sw >= 1 && sw <= 5)
// Commit TempBank -> Bank
Bank = TempBank;
// Save selected bank into Last Used Bank memory address
EEPROMWriteInt(LastBankAddress, Bank);
// Load selected Preset for the new Bank
blinkingDisp = false;
// Return to Preset Mode
// Behaviour for Up
if (sw == 10)
if (SwitchMode == 1)
// In direct mode
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Up - In Direct Mode\n"));
// Undo current switch state and reload preset
else if (SwitchMode == 0)
// In Preset Mode
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Up - In Preset Mode\n"));
else if (SwitchMode == 2)
// In Temp Bank Mode
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Up - In Temp Bank Mode\n"));
// Behaviour for Down
if (sw == 11)
if (SwitchMode == 1)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Down - In Direct Mode\n"));
// In direct mode
// Save current switch state into preset
else if (SwitchMode == 0)
// In Preset Mode
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Down - In Preset Mode\n"));
else if (SwitchMode == 2)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Down - In Temp Bank Mode\n"));
// Behaviour for Dir/Edit
if (sw == 12)
if (SwitchMode == 1)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Dir/Edit - Switching to Preset Mode\n"));
else if (SwitchMode == 0)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Dir/Edit - Switching to Direct Mode\n"));
else if (SwitchMode == 2)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Dir/Edit - Switch in temporary bank select mode\n"));
// Undo bank selection mode
TempBank = Bank;
// Make display stop blinking
blinkingDisp = false;
// Return to Preset Mode
// Update display to show current bank
// Update leds to show current preset and direct switches
// Buttons 13, 14, 15 not used
/* This function is triggered when the user holds a button pressed */
void SwitchHold(int sw)
// Behaviour for Up
if (sw == 10)
if (SwitchMode == 1)
// In direct mode
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Up - In Direct Mode\n"));
// Undo current switch state and reload preset
else if (SwitchMode == 0)
// In Preset Mode
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Up - In Preset Mode\n"));
else if (SwitchMode == 2)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Up - In Temp Bank Mode\n"));
// Behaviour for Down
if (sw == 11)
if (SwitchMode == 1)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Down - In Direct Mode\n"));
// In direct mode
// Save current switch state into preset
else if (SwitchMode == 0)
// In Preset Mode
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Down - In Preset Mode\n"));
else if (SwitchMode == 2)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("SwitchPressed - Switch Down - In Temp Bank Mode\n"));
/* Manages the button behaviour on Direct Mode */
void PresetModeSwitcher(int sw)
// Preset-switch mapping
// Switches 6 7 8 9 0
// | | | | |
// Presets 1 2 3 4 5
switch (sw)
case 6:
Preset = 1;
case 7:
Preset = 2;
case 8:
Preset = 3;
case 9:
Preset = 4;
case 0:
Preset = 5;
// Load preset from memory
// Save last used preset into EEPROM
EEPROMWriteInt(LastPresetAddress, Preset);
// Update Leds
// Update Display
/* Manages the button behaviour on Direct Mode */
void DirectModeSwitcher(int sw)
// Read value from current bank
byte SwitchState = CurrentPresetValue[sw];
if (SwitchState == 0)
CurrentPresetValue[sw] = 127;
else if (SwitchState == 127)
CurrentPresetValue[sw] = 0;
DEBUG_PRINT(F("DirectModeSwitcher - Sending control "));
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" value "));
// Send new value
sendMidiCC(CurrentPresetControl[sw], CurrentPresetValue[sw]);
// Update Leds
/* Changes current mode and does all updates do leds/display */
void changeMode(int mode)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("changeMode - Changing mode to "));
SwitchMode = mode;
/* Bank up function */
void bankUp()
// Change mode to temporary bank select
if (SwitchMode != 2)
blinkingDisp = true;
// Increase the temporary bank
TempBank = TempBank + 1;
if (TempBank >= NBanks)
TempBank = 0;
// Display temporary bank in display
/* Bank down function */
void bankDown()
// Change mode to temporary bank select
if (SwitchMode != 2)
blinkingDisp = true;
// Decrease the temporary bank
TempBank = TempBank - 1;
if (TempBank < 0)
TempBank = NBanks - 1;
// Display temporary bank in display
/* Loads the selected preset from memory setting the controls and values */
void loadPreset()
// Load control numbers from EEPROM. If none defined, start with 80 - 89.
DEBUG_PRINT(F("loadPreset - Loaded control numbers {"));
byte defaultControl = 80;
for (int N = 0; N < 10; N++)
byte value = * 10) + ((Preset - 1) * 10) + InitialControlAddress + N);
if (value >= 0 && value <= 119)
CurrentPresetControl[N] = value;
CurrentPresetControl[N] = defaultControl + N;
// Load control values from EEPROM. If none defined, set as 0.
DEBUG_PRINT(F("loadPreset - Loaded control values {"));
byte defaultValue = 0;
for (int N = 0; N < 10; N++)
byte value = * 10) + ((Preset - 1) * 10) + InitialValueAddress + N);
if (value == 0 || value == 127)
CurrentPresetValue[N] = value;
CurrentPresetValue[N] = defaultValue;
memcpy(OrigPresetValue, CurrentPresetValue, 10);
DEBUG_PRINT("Loaded preset ");
DEBUG_PRINT(" for bank ");
/* Saves the current switch values to actual preset (last selected) */
void savePreset()
DEBUG_PRINT(F("savePreset - Saving control values for bank "));
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" preset "));
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" into EEPROM.\n"));
for (int N = 0; N < 10; N++)
EEPROM.write((Bank * 10) + ((Preset - 1) * 10) + InitialValueAddress + N, CurrentPresetValue[N]);
// Make both variables the same so the dot stops blinking
memcpy(OrigPresetValue, CurrentPresetValue, 10);
/* Sends all control and value MIDI commands for the current preset */
void sendPresetSwitches()
DEBUG_PRINT(F("sendPresetSwitches - Sending all switch control and values for bank "));
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" preset "));
for (int N = 0; N <= 9; N++)
sendMidiCC(CurrentPresetControl[N], CurrentPresetValue[N]);
/* Sends the message via MIDI interface */
void sendMidiCC(byte ControlNumber, byte ControlValue)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("sendMidiCC - Sending MIDI control "));
DEBUG_PRINT(F(", Value "));
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" on channel "));
MIDI.sendControlChange(ControlNumber, ControlValue, MidiChannel);
/* Updates the Led states */
void updateLeds()
if (SwitchMode == 1)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("updateLeds - Updating Leds for Direct Mode\n"));
DEBUG_PRINT(F("updateLeds - Led |"));
for (int N = 0; N <= 9; N++)
if (CurrentPresetValue[N] == 127)
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" - on|"));
switchLed(N, true);
else if (CurrentPresetValue[N] == 0)
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" - off|"));
switchLed(N, false);
else if (SwitchMode == 0)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("updateLeds - Updating Leds for Preset Mode\n"));
DEBUG_PRINT(F("updateLeds - Switch Led |"));
// Update leds for Direct switches
for (int N = 1; N <= 5; N++)
if (CurrentPresetValue[N] == 127)
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" - on|"));
switchLed(N, true);
else if (CurrentPresetValue[N] == 0)
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" - off|"));
switchLed(N, false);
// Update leds for Preset switches
switchLed(6, false);
switchLed(7, false);
switchLed(8, false);
switchLed(9, false);
switchLed(0, false);
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" .\nPreset Led |"));
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" - on.\n"));
switch (Preset)
case 1:
switchLed(6, true);
case 2:
switchLed(7, true);
case 3:
switchLed(8, true);
case 4:
switchLed(9, true);
case 5:
switchLed(0, true);
else if (SwitchMode == 2)
DEBUG_PRINT(F("updateLeds - Updating Leds for temporary Bank select mode\n"));
DEBUG_PRINT(F("updateLeds - Switch Led |"));
// Update leds for Direct switches
for (int N = 1; N <= 5; N++)
if (CurrentPresetValue[N] == 127)
switchLed(N, true);
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" - on|"));
else if (CurrentPresetValue[N] == 0)
switchLed(N, false);
DEBUG_PRINT(F(" - off|"));
// Update leds for Preset switches
switchLed(6, false);
switchLed(7, false);
switchLed(8, false);
switchLed(9, false);
switchLed(0, false);
/* Switches the Led state individually */
void switchLed(int led, boolean state)
Lc.setLed(0, ledArrayRow[led], ledArrayColumn[led], state);
/* Called every loop to check if the any light needs to blink */
void backgroundMGR()
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
// Check if the dot must blink. The check is made against both preset arrays.
// If both are the same, no changes are made. If they are different, there is a change.
if (memcmp(OrigPresetValue, CurrentPresetValue, 10) != 0)
// Check to see if it's time to blink the LED; that is, if the
// difference between the current time and last time you blinked
// the LED is bigger than the interval at which you want to
// blink the LED.
if (currentMillis - dotPreviousMillis > blinkInterval)
// Save the last time you blinked the LED
dotPreviousMillis = currentMillis;
// If the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa:
if (dotState == false)
dotState = true;
DEBUG_PRINT(F("backgroundMGR - Dot Blink\n"));
dotState = false;
// Set the dot with the ledState of the variable:
Lc.setLed(0, dotArray[0], dotArray[1], dotState);
// Check if the display must blink. The check is made against blinkingDisp boolean variable
if (blinkingDisp == true)
if (currentMillis - dispPreviousMillis > blinkInterval)
// Save the last time you blinked the display
dispPreviousMillis = currentMillis;
// If the display is off turn it on and vice-versa:
if (dispState == LOW)
dispState = HIGH;
DEBUG_PRINT(F("backgroundMGR - Display blink n. "));
dispState = LOW;
Lc.setRow(0, 0, 0);
Lc.setRow(0, 0, 0);
Lc.setRow(0, 0, 0);
// Check if the memory must be reported
if (reportMem == true)
if (currentMillis - memPreviousMillis > memReportInterval)
// Save the last time you blinked the display
memPreviousMillis = currentMillis;
// Print memory usage:
Serial.print(F("freeMemory() reports: "));
Serial.print(F(" bytes free.\n"));
/* Updates the display state */
void updateDisplay()
if (SwitchMode == 0)
// In Preset Mode - Print Bank number
DEBUG_PRINT(F("updateDisplay - Updating display for Preset Mode. Bank n. "));
else if (SwitchMode == 1)
// In Direct Mode - Print 'Dir'
DEBUG_PRINT(F("updateDisplay - Updating display for Direct Mode.\n"));
Lc.setChar(0, 0, 'D', false); //D
Lc.setRow(0, 1, B00010000); //i
Lc.setRow(0, 2, 0x05); //r
else if (SwitchMode == 2)
// In Temp Bank select Mode - Print temporary Bank number
DEBUG_PRINT(F("updateDisplay - Updating display for Temp Preset Mode. Bank n. "));
/* Print the int to the display */
void printNumber(int v)
int ones;
int tens;
if (v < 0 || v > 99)
ones = v % 10;
v = v / 10;
tens = v % 10;
// Now print the number digit by digit
Lc.setDigit(0, 0, (byte)tens, false);
Lc.setDigit(0, 1, (byte)ones, false);
/* This function will write a integer to the eeprom at the specified address */
void EEPROMWriteInt(int p_address, int p_value)
byte lowByte = ((p_value >> 0) & 0xFF);
//byte highByte = ((p_value >> 8) & 0xFF);
EEPROM.write(p_address, lowByte);
//EEPROM.write(p_address + 1, highByte);
/* This function will read a integer from the eeprom at the specified address */
unsigned int EEPROMReadInt(int p_address)
byte lowByte =;
//byte highByte = + 1);
return (lowByte << 0) & 0xFF;
//return ((lowByte << 0) & 0xFF) + ((highByte << 8) & 0xFF00);
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