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Last active February 17, 2022 21:45
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Project X-Ray Edalize Backend and Launcher for Docker Containers

Kintex 7 PrjXRay

Testing out the PrjXRay backend for the Kintex 7 FPGA

  1. Grab the Dockerfile above and build the container image with docker build -t carlosedp/prjxray:kintex7 -f Dockerfile .. If you are on a Linux box with more than 10GB of RAM, check the Dockerfile to use it to build the database otherwise, built externally and leave the "ADD" command.
  2. Save the script somewhere in your machine
  3. Install FuseSoc with pip3 install --upgrade --user fusesoc
  4. Check-out my fork of Edalize (the FuseSoc backend with git clone -b xray
  5. Install edalize locally (it will replace your local install if you already have it) with cd edalize && pip install -e .
  6. Grab a sample app from git clone -b fusesoc
  7. Run it using Fusesoc, the launcher for containers and the image with EDALIZE_LAUNCHER=$(realpath ../ fusesoc run --target=qmtech_k325t xc7k325t:test:blinky
ARG PART = xc7k325tffg676-1
# Set this to the part you want to build for
# pass it thru the command line
# e.g. --build-arg PART=xc7k325tffg676-1
FROM python:3.5 as builder
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get upgrade -y && \
apt-get install -y sudo ca-certificates git build-essential wget cmake xz-utils python3-yaml libboost-all-dev qt5-default libqt5opengl5-dev libeigen3-dev --no-install-recommends
ENV PART xc7k325tffg676-1
# Build NextPNR
RUN git clone -b xilinx-upstream --recurse-submodules
RUN cd nextpnr-xilinx && \
mkdir build && \
cd build && \
cmake -DARCH=xilinx -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/nextpnr .. && \
make -j$(nproc) && make install && \
cd ..
# Build chipdb
# This process requires about 10GB of RAM
# If you run Docker in a VM (e.g. MacOS) you might need to build it outside the VM or increase RAM.
RUN cd xilinx/external && \
rm -rf prjxray-db && \
git clone -b k325 && \
cd ../.. && \
python3 xilinx/python/ --device ${PART} --bba xilinx/${PART}.bba && \
build/bbasm -l xilinx/${PART}.bba xilinx/${PART}.bin && \
mkdir -p /opt/nextpnr/xilinx-chipdb
FROM python:3.5 as final
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get upgrade -y && \
apt-get install -y ca-certificates git curl wget xz-utils libboost-all-dev libqt5opengl5-dev --no-install-recommends
COPY --from=builder /opt/nextpnr /opt/nextpnr
COPY --from=builder /xilinx/external/prjxray-db /opt/nextpnr/prjxray-db
# The database build process required almost 10GB RAM and can be built outside the container environment.
# If used container to build, uncomment next line and comment the ADD below it.
# COPY --from=builder /root/nextpnr-xilinx/xilinx/xc7k325tffg676-1.bin /opt/nextpnr/xilinx-chipdb/
ADD ${PART}.bin /opt/nextpnr/xilinx-chipdb/
RUN useradd -m fpga && echo "fpga:fpga" | chpasswd && \
adduser fpga sudo && \
apt-get install -y python3-yaml cmake build-essential && \
mkdir -p /opt/prjxray && \
chmod 777 /opt/prjxray
# Build and install Prjxray
RUN git clone --recurse-submodules /opt/prjxray && \
cd /opt/prjxray && \
pip3 install -r requirements.txt && \
cd /opt/nextpnr && \
git clone -b k325 --recurse-submodules
USER fpga
RUN cd /opt/prjxray && \
mkdir build && \
cd build && \
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/prjxray .. && \
make -j$(nproc)
USER root
RUN cd /opt/prjxray/build && \
make install
ENV PATH /opt/nextpnr/bin:/opt/prjxray/bin:$PATH
ENV CHIPDB /opt/nextpnr/xilinx-chipdb
ENV DB_DIR /opt/nextpnr/prjxray-db
CMD ["bash"]
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import logging
import shlex
logger = logging.getLogger("EdalizeLauncher")
symbiflow_init = "bash -lec {}"
prjxray_init = "bash -c {}"
# fmt: off
containers = [
{'tool': 'ghdl', 'image': 'ghdl/ghdl:buster-llvm-7', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'verilator', 'image': 'verilator/verilator', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'flow.tcl', 'image': 'edalize/openlane-sky130:v0.12', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'mill', 'image': 'adoptopenjdk:8u282-b08-jre-hotspot', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'sbt', 'image': 'adoptopenjdk:8u282-b08-jre-hotspot', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'yosys', 'image': 'hdlc/yosys', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'nextpnr-ice40', 'image': 'hdlc/nextpnr', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'nextpnr-ecp5', 'image': 'hdlc/nextpnr', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'nextpnr-nexus', 'image': 'hdlc/nextpnr', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'icepack', 'image': 'hdlc/icestorm', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'ecppack', 'image': 'hdlc/prjtrellis', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'icetime', 'image': 'hdlc/icestorm', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'icebox_stat', 'image': 'hdlc/icestorm', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'icepll', 'image': 'hdlc/icestorm', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'ecppll', 'image': 'hdlc/prjtrellis', 'init': '', 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'nextpnr-xilinx', 'image': 'carlosedp/prjxray:kintex7', 'init': prjxray_init, 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'fasm2frames', 'image': 'carlosedp/prjxray:kintex7', 'init': prjxray_init, 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
{'tool': 'xc7frames2bit', 'image': 'carlosedp/prjxray:kintex7', 'init': prjxray_init, 'vendor': '', 'part': ''},
# For Quicklogic EOS S3
{'tool': 'ql_symbiflow', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'quicklogic', 'part': 'ql-eos-s3'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_synth', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'quicklogic', 'part': 'ql-eos-s3'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_pack', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'quicklogic', 'part': 'ql-eos-s3'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_place', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'quicklogic', 'part': 'ql-eos-s3'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_route', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'quicklogic', 'part': 'ql-eos-s3'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_fasm', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'quicklogic', 'part': 'ql-eos-s3'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_bitstream', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'quicklogic', 'part': 'ql-eos-s3'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_binary', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'quicklogic', 'part': 'ql-eos-s3'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_bitheader', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'quicklogic', 'part': 'ql-eos-s3'},
# For Xilinx xc7a35/50t
{'tool': 'symbiflow_synth', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a50t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_pack', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a50t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_place', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a50t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_route', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a50t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_fasm', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a50t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_bitstream', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a50t'},
# For Xilinx xc7a100t
{'tool': 'symbiflow_synth', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a100t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_pack', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a100t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_place', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a100t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_route', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a100t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_fasm', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a100t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_bitstream', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a100t'},
# For Xilinx xc7a200t
{'tool': 'symbiflow_synth', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a200t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_pack', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a200t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_place', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a200t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_route', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a200t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_fasm', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a200t'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_bitstream', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7a200t'},
# For Xilinx xc7z010
{'tool': 'symbiflow_synth', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z010'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_pack', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z010'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_place', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z010'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_route', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z010'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_fasm', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z010'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_bitstream', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z010'},
# For Xilinx xc7z020
{'tool': 'symbiflow_synth', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z020'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_pack', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z020'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_place', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z020'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_route', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z020'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_fasm', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z020'},
{'tool': 'symbiflow_write_bitstream', 'image': '', 'init': symbiflow_init, 'vendor': 'xilinx', 'part': 'xc7z020'},
# fmt: on
tool = sys.argv[1]
toolname = os.path.basename(tool)
# If command exists locally, use it
if shutil.which(toolname) is not None:
cmd = sys.argv[1:]
# If it's in the container list, wrap with Docker
elif [c for c in containers if c["tool"] == toolname]:
(build_root, work) = os.path.split(os.getcwd())
dockerEnv = ""
for k in os.environ:
dockerEnv = dockerEnv + "-e " + k + "=" " + os.environ[k] + " " "
runtool = os.path.relpath(os.path.realpath(tool), os.getcwd())
for c in containers:
# Vendor neutral
if c["tool"] == toolname and c["vendor"] == "":
image = c["image"]
init = c["init"]
# Vendor specific toolchain
elif (
c["tool"] == toolname
and c["vendor"] == os.environ.get("EDALIZE_VENDOR")
and os.environ.get("EDALIZE_PART") in c["part"]
image = c["image"]
init = c["init"]
image = ""
init = ""
if image:"Will use image '{}' with init '{}'".format(image, init))
logger.error("Tool {} not found in container list.".format(toolname))
prefix = [
build_root + ":/src",
# '-e', dockerEnv,
"/src/" + work,
if init:
c = init.format("\"" + runtool + " " + " ".join(sys.argv[2:]) + "\"")
c = runtool + " " + shlex.join(sys.argv[2:])
cmd = prefix + shlex.split(c)
# Otherwise, run it locally
cmd = sys.argv[1:]
# print(cmd)"Wrapper Command: " + " ".join(cmd))
sys.exit(, env=os.environ))
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