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Carlos Eduardo carlosedp

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carlosedp /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10 - Highlights/colorizes strings of text
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]
echo ""
echo "Highlights output based on regex and color id"
echo "Usage: cat log.txt | pattern1 31 pattern2 34 pattern 3 32"
echo ""
echo "Color ID"
echo "Black 30"
cmod / minimal_fb_messenger.css
Last active July 2, 2024 13:32
Minimal Facebook Messenger for Fluid
Minimal Facebook Messenger
1. Make a Fluid ( instance of
1. a. (You need to buy the paid version of Fluid to modify UserStyles)
2. Apply the below CSS as a Userstyles stylesheet
3. Like magic, you can now message without all the cruft of Full Facebook