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RealmAutoIncrement is a singleton which maintain the last id saved from each database model
package com.carlosedurdo.database;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import io.realm.Realm;
import io.realm.RealmObject;
* Implementation of Auto Increment feature for Realm
* RealmAutoIncrement is a singleton which maintain the last id saved from each database model.
* To get next id from anyone model, simple call the method getNextIdFromModel.
* @see #getNextIdFromModel(Class)
public final class RealmAutoIncrement {
private Realm realm;
private Map<Class<? extends RealmObject>, AtomicInteger> modelMap = new HashMap<>();
private static RealmAutoIncrement autoIncrementMap;
private RealmAutoIncrement() {
realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
modelMap.put(SampleModel.class, new AtomicInteger(getLastIdFromModel(SampleModel.class)));
* Utility method which query for all models saved and get the bigger model id saved
* Used to guarantee which the last model id saved is really the last
* @param clazz Model which should get the last id
* @return The last id saved from model passed
private int getLastIdFromModel(Class<? extends RealmObject> clazz) {
String primaryKeyColumnName = "id";
Number lastId = realm.where(clazz).max(primaryKeyColumnName);
return lastId == null ? 0 : lastId.intValue();
* Search in modelMap for the last saved id from model passed and return the next one
* @param clazz Model to search the last id
* @return The next id which can be saved in database for that model,
* {@code null} will be returned when this method is called by reflection
public Integer getNextIdFromModel(Class<? extends RealmObject> clazz) {
if (isValidMethodCall()) {
AtomicInteger modelId = modelMap.get(clazz);
if (modelId == null) {
return 0;
return modelId.incrementAndGet();
return null;
* Utility method to validate if the method is called from reflection,
* in this case is considered a not valid call otherwise is a valid call
* @return The boolean which define if the method call is valid or not
private boolean isValidMethodCall() {
StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElements = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : stackTraceElements) {
if (stackTraceElement.getMethodName().equals("newInstance")) {
return false;
return true;
public static RealmAutoIncrement getInstance() {
if (autoIncrementMap == null) {
autoIncrementMap = new RealmAutoIncrement();
return autoIncrementMap;
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svedie commented Jul 12, 2016


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paulpv commented Aug 17, 2016

Thanks for your code.
I simplified it for my purposes to:


import com.pebblebee.common.annotations.NonNullNonEmpty;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import io.realm.Realm;
import io.realm.RealmConfiguration;
import io.realm.RealmModel;

 * To use:
 * <pre>
 *     public class DataModel extends RealmObject
 *     {
 *         public static RealmUserModel createData(@NonNull Realm realm) {
 *             boolean wasInTransaction = realm.isInTransaction();
 *             if (!wasInTransaction) {
 *                 realm.beginTransaction();
 *             }
 *             long id = RealmAutoIncrement.getNextIdFromModel(realm, DataModel.class, "id");
 *             RealmUserModel user = realm.createObject(DataModel.class, id);
 *             if (!wasInTransaction) {
 *                 realm.commitTransaction();
 *             }
 *             return user;
 *         }
 *         {@literal @}PrimaryKey
 *         private long id;
 *         ...
 *     }
 *     ...
 *     Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance(); // <-- or however you get your instance
 *     ...
 *     DataModel data = DataModel.createData(realm);
 *     ...
 *     realm.close();
 * </pre>
public class RealmAutoIncrement
    public static long INVALID_ID = -1;

    private static final Map<RealmConfiguration, Map<Class<? extends RealmModel>, AtomicLong>> sModelMap = new HashMap<>();

    public static long getLastIdFromModel(
            Realm realm,
            Class<? extends RealmModel> clazz,
            String fieldName)
        Number lastId = realm.where(clazz).max(fieldName);
        return lastId != null ? lastId.intValue() : INVALID_ID + 1;

    public static long getNextIdFromModel(
            Realm realm,
            Class<? extends RealmModel> clazz,
            String fieldName)
        RealmConfiguration realmConfiguration = realm.getConfiguration();
        Map<Class<? extends RealmModel>, AtomicLong> modelMap = sModelMap.get(realmConfiguration);
        if (modelMap == null)
            modelMap = new HashMap<>();
            sModelMap.put(realmConfiguration, modelMap);

        AtomicLong modelId = modelMap.get(clazz);
        if (modelId == null)
            modelId = new AtomicLong(getLastIdFromModel(realm, clazz, fieldName));
            modelMap.put(clazz, modelId);

        return modelId.incrementAndGet();

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carloseduardosx commented Sep 3, 2016

I was update the implementation of Auto Increment feature for Realm. Now it's much more robust with support for large operations of insert and delete at same time.

Everyone can see the new implementation here:

See: Sample of how to use RealAutoIncrement. Is pretty simple too 😄

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