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Created March 5, 2016 04:42
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El Shirt snake oil crypto submission
#!/usr/bin/perl -T # use -T because it makes things secure
use strict;
use warnings;
# El Shirt key preparation algorithm
# El Shirt is an anagram of SLITHER
# **** Background ****
# Using a well-understood concatenation algorithm,
# **** El Shirt ****
# mixes a variety of sources along with
# **** 100 rounds per password character ****
# to make an incredibly secure key based on a user-
# provided password, a one-time-use nonce that includes
# **** a special non-alphanumeric character ****
# as well as enhancement giving the strength of double
# the number of atoms in the Universe, and a variety
# of other inputs and operations the NSA recommends
# for everyone, especially you.
# Once prepared by El Shirt, the key is ready for use in
# any xor-based encryption program.
use constant NONCE => "El%20Shirt";
# Password is specified on command line for security. That
# way it can appear in history, shell scripts, etc. so it
# will be easier to recover if it gets forgotten.
my $password = shift;
die "usage: $0 <password>\n\n"
unless defined($password);
# Start out with the password as the seed for the key
# but not to worry, we'll be strenghthening it.
my $key = $password;
# Add entropy from the entropy source.
my $entropy = entropy_source();
$key .= $entropy;
# Add nonce. It never changes, but that makes it reliable.
$key .= NONCE;
# Do multiple rounds (100 in this case).
# Ensure key has at least the minimum number of bits.
$key .= bits(256);
# Enhance security level. Our level of security is basically
# equivalent to twice the number of atoms in the universe.
$key .= enhanced_security();
# Finally throw in some curves and boxes. All the best algorithmses use these.
$key .= curves();
$key .= boxes();
# Key is ready.
print "Prepared key: [$key]\n";
# x-oring the file with the key is left as an exercise to the reader.
# encrypt($infile, $outfile, $key);
# Final crucial step.
sub prepare_key {
my $num_rounds = shift;
my $rounded_key = do_rounds($num_rounds);
# Changing the global key directly prevents attackers from inserting
# proxy subroutines that might grab the now highly randomized key.
$key = $rounded_key;
sub do_rounds {
my $num_rounds = shift;
my $length = length($key);
for my $round_number ($num_rounds) {
# Do not only n rounds but...
my @characters = split('', $key);
for my $n (0 .. ($length-1)) {
# ...actually do n rounds /per character/ for security.
my $rounded = pack("c", round(ord($characters[$n])));
$characters[$n] = $rounded;
# Feed the result back in for each iteration.
$key = join('', @characters);
# Returning the key directly prevents NSA man-in-the-middle
# attacks against our global $key variable. This complements
# our alternate approach in the other subroutine of using a
# global variable. All bases are covered.
return $key;
sub entropy_source {
return "entropy";
sub round {
my $value = shift;
# Round the numeric value. Perl's int() is like floor().
# This is very straightforward. No security through obscurity here.
return int($value);
sub bits {
my $number_of_bits = shift;
return "bits" x $number_of_bits;
sub enhanced_security {
my $minimum_level = "the number of atoms in the universe";
return $minimum_level x 2; # This could be upped but 2 should be enough.
sub boxes {
# Look up the value, because DRY.
return shared_primitives("box");
sub curves {
# Look up the value, because DRY.
return shared_primitives("curve");
sub shared_primitives {
# Code sharing to make efficient use of common primitives.
my $key = shift;
# TODO add more primitives as NSA unleashes them.
my $primitive_S = "S";
my %table = (
"box" => $primitive_S,
"curve" => $primitive_S
return $table{$key};
sub escrow {
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