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[Terraform] planVersionFormat magic byte issue
# Where is 'terraform'?
[2017-06-09 16:26:36 carlosnunez@DESKTOP-RHPB7LP <<master>> infrastructure] $: which terraform
# Where is './terraform'?
[2017-06-09 16:27:02 carlosnunez@DESKTOP-RHPB7LP <<master>> infrastructure] $: readlink -f ./terraform
# Okay, cool. So we have two different terraform binaries installed. Let's see what their versions are.
[2017-06-09 16:20:26 carlosnunez@DESKTOP-RHPB7LP <<master>> infrastructure]$: terraform version
Terraform v0.8.0
Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version
is 0.9.8. You can update by downloading from
[2017-06-09 16:21:18 carlosnunez@DESKTOP-RHPB7LP <<master>> infrastructure] $: ./terraform version
Terraform v0.9.8
# Alright! We've confirmed that the versions are different. Let's go ahead and generate some plans. We'll be discarding the states and output from Terraform.
[2017-06-09 16:20:33 carlosnunez@DESKTOP-RHPB7LP <<master>> infrastructure]$: terraform plan -state=nil -out=./plan_from_v0-8.tfplan > /dev/null
[2017-06-09 16:21:29 carlosnunez@DESKTOP-RHPB7LP <<master>> infrastructure] $: ./terraform plan -state=nil -out=./plan_from_v0-9-8.tfplan > /dev/null
# So I've been using a tool called tfjson to convert the tfplan binary into json. This uses the terraform source from a few months ago.
# You can see this project here:
# Let's try and get some JSON from our plans.
[2017-06-09 16:21:02 carlosnunez@DESKTOP-RHPB7LP <<master>> infrastructure] $: tfjson ./plan-from-v0-8.tfplan | head -n 5
"aws_vpc.infrastructure": {
"cidr_block": "",
"default_network_acl_id": "",
"default_route_table_id": "",
[2017-06-09 16:22:01 carlosnunez@DESKTOP-RHPB7LP <<master>> infrastructure] $: tfjson ./plan-from-v0-9-8.tfplan | head -n 5
gob: wrong type (map[string]string) for received field InstanceState.Meta
# That's weird! Maybe they are different plan formats. Let's check the byte streams of each and confirm this.
[2017-06-09 16:24:48 carlosnunez@DESKTOP-RHPB7LP <<master>> infrastructure] $: hexdump plan-from-v0-8.tfplan -Cn 8
00000000 74 66 70 6c 61 6e 01 4a |tfplan.J|
[2017-06-09 16:24:56 carlosnunez@DESKTOP-RHPB7LP <<master>> infrastructure] $: hexdump plan-from-v0.9.8.tfplan -Cn 8
00000000 74 66 70 6c 61 6e 01 57 |tfplan.W|
# 7466706c616e = "tfplan"
# 01 = 1
# The '01' should differ between the two plans because they came from two different versions.
# See the 'Expected' and 'Actual' outputs to see the consequences of this.
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