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Last active September 19, 2016 15:15
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* calc_bmi
* The structure of this function is misleading and overcomplicated.
* The function returns false or a value, so any program calling it must handle
* either false or a value.
* Further, the function is burdened with mistrust and has misleading default arguments.
* The default arguments suggest that the function expects integers, but it actually handles strings and many other possible values.
function calc_bmi($height = 1, $weight = 1) {
// Code is written once, usually, and read many times. Modification should be straightforward and simple.
// Therefore, one-liners are discouraged unless they are exceedingly clear or idiomatic.
// Combining a boolean or with a ternary and exploiting the short-circuiting nature to effect a guard function
// is unnecessarily complex.
// If at all possible, sanitize input before giving it to your function. This reduces complexity, simplifies the function,
// and adheres to the [single responsibility principle](
return !calc_to_int($height) || !calc_to_int($weight) ? false :
703 * $weight / ($height * $height);
// if you have sanitized or trust the input, then this function is just:
return 703 * $weight / ($height * $height);
// The calc_to_int function guard and then returns an integer. The formula to calcualte BMI will work with floating point numbers
// So I would suggest using [floatval]( instead.
// The expression is a good way to scrub non-digit characters from an input string, but probably doesn't
// need to be this deep in the logic. You should sanitize input as close to the input as possible, so if this is supposed to be
// a number, then sanitize and parse it there, then assign it and pass it in.
function calc_to_int($string) {
// This is a guard clause. It is bizarre to use a replace function's return value as a truthy
// predicate for an if clause.
// You should store the expression in a variable and use (preg_match())[]
// `if (preg_match($pattern, $string)) { ... }`
if (!preg_replace('/[^\d\.]/', '', $string)) {
return false;
else {
// Single-responsibility principle again. Simply because it complicates here where there is no need.
// I wouldn't always advise extracting nested functions, but as I repeatedly point out, you should already
// have clean input before using intval or floatval. A string manipulation function paired with a parsing function seems like
// two different domains that should probably have been resolved a long time ago.
return intval(preg_replace('/[^\d\.]/', '', $string));
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