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Last active August 10, 2017 15:13
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rs instructions
// raw markup
<li class="page-options_item rs-button">
<div id="readspeaker_button" class="rs_skip rsbtn_colorskin rs_preserve">
<a id="rs_link" class="rsbtn_play page-options_link" accesskey="L" title="Listen with ReadSpeaker" href="//;lang=en_uk&amp;readid=readspeaker-content&amp;url=@(encodedUrl)" data-name="Listen" data-rsevent-id="rs_357211" role="button">
<span class="icon icon-listen"></span> Listen
<a href="#" id="rs_placeholder" class="page-options_link" style="display: none;">
<div class="pt-1">
<img class="pr-1" src="@Html.PatientCdnUrl("gfx/translate-loading.gif")" alt="Please wait..." /> Listen
this is at the end of the body
in our main js file we have this which handles the call to rs-load ... and in turn loads config
$(function () {
window.rsConf = { general: { usePost: true } };
var rsLoadTriggered = false;
$(".rs-button").on('mouseenter', function () {
if (!rsLoadTriggered) {
rsLoadTriggered = true;
// Once rs-load is trigered, we load our configuration from rs.config.js
if (!window.rsConf) { window.rsConf = {}; }
if (!window.rsConf.ui) { window.rsConf.ui = {}; }
window.rsConf.ui.rsbtnClass = 'rsbtn_colorskin';
window.rsConf.ui.player = [
'<span class="rsbtn_box">',
' <span class="rsbutton"><i class="icon icon-listen"></i></span>',
' <a href="#" class="rsbtn_pause rsimg rspart rsbutton rsbtn_playbtn" title="Pause">',
' <i class="icon icon-pause"></i>',
' <i class="icon icon-play"></i>',
' </a>',
' <span class="rsbtn_progress_container rspart">',
' <span class="rsbtn_progress_played"></span>',
' </span>',
' <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="rsbtn_closer rsimg rspart rsbutton" title="Close player">',
' <i class="icon icon-remove"></i>',
' </a>',
' <span class="rsdefloat"></span>',
Once this co0nfig, we load the actual external js from readspeaker in the callback ..
Once thats loaded we call ReadSpeaker.init(); in the callback of the external js
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