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Created August 17, 2017 09:39
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Note for Unit testing on React Native

Unit Testing

Set up

// package.json
"jest": {
    "preset": "react-native",
    "verbose": true,
    "timers": "fake", // No need to wait actual time 
    "setupFiles": [
      "./jest/setup.js" // Mock fetch, native modules etc... 
    "modulePaths": [
      "<rootDir>/src/" // In order to resolve nested relative paths.
    "moduleNameMapper": {
      "^image![a-zA-Z0-9$_-]+$": "GlobalImageStub",
      "^[./a-zA-Z0-9$_-]+\\.(bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|psd|svg|webp)$": "RelativeImageStub",
      "module-name-want-to-mock": "<rootDir>/__mocks__/module-name-want-to-mock.js"
    "testPathIgnorePatterns": [
    "haste": {
      "defaultPlatform": "ios", // When this value is changed, the test process is also different.
      "platforms": [
      "providesModuleNodeModules": [
        "react-native" // There should be only 'react-native'.
        // Even through there is 'react' as well in the example on the website, 
        // but if you put 'react' here, it causes a duplicate declaration error.
class TestComponent extends Component {
  name; // component variable. 

  static propTypes = {
    onPress: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    answer: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
    beenCalled: PropTypes.bool

    super(); = 'Candy';

  componentWillReceiveProps( nextProps ){
    if( nextProps.beenCalled ){

  _onPress = ()=>{
    this.props.onPress( );

        <Text>Hello world</Text>
          onPress={ this._onPress }
          title="How are you?"
          accessibilityLabel="How are you?"


  • Snapshot Testing
it('renders correctly',()=>{
  const tree = renderer.create( <TestComponent {...props} /> );
  expect( tree ).toMatchSnapshot();
  • Checking the component's variable It is used in the component but doesn't trigger 'render'.
const instance = renderer.create( <TestComponent {...props} /> ).getInstance();
expect( ).toEqual( 'Candy' );
  • Checking if the component calls given callback or not when props changed

I used 'enzyme' which is made by Airbnb for easier unit testing on React.

const answer = jest.fn();

it('calls answer() when the beenCalled is set true', ()=>{
  const wrapper = shallow(<TestComponent beenCalled={false} answer={answer} onPress={onPress} />);
  wrapper.setProps({ beenCalled: true }); 
  • Checking if the component calls given callback when it is pressed
const _onPress = jest.fn();

it('calls answer() when the beenCalled is set true', ()=>{
  const wrapper = shallow(<TestComponent beenCalled={false} answer={answer} onPress={_onPress} />);
  expect( _onPress ).not.toBeCalled();
  wrapper.find('Button').simulate( 'press' );
  expect( _onPress ).toBeCalled();
  expect( _onPress ).toBeCalledWith( 'Candy' ); // When checks arguments 
  • Checking if the component displays the right contents
it('displays \'Hello world\'', ()=>{
  const wrapper = shallow(<TestComponent {...props} />);
  expect( wrapper.find('Text').length ).toEqual( 1 );
  expect( wrapper.find('Text').children().node ).toEqual( 'Hello world' );


  • Mock native modules on setup file.
// ./jest/setup.js
const mockEmptyObject = {};
export const mockNativeModules = {
  BuildInfo: {
    appVersion: '0',
    buildVersion: '0',
  FacebookSDK: {
    login: jest.fn(),
    logout: jest.fn(),
    queryGraphPath: jest.fn((path, method, params, callback) => callback()),
  UIManager: {
    customBubblingEventTypes: {},
    customDirectEventTypes: {},
    Dimensions: {
      window: {
        fontScale: 2,
        height: 1334,
        scale: 2,
        width: 750,
    ModalFullscreenView: {
      Constants: {},
    ScrollView: {
      Constants: {},
    View: {
      Constants: {},
  WebSocketModule: {
    connect: jest.fn(),
    send: jest.fn(),
    sendBinary: jest.fn(),
    ping: jest.fn(),
    close: jest.fn(),
    addListener: jest.fn(),
    removeListeners: jest.fn(),

Object.keys(mockNativeModules).forEach(module => {
  try {
    jest.doMock(module, () => mockNativeModules[module]); 
  } catch (e) {
    jest.doMock(module, () => mockNativeModules[module], {virtual: true});

  .doMock('NativeModules', () => mockNativeModules)
  .doMock('ReactNativePropRegistry', () => ({
    register: id => id,
    getByID: () => mockEmptyObject,

jest.doMock('requireNativeComponent', () => {
  const React = require('react');

  return viewName => props => React.createElement(
  • redux store
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';

const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore( middlewares );

export default mockStore;

Useful links for react-native unit testing

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