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Created September 6, 2022 11:53
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Fix jpg image orientation on client-side by reading exif data
import loadImage from 'blueimp-load-image'
* Fix jpg image orientation on client-side by reading exif data - inspired by:
* @param {file} file - Files to upload
* @return {file} - The file with the right orientation without exif data
const fixExifOrientation = async file => {
const jpegTypes = ['image/jpg', 'image/jpeg']
if (jpegTypes.includes(file.type)) {
// STEP 1: Read image file and return as canvas with the properly oriented image (based on exif orientation data)
let data = await loadImage(file, { canvas: true })
const canvas = data.image
// const canvasEl = document.body.appendChild(canvas) // FOR DEV - render on screen to check orientation
// STEP 2: Convert canvas to data URL (base64)
const mimeType = file.type
const dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL(mimeType)
// STEP 3: Convert data URL to File
const fileName =
const newFile = dataURLtoFile(dataUrl, fileName, file)
file = newFile
return file
} else {
// not jpg --> the file has no useful exif orientation data
return file
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