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Forked from dbc-challenges/student.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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class Student
attr_accessor :scores, :ssn, :first_name
def initialize(fname, ssn, scores)
@first_name = fname
@ssn = ssn
@scores = scores
def average
@scores.reduce(:+) / @scores.length
def letter_grade
case self.average
when 90..100 then "A"
when 80..89 then "B"
when 70..79 then "C"
when 60..69 then "D"
else "F"
class Classroom < Array #class Classroom extends class Array
def sort #override Array.sort method to sort based on a classroom object's ssn
self.sort_by! {|student| student.ssn}
#linear search: starting at the beginning, iterate over each in a (sort-unspecific) collection
# until find target, else reach the end and return nil
def linear_search(students, fname)
students.find_index {|student| student.first_name == fname} || -1
#binary search, starting at the middle of a sorted collection.
# return object if its the target
# if not
# test if target is higher or lower;
# if higher,
# ditch the first half (so range is now middle+1 through the end)
# if lower,
# ditch the second half (so range is now array start through middle-1)
# ...and do the same thing: pick the middle, return obj if its a winner,
# else test if higher or lower, yada yada;
# until found, else nil
def binary_search(students, ssn)
students.sort #must sort for binary search
students.index(students.bsearch {|student| ssn <=> student.ssn}) || -1
alex ='Alex', '111-11-1111', [100, 100, 100, 0, 100])
tam ='Tam', '733-44-7503', [99, 95, 88, 93, 99])
caroline ='Caroline', '314-21-2345', [98, 100, 97, 88, 99])
paige ='Paige', '343-00-9837', [90, 83, 98, 79, 95])
justin ='Justin', '724-44-7359', [95, 85, 75, 65, 55])
#students is object of class Classroom-which extends Array
# and thus inherits its methods/behavior-so we can override the Array.sort behavior
# and still (basically?) be creating a working array object, students, for Objective 1.
students =[alex, tam, caroline, paige, justin])
#===========DRIVER CODE : DO NOT MODIFY =======
#Make sure these tests pass
# Tests for part 1:
p students[0].first_name == "Alex"
p students[0].scores.length == 5
p students[0].scores[0] == students[0].scores[4]
p students[0].scores[3] == 0
# Tests for part 2
p students[0].average == 80
p students[0].letter_grade == 'B'
# Tests for part 3
p linear_search(students, "Alex") == 0
p linear_search(students, "Tam") == 1
p linear_search(students, "Caroline") == 2
p linear_search(students, "Paige") == 3
p linear_search(students, "Justin") == 4
p linear_search(students, "NOT A STUDENT") == -1
# Tests for bonus part 1
p students[0].ssn < students[1].ssn
p students[3].ssn > students[0].ssn
# Tests for bonus part 2
p binary_search(students, "111-11-1111") == 0
p binary_search(students, "733-44-7503") == 4
p binary_search(students, "314-21-2345") == 1
p binary_search(students, "343-00-9837") == 2
p binary_search(students, "724-44-7359") == 3
p binary_search(students, "000-00-0000") == -1
# EDIT: I ended up redoing this problem adn doing away with inheritance by including module Comparable in Student class
# NOTE: Reflection based on my original inheritance code. See new submission, link above for new code.
# Re: BONUS: I hope this is on the right track... Pagie and I had some laughs and some cries
# before applying inheritance...seemed like some of the driver code wasn't robust enough to account
# for coincidences with this small of a data set. so maybe a lesson to always consider all possible
# evils. the object concept of a classroom extending array seems off but either way,
# it was good to get back into OOP stuff, look at search agorithms...and gain a little more experience
# with recursive concepts/applications.
class Student
include Comparable #enable comparison of students on ssn
attr_reader :first_name, :ssn, :scores
def initialize(fname, ssn, scores)
@first_name = fname
@ssn = ssn
@scores = scores
def average
@scores.reduce(:+) / @scores.length
def letter_grade
case self.average
when 90..100 then 'A'
when 80..89 then 'B'
when 70..79 then 'C'
when 60..69 then 'D'
else 'F'
def <=>(other) #define comparison attribute
self.ssn <=> other.ssn
# linear search: starting at the beginning, iterate over each in a (sort-unspecific) collection
# until find target, else reach the end and return nil
def linear_search(students, fname)
students.find_index {|student| student.first_name == fname} || -1
# binary search: starting at the middle of a sorted collection.
# return object if its the target
# if not
# test if target is higher or lower;
# if higher,
# ditch the first half (so range is now middle+1 through the end)
# if lower,
# ditch the second half (so range is now array start through middle-1)
# ...and do the same thing: pick the middle, return obj if its a winner,
# else test if higher or lower, yada yada;
# until found, else nil (in our case its -1 but general case is nil)
def binary_search(students, ssn, low=0, high=(students.length - 1))
return -1 if high < low
mid = (low + high) / 2
when students[mid].ssn > ssn then binary_search(students, ssn, low, mid-1)
when students[mid].ssn < ssn then binary_search(students, ssn, mid+1, high)
else mid
alex ='Alex', '111-11-1111', [100, 100, 100, 0, 100])
tam ='Tam', '733-44-7503', [99, 95, 88, 93, 99])
caroline ='Caroline', '314-21-2345', [98, 100, 97, 88, 99])
paige ='Paige', '343-00-9837', [90, 83, 98, 79, 95])
justin ='Justin', '724-44-7359', [95, 85, 75, 65, 55])
students = [alex, tam, caroline, paige, justin]
#===========DRIVER CODE : DO NOT MODIFY =======
#Make sure these tests pass
## Tests for part 1:
p students[0].first_name == 'Alex'
p students[0].scores.length == 5
p students[0].scores[0] == students[0].scores[4]
p students[0].scores[3] == 0
## Tests for part 2
p students[0].average == 80
p students[0].letter_grade == 'B'
## Tests for part 3
p linear_search(students, 'Alex') == 0
p linear_search(students, 'Tam') == 1
p linear_search(students, 'Caroline') == 2
p linear_search(students, 'Paige') == 3
p linear_search(students, 'Justin') == 4
p linear_search(students, 'NOT A STUDENT') == -1
## Tests for part 4
students.sort! # without destructive sort, can't compare sorted array with below driver code
p students[0].ssn < students[1].ssn
p students[3].ssn > students[0].ssn
## Tests for part 5
p binary_search(students, "111-11-1111") == 0
p binary_search(students, "733-44-7503") == 4
p binary_search(students, "314-21-2345") == 1
p binary_search(students, "343-00-9837") == 2
p binary_search(students, "724-44-7359") == 3
p binary_search(students, "000-00-0000") == -1
p binary_search(students, "444-44-4444") == -1
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