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Last active September 11, 2016 18:58
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  • Save carols10cents/4683ffcdca1e66495f02bca7bf6071ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Test output when using and running cargo's tests
$ make test
sh tests/
checking for lines over 100 characters...
find $(git ls-files) -type f \
\( -perm -u+x -or -perm -g+x -or -perm -o+x \) \
-not -name configure -not -name '*.sh' -not -name '*.rs' \
-not -name '*.py' -not -wholename "*/rust-installer/*" | \
grep '.*' \
&& exit 1 || exit 0
target/snapshot/bin/cargo test --target x86_64-apple-darwin
Compiling num-traits v0.1.34
Compiling bufstream v0.1.2
Compiling num-integer v0.1.32
Compiling num-complex v0.1.33
Compiling num-iter v0.1.32
Compiling num-bigint v0.1.33
Compiling num-rational v0.1.32
Compiling num v0.1.34
Compiling hamcrest v0.1.0
Compiling cargotest v0.1.0 (file:///Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/tests/cargotest)
Compiling cargo v0.13.0 (file:///Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo)
warning: function is never used: `all_features_flag_enables_all_features`, #[warn(dead_code)] on by default
--> tests/
965 | fn all_features_flag_enables_all_features() {
| ^
warning: unused attribute, #[warn(unused_attributes)] on by default
--> tests/
964 | #[test]
| ^^^^^^^
Running target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/bad_config-c1e6c1e64f307831
running 33 tests
test bad2 ... ok
test bad3 ... ok
test bad1 ... FAILED
test bad4 ... ok
test bad5 ... ok
test bad_cargo_config_jobs ... ok
test bad_cargo_lock ... ok
test bad_crate_type ... FAILED
test bad_dependency_in_lockfile ... ok
test bad_git_dependency ... ok
test bad_source_config1 ... ok
test bad_source_config2 ... ok
test bad_source_config3 ... ok
test bad_source_config4 ... ok
test bad_source_config5 ... ok
test bad_source_config6 ... ok
test bad_source_config7 ... ok
test ambiguous_git_reference ... ok
test bad_source_in_cargo_lock ... ok
test duplicate_bench_names ... ok
test duplicate_binary_names ... ok
test default_cargo_config_jobs ... FAILED
test duplicate_deps ... ok
test duplicate_example_names ... ok
test duplicate_packages_in_cargo_lock ... ok
test good_cargo_config_jobs ... FAILED
test ignored_git_revision ... ok
test empty_dependencies ... FAILED
test invalid_global_config ... ok
test malformed_override ... ok
test invalid_toml_historically_allowed_is_warned ... FAILED
test both_git_and_path_specified ... ok
test unused_keys ... FAILED
---- bad1 stdout ----
running `/Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/cargo build -v --target=nonexistent-target`
thread 'bad1' panicked at '
Expected: execs
but: differences:
0 - |error: expected table for configuration key `target.nonexistent-target`, but found string in [..]config|
+ |error: Process didn't exit successfully: `rustc -vV` (exit code: 1)|
1 -
+ |--- stderr|
2 -
+ |error: no default toolchain configured|
3 -
+ ||
other output:
``', /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/registry/src/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.
---- bad_crate_type stdout ----
running `/Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/cargo build -v`
thread 'bad_crate_type' panicked at '
Expected: execs
but: differences:
0 - |error: failed to run `rustc` to learn about target-specific information|
+ |error: Process didn't exit successfully: `rustc -vV` (exit code: 1)|
other output:
``', /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/registry/src/
---- default_cargo_config_jobs stdout ----
running `/Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/cargo build -v`
thread 'default_cargo_config_jobs' panicked at '
Expected: execs
but: exited with exit code: 101
--- stdout
--- stderr
error: Process didn't exit successfully: `rustc -vV` (exit code: 1)
--- stderr
error: no default toolchain configured
', /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/registry/src/
---- good_cargo_config_jobs stdout ----
running `/Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/cargo build -v`
thread 'good_cargo_config_jobs' panicked at '
Expected: execs
but: exited with exit code: 101
--- stdout
--- stderr
error: Process didn't exit successfully: `rustc -vV` (exit code: 1)
--- stderr
error: no default toolchain configured
', /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/registry/src/
---- empty_dependencies stdout ----
running `/Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/cargo build`
thread 'empty_dependencies' panicked at '
Expected: execs
but: exited with exit code: 101
--- stdout
--- stderr
warning: dependency (foo) specified without providing a local path, Git repository, or version to use. This will be considered an error in future versions
Updating registry `file:///Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/target/cit/t26/registry`
error: An unknown error occurred
To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
', /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/registry/src/
---- invalid_toml_historically_allowed_is_warned stdout ----
running `/Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/cargo build`
thread 'invalid_toml_historically_allowed_is_warned' panicked at '
Expected: execs
but: exited with exit code: 101
--- stdout
--- stderr
warning: TOML file found which contains invalid syntax and will soon not parse
at `/Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/target/cit/t30/empty_deps/.cargo/config`.
The TOML spec requires newlines after table definitions (e.g. `[a] b = 1` is
invalid), but this file has a table header which does not have a newline after
it. A newline needs to be added and this warning will soon become a hard error
in the future.
error: An unknown error occurred
To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
', /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/registry/src/
---- unused_keys stdout ----
running `/Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/cargo build`
thread 'unused_keys' panicked at '
Expected: execs
but: exited with exit code: 101
--- stdout
--- stderr
warning: unused manifest key:
error: An unknown error occurred
To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
', /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/registry/src/
test result: FAILED. 26 passed; 7 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured
error: test failed
make: *** [test-unit-x86_64-apple-darwin] Error 101
With ~/.cargo/bin in my PATH:
$ ./configure --disable-cross-tests --disable-optimize
configure: looking for configure programs
configure: found cmp
configure: found mkdir
configure: found printf
configure: found cut
configure: found head
configure: found grep
configure: found xargs
configure: found cp
configure: found find
configure: found uname
configure: found date
configure: found tr
configure: found sed
configure: found cmake
configure: found curl
configure: recreating config.tmp
configure: processing ./configure args
configure: CFG_DISABLE_OPTIMIZE := 1
configure: CFG_PREFIX := /usr/local
configure: CFG_LOCAL_RUST_ROOT :=
configure: CFG_RUSTC := /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/bin/rust ...
configure: CFG_BUILD := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_HOST := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_TARGET := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_LOCALSTATEDIR := /var/lib
configure: CFG_SYSCONFDIR := /etc
configure: CFG_DATADIR := /usr/local/share
configure: CFG_INFODIR := /usr/local/share/info
configure: CFG_DOCDIR := /usr/local/share/doc/cargo
configure: CFG_MANDIR := /usr/local/share/man
configure: CFG_LIBDIR := /usr/local/lib
configure: CFG_LOCAL_CARGO :=
configure: validating ./configure args
configure: looking for build programs
configure: CFG_CURLORWGET := /usr/bin/curl (curl 7.43.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin15.0) libcurl/7.43.0 SecureTransport zlib/1.2.5)
configure: CFG_PYTHON := /usr/local/bin/python2.7
configure: CFG_CC := /usr/bin/cc (Apple LLVM version 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.31))
configure: CFG_RUSTDOC := /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/bin/rust ...
configure: writing configuration
configure: CFG_SRC_DIR := /Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/
configure: CFG_BUILD_DIR := /Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/
configure: CFG_CONFIGURE_ARGS := --disable-cross-tests --disable-opt ...
configure: CFG_PREFIX := /usr/local
configure: CFG_BUILD := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_HOST := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_TARGET := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_DATADIR := /share
configure: CFG_DOCDIR := /share/doc/cargo
configure: CFG_INFODIR := /share/info
configure: CFG_MANDIR := /share/man
configure: CFG_LIBDIR := /lib
configure: CFG_RUSTC := /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/bin/rust ...
configure: CFG_RUSTDOC := /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/bin/rust ...
configure: leaving ./Makefile unchanged
configure: leaving unchanged
configure: complete
WITHOUT ~/.cargo/bin in my PATH:
$ ./configure --disable-cross-tests --disable-optimize
configure: looking for configure programs
configure: found cmp
configure: found mkdir
configure: found printf
configure: found cut
configure: found head
configure: found grep
configure: found xargs
configure: found cp
configure: found find
configure: found uname
configure: found date
configure: found tr
configure: found sed
configure: found cmake
configure: found curl
configure: recreating config.tmp
configure: processing ./configure args
configure: CFG_DISABLE_OPTIMIZE := 1
configure: CFG_PREFIX := /usr/local
configure: CFG_LOCAL_RUST_ROOT :=
configure: CFG_RUSTC := /usr/local/bin/rustc (rustc 1.13.0-dev (1fca1ab0e 2016-09-10))
configure: CFG_BUILD := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_HOST := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_TARGET := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_LOCALSTATEDIR := /var/lib
configure: CFG_SYSCONFDIR := /etc
configure: CFG_DATADIR := /usr/local/share
configure: CFG_INFODIR := /usr/local/share/info
configure: CFG_DOCDIR := /usr/local/share/doc/cargo
configure: CFG_MANDIR := /usr/local/share/man
configure: CFG_LIBDIR := /usr/local/lib
configure: CFG_LOCAL_CARGO :=
configure: validating ./configure args
configure: looking for build programs
configure: CFG_CURLORWGET := /usr/bin/curl (curl 7.43.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin15.0) libcurl/7.43.0 SecureTransport zlib/1.2.5)
configure: CFG_PYTHON := /usr/local/bin/python2.7
configure: CFG_CC := /usr/bin/cc (Apple LLVM version 7.3.0 (clang-703.0.31))
configure: CFG_RUSTDOC := /usr/local/bin/rustdoc (rustdoc 1.13.0-dev (1fca1ab0e 2016-09-10))
configure: writing configuration
configure: CFG_SRC_DIR := /Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/
configure: CFG_BUILD_DIR := /Users/carolnichols/rust/cargo/
configure: CFG_CONFIGURE_ARGS := --disable-cross-tests --disable-opt ...
configure: CFG_PREFIX := /usr/local
configure: CFG_BUILD := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_HOST := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_TARGET := x86_64-apple-darwin
configure: CFG_DATADIR := /share
configure: CFG_DOCDIR := /share/doc/cargo
configure: CFG_INFODIR := /share/info
configure: CFG_MANDIR := /share/man
configure: CFG_LIBDIR := /lib
configure: CFG_RUSTC := /usr/local/bin/rustc
configure: CFG_RUSTDOC := /usr/local/bin/rustdoc
configure: leaving ./Makefile unchanged
configure: mv config.tmp
configure: complete
configure: has:

export PATH := $(dir $(CFG_RUSTC)):$(PATH)

If I change to be this, to see what the path is when we're running tests:

test-unit-$(1): $$(CARGO)
	@mkdir -p target/$(1)/cit
    $(info PATH is $(PATH))
	$$(CARGO) test --target $(1) $$(CARGOFLAGS) $$(VERBOSE_FLAG) $$(only)
$(foreach target,$(CFG_TARGET),$(eval $(call CARGO_TARGET,$(target))))

Then run:

$ ./configure --disable-cross-tests --disable-optimize
$ make test-unit-x86_64-apple-darwin

I get:

PATH is /Users/carolnichols/.cargo/bin/:/Users/carolnichols/.cargo/bin:bin:/Users/carolnichols/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/bin:/Users/carolnichols/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0@global/bin:/Users/carolnichols/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.0/bin:/usr/local/heroku/bin:/Users/carolnichols/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/heroku/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/Users/carolnichols/.rvm/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:./node_modules/.bin:/Users/carolnichols/.rvm/bin
target/snapshot/bin/cargo test --target x86_64-apple-darwin
     Running target/x86_64-apple-darwin/debug/bad_config-c1e6c1e64f307831

running 33 tests
test bad2 ... ok
test bad3 ... ok
test bad1 ... FAILED
... etc

So rustup's path is in my PATH twice.

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