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Last active August 10, 2016 17:50
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  • Save carolynvs/2c9f9cab29003dc84dd13b9a5f1dfca6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save carolynvs/2c9f9cab29003dc84dd13b9a5f1dfca6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  1. On Rackspace Public Cloud, create an 8GB General Server with Ubuntu 14.04 PVHM.
  2. SSH in as root. If you are really cool, use tmux at this time.
  3. Install OpenStack Liberty
    bash <(curl -s
  4. Once complete, you can find the admin password in /root/openrc. Save it for later to log into Horizon.
  5. Fix the neutron endpoint to work with the SDK:
  6. lxc-ls | grep utility.
  7. lxc-attach -n aio1_utility_container-XXX. Replace XXX with the name you found in the last step.
  8. source openrc
  9. Run openstack endpoint list | grep neutron and note the endpoint id and url for the public entry.
  10. Run openstack endpoint set --interface public --url <public-url>/v2.0 <public-endpoint-id>.

Go to the IP address of your server and you should be able to log into Horizon as admin with the password from /root/openrc.

If you have to reboot the server, do the following afterwards. This works about 50% of the time, sometimes running it multiple times will work. The rest of the time I give up and rebuild from scratch.

  1. cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks
  2. openstack-ansible -e galera_ignore_cluster_state=true galera-install.yml

If you get cinder errors about lvm run service cinder-volume restart then less /var/log/cinder/cinder-volume.log to see if you got luck.

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