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Created March 5, 2018 20:54
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PHP hexagon + CQRS example
interface ReadPostRepository
public function byId(PostId $id);
public function all();
public function byCategory(CategoryId $categoryId);
public function byTag(TagId $tagId);
public function withComments(PostId $id);
public function groupedByMonth();
interface WritePostRepository
public function byId(PostId $id);
public function add(Post $post);
//MySQL repository implementation
class PDOPostRepository implements WritePostRepository
private $db;
public function __construct(PDO $db)
$this->db = $db;
public function byId(PostId $id)
$stm = $this->db->prepare(
'SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = ?'
return recreateFrom($stm->fetch());
public function add(Post $post)
$stm = $this->db->prepare(
'INSERT INTO posts (title, content) VALUES (?, ?)'
class AggregateRoot
private $recordedEvents = [];
protected function recordApplyAndPublishThat(DomainEvent $domainEve
protected function recordThat(DomainEvent $domainEvent)
$this->recordedEvents[] = $domainEvent;
protected function applyThat(DomainEvent $domainEvent)
$modifier = 'apply' . get_class($domainEvent);
protected function publishThat(DomainEvent $domainEvent)
public function recordedEvents()
return $this->recordedEvents;
public function clearEvents()
$this->recordedEvents = [];
//Post aggregate (with events)
class Post extends AggregateRoot
private $id;
private $title;
private $content;
private $published = false;
private $categories;
private function __construct(PostId $id)
$this->id = $id;
$this->categories = new Collection();
public static function writeNewFrom($title, $content)
$postId = PostId::create();
$post = new static($postId);
new PostWasCreated($postId, $title, $content)
public function publish()
new PostWasPublished($this->id)
public function categorizeIn(CategoryId $categoryId)
new PostWasCategorized($this->id, $categoryId)
public function changeContentFor($newContent)
new PostContentWasChanged($this->id, $newContent)
public function changeTitleFor($newTitle)
new PostTitleWasChanged($this->id, $newTitle)
protected function applyPostWasCreated(PostWasCreated $event)
$this->id = $event->id();
$this->title = $event->title();
$this->content = $event->content();
protected function applyPostWasPublished(PostWasPublished $event)
$this->published = true;
protected function applyPostWasCategorized(PostWasCategorized $event)
protected function applyPostContentWasChanged(PostContentWasChanged $event)
$this->content = $event->content();
protected function applyPostTitleWasChanged(PostTitleWasChanged $event)
$this->title = $event->title();
//Application service
class PostService
private $postRepository;
public function __construct(PostRepository $postRepository)
$this->postRepository = $postRepository;
public function createPost($title, $content)
$post = Post::writeNewFrom($title, $content);
return $post;
//Read model
class PostsController
public function listAction()
$client = new Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::create()->build();
$response = $client->search([
'index' => 'blog-engine',
'type' => 'posts',
'body' => [
'sort' => [
'created_at' => ['order' => 'desc']
return [
'posts' => $response
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