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Created April 9, 2011 20:48
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node.js SPDY proxy
var tls = require('tls');
var fs = require('fs');
var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
var zlib = require('zlib');
var BufferList = require('bufferlist');
var Binary = require('bufferlist/binary');
var Put = require('put');
var http = require('http');
var options =
key: fs.readFileSync('test-key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('test-cert.pem'),
var DATA_FRAME_ID = 0;
var CF_SYN_STREAM = 1;
var CF_SYN_REPLY = 2;
var CF_RST_STREAM = 3;
var CF_SETTINGS = 4;
var CF_NOOP = 5;
var CF_PING = 6;
var CF_GOAWAY = 7;
var CF_HEADERS = 8;
var FLAG_NONE = 0x00;
var FLAG_FIN = 0x01;
var DICT = "optionsgetheadpostputdeletetraceacceptaccept-charsetaccept-encodingaccept-languageauthorizationexpectfromhostif-modified-sinceif-matchif-none-matchif-rangeif-unmodifiedsincemax-forwardsproxy-authorizationrangerefererteuser-agent100101200201202203204205206300301302303304305306307400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417500501502503504505accept-rangesageetaglocationproxy-authenticatepublicretry-afterservervarywarningwww-authenticateallowcontent-basecontent-encodingcache-controlconnectiondatetrailertransfer-encodingupgradeviawarningcontent-languagecontent-lengthcontent-locationcontent-md5content-rangecontent-typeetagexpireslast-modifiedset-cookieMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecchunkedtext/htmlimage/pngimage/jpgimage/gifapplication/xmlapplication/xhtmltext/plainpublicmax-agecharset=iso-8859-1utf-8gzipdeflateHTTP/1.1statusversionurl\0";
function extractHeaders(nv_data, nv_entry_count)
var i, size, name, value, poscount = 2, headers = [];
for(i=0; i<nv_entry_count; i++)
size = (nv_data[poscount++] << 8) + nv_data[poscount++];
name = nv_data.toString('utf-8', poscount, poscount+size);
poscount += size;
size = (nv_data[poscount++] << 8) + nv_data[poscount++];
value = nv_data.toString('utf-8', poscount, poscount+size);
poscount += size;
headers[name] = value; // todo need to handle multivalue headers
return headers;
function encodeHeaders(headers)
// todo add support for multivalue headers
var buffer_size = 2, header_count = 0;
for(key in headers)
if(typeof headers[key] == 'string')
buffer_size += 2;
buffer_size += key.length;
buffer_size += 2;
buffer_size += headers[key].length;
var header_data = new Buffer(buffer_size);
var poscount = 0;
// todo need to encode the length correctly
header_data[poscount++] = 0;
header_data[poscount++] = header_count;
for(key in headers)
if(typeof headers[key] == 'string')
// todo need to encode the length correctly
header_data[poscount++] = 0;
header_data[poscount++] = key.length;
header_data.write(key, poscount, 'binary');
poscount += key.length;
// todo need to encode the length correctly
header_data[poscount++] = 0;
header_data[poscount++] = headers[key].length;
header_data.write(headers[key], poscount, 'binary');
poscount += headers[key].length;
return header_data;
function spdySendData(sock, data, stream_id, flags)
Put().word8((DATA_FRAME_ID << 7) & 0x80)
.word24be(stream_id) // todo this should be combined with the control bit
function spdySendHeaders(sock, headers, stream_id, flags)
var headers_raw = encodeHeaders(headers);
zlib.deflateSetDictionary(new Buffer(DICT, 'binary'));
var compressed_headers = zlib.deflate(headers_raw);
Put().word8((CONTROL_FRAME_ID << 7) & 0x80)
.word24be(6 + compressed_headers.length)
.word32be(stream_id) // todo this is really 31 bits
function spdyParser(sock)
var bufferList = new BufferList;
sock.addListener('data', function (data)
// todo this probably needs to repeat until a FIN is seen in frame_flags?
var spdyParser = Binary(bufferList)
vars.control_bit = vars.control >> 7 & 0x01;
.when('control_bit', CONTROL_FRAME_ID, function(vars)
//console.log('Got control frame');
vars.frame_version = (vars.control & 0x7F << 8) + vars.version_tmp;
.when('frame_type', CF_SYN_STREAM, function(vars)
//console.log('Got syn stream: ' + vars.frame_length);
this.getWord32be('stream_id') // todo 31 bits
.getWord32be('assoc_stream_id') // todo 31 bits
.getWord8('priority_tmp') // todo 2 bits
vars.priority = (vars.priority & 0xC0) >> 6;
.getBuffer('compressed_headers', vars.frame_length - 10)
var header_dc = zlib.inflate(vars.compressed_headers, new Buffer(DICT, 'binary'));
var header_count = (header_dc[0] << 8) + header_dc[1];
var headers = extractHeaders(header_dc, header_count);
spdyParser.emit('spdy-headers', headers, vars.stream_id);
.when('frame_flags', FLAG_FIN, function(vars)
console.log('got FLAG_FIN');
.when('frame_type', CF_SYN_REPLY, function(vars) { console.log('CF_SYN_REPLY not implemented yet'); })
.when('frame_type', CF_RST_STREAM, function(vars) { console.log('CF_RST_STREAM not implemented yet'); })
.when('frame_type', CF_SETTINGS, function(vars) { console.log('CF_SETTINGS not implemented yet'); })
.when('frame_type', CF_NOOP, function(vars) { console.log('CF_NOOP not implemented yet'); })
.when('frame_type', CF_PING, function(vars) { console.log('CF_PING not implemented yet'); })
.when('frame_type', CF_GOAWAY, function(vars) { console.log('CF_GOAWAY not implemented yet'); })
.when('frame_type', CF_HEADERS, function(vars) { console.log('CF_HEADERS not implemented yet'); })
.when('frame_type', CF_WINDOW_UPDATE, function(vars) { console.log('CF_WINDOW_UPDATE not implemented yet'); })
.when('control_bit', DATA_FRAME_ID, function(vars)
console.log('Got data frame');
// todo
return spdyParser;
function proxyRequest(headers, stream_id, sock)
var proxy = http.createClient(80, '');
var proxy_request = proxy.request(headers['method'], headers['url'], {'host': ''});
console.log('Making proxy request: ' + headers['method'] + ' and ' + headers['url']);
proxy_request.addListener('response', function (proxy_response)
proxy_response.addListener('data', function(chunk)
spdySendData(sock, chunk, stream_id, FLAG_NONE);
proxy_response.addListener('end', function()
spdySendData(sock, '', stream_id, FLAG_FIN);
response_headers = proxy_response.headers;
response_headers['version'] = 'HTTP/' + proxy_response.httpVersion;
response_headers['status'] = '' + proxy_response.statusCode;
spdySendHeaders(sock, response_headers, stream_id, FLAG_NONE);
var ccount = 0;
tls.createServer(options, function (s)
console.log('got client connection: ' + ccount);
s.addListener('end', function () { console.log('Stream end: ' + ccount); ccount--; });
var parser = spdyParser(s);
parser.addListener('spdy-headers', function(headers, stream_id)
proxyRequest(headers, stream_id, s);
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