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Last active July 26, 2021 07:59
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CUDA broadcasting vs kernel
# ==============================================================================
# Example program for CUDA Julia tutorial
# Written by: Carsten Bauer
# ==============================================================================
using BenchmarkTools
using CUDA
using Printf
function saxpy_gpu_kernel!(z,a,x,y)
i = (blockIdx().x - 1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
if i <= length(z)
@inbounds z[i] = a * x[i] + y[i]
return nothing
function saxpy_gpu!(z,a,x,y; threads_per_block, num_blocks)
CUDA.@sync begin
@cuda threads=threads_per_block blocks=num_blocks saxpy_gpu_kernel!(z,a,x,y)
t_start = time_ns()
# define the dimension of the arrays used in the SAXPY
dim = 100_000_000
# define a constant a for the SAXPY
a = 3.1415
# query how many threads per block are available on the GPU
threads_per_block = CUDA.attribute(device(), CUDA.DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK)
# compute how many blocks we need to use for the given `dim`
num_blocks = ceil(Int, dim/threads_per_block)
# allocate GPU memory for the SAXPY
# (Float32 is the default type for CuArrays)
x = CUDA.ones(dim)
y = CUDA.ones(dim)
z = CUDA.zeros(dim)
# perform SAXPY
t_saxpy_kernel = @belapsed saxpy_gpu!(z,a,x,y; num_blocks, threads_per_block)
t_saxpy_broadc = @belapsed CUDA.@sync z .= a .* x .+ y
# free the used GPU memory (optional)
# Hint: CUDA.memory_status() can be used to check the memory usage of the GPU
x, y, z = nothing, nothing, nothing
t_end = time_ns()
t_total = (t_end - t_start) * 10^(-9)
println("Computed SAXPY of dimension: ", dim)
println("Total program took: ", round(t_total, digits=9), "s")
@printf("SAXPY (gpu, broadcasting) average took: %.9fs \n", t_saxpy_broadc)
@printf("SAXPY (gpu, kernel, parallel) average took: %.9fs", t_saxpy_kernel)
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carstenbauer commented Jul 24, 2021

On a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650, I get

Computed SAXPY of dimension: 100000000
Total program took: 21.720136681s
SAXPY (gpu, broadcasting) average took: 0.008295592s
SAXPY (gpu, kernel, parallel) average took: 0.012205060s 

Why is the broadcasting version faster?

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carstenbauer commented Jul 24, 2021

UPDATE: In the original version, I had mixed up the printing. The broadcasting version was always the faster one but it was printed with the kernel timings.

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