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Created April 26, 2023 13:14
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# Equations:
# ∂P/∂t = -k(∂Vx/∂x + ∂Vy/∂y)
# ∂Vx/∂t = -1/ρ ∂P/∂x
# ∂Vy/∂t = -1/ρ ∂P/∂y
# => Update rules:
# Vx = Vx - Δt/ρ ΔP/Δx
# Vy = Vy - Δt/ρ ΔP/Δy
# P = P - Δt*k (Δ(Vx)/Δx + Δ(Vy)/Δy)
using Plots
using Printf
const PROBLEM_SIZE = 255
@views function acoustic_2D_animation()
# physical parameters
lx, ly = 40.0, 40.0 # domain extends
k = 1.0 # bulk modulus
ρ = 1.0 # density
t = 0.0 # physical time
# plotting
nout = 20
# spatial grid
dx, dy = lx / (nx - 1), ly / (ny - 1)
xc, yc = (-lx / 2):dx:(lx / 2), (-ly / 2):dy:(ly / 2)
# time discretization
dt = min(dx, dy) / sqrt(k / ρ) / 4.1
nt = 1000 # timesteps
# initial condition
P = [exp(-((ix - 1) * dx - 0.3 * lx)^2 - ((iy - 1) * dy - 0.5 * ly)^2) +
exp(-((ix - 1) * dx - 0.7 * lx)^2 - ((iy - 1) * dy - 0.5 * ly)^2)
for ix in 1:nx, iy in 1:ny]
# preallocation
Vx = zeros(nx - 1, ny - 2)
Vy = zeros(nx - 2, ny - 1)
# time loop
anim = Animation(mktempdir(), String[])
for it in 1:nt
# -------- stencil kernel --------
# Velocities
Vx .= Vx .- dt ./ ρ .* diff(P[:, 2:(end - 1)], dims = 1) ./ dx
Vy .= Vy .- dt ./ ρ .* diff(P[2:(end - 1), :], dims = 2) ./ dy
# Pressure
P[2:(end - 1), 2:(end - 1)] .= P[2:(end - 1), 2:(end - 1)] .-
dt .* k .* (diff(Vx, dims = 1) ./ dx .+
diff(Vy, dims = 2) ./ dy)
# Time
t += dt
# --------------------------------
# plotting
if mod(it, nout) == 0
heatmap(xc, yc, P', xlabel = "x", ylabel = "y", title = "Pressure, i=$it",
colormap = :viridis, clims = (0.0, 0.2))
gif(anim, "acoustic_wave_animation.gif", fps = 15)
return nothing
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