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Last active March 21, 2023 16:52
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Monte Carlo Pi Error
function run_experiment(N; saverate=1)
hits = 0
dist = Uniform(-1,1)
is = Int64[]
pis = Float64[]
for i in 1:N
x, y = rand(dist), rand(dist)
# speed-up computation by omiting sqrt
if (x^2 + y^2) <= 1
hits += 1
if (i-1)%saverate == 0
push!(is, i)
push!(pis, 4.0*hits/i)
return is,pis
function plot_ensemble( ; Nrep=10, N=5000, saverate=1)
f = Figure(resolution = (600,600), transparency=true)
ax = Axis(f[1, 1], title="Quality of Approximation for $(Nrep) repetitions with $(Nrep) iterations")
ylims!(ax, π-0.1, π+0.1)
hlines!([π], color=:red, linewidth=1)
for i=1:Nrep
is, pis = run_experiment(N; saverate)
lines!(is, pis, linewidth=1)
# statistical error analysis:
# probability of hitting the circle is π/4
# binomial distribution has variance: var(k) = n*p(1-p), where k = hitting the circle
# hence, σ = sqrt(var(4*k/N)) = sqrt(4^2*var(k)/N^2) = 4*sqrt(N*p(1-p)/N^2) = 4*sqrt(p*(1-p)/N)
p = pi/4
σ(x) = 4*sqrt(p*(1-p)/x)
# plot statistical error "envelopes"
xs = 1:N
ys = σ.(xs)
# 95%
lines!(xs, π .+ (2 .* ys), color=:red, linewidth=2)
lines!(xs, π .- (2 .* ys), color=:red, linewidth=2)
# 99%
lines!(xs, π .+ (3 .* ys), color=:blue, linewidth=2)
lines!(xs, π .- (3 .* ys), color=:blue, linewidth=2)
return f
plot_ensemble(; Nrep=500, N=1_000_000, saverate=10_000)
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