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Created April 14, 2017 11:37
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
} coord;
typedef struct {
coord position;
int possibleSteps;
} extCoord;
bool *board;
int sizeX, sizeY;
int *steps;
const coord invalid = { .x = -1, .y = -1};
* Returns whether a calculated position is withing the board boundaries.
* coord pos: The position which is checked.
bool checkValid(coord pos) {
return pos.x < sizeX && pos.y < sizeY && pos.x >= 0 && pos.y >= 0;
* Returns whether a field has already been visited or not.
* coord pos: The position which is checked.
bool getFieldVal(coord pos) {
if (checkValid(pos)) {
return *(board + pos.y*sizeX + pos.x);
} else {
return true;
* Sets the value of a field to true or false.
* coord pos: The position which is set.
void setFieldVal(coord pos, bool val) {
*(board + pos.y*sizeX + pos.x) = val;
* Returns a coordinate, which is calculated from the fieldnumber and the
* given position.
* coord pos: the given position
* int fieldNumber: indicates which coordinate relative to the position will
* be returned
coord getFieldByNumber(coord pos, int fieldNumber, int modifier) {
fieldNumber = (fieldNumber + modifier)%8;
if (modifier >= 8) fieldNumber = (fieldNumber + 4)%8;
switch (fieldNumber) {
case 0:
pos.x += 2;
pos.y += 1;
case 1:
pos.x += 2;
pos.y -= 1;
case 2:
pos.x -= 2;
pos.y += 1;
case 3:
pos.x -= 2;
pos.y -= 1;
case 4:
pos.x += 1;
pos.y += 2;
case 5:
pos.x += 1;
pos.y -= 2;
case 6:
pos.x -= 1;
pos.y += 2;
case 7:
pos.x -= 1;
pos.y -= 2;
return pos;
* Adds a step to the step array for the result output.
* int step: The number of the step which is added.
* coord pos: Coordinates of the step which is added.
bool addStepToSteps(coord pos, int step) {
if (step < sizeX * sizeY) {
*(steps + pos.y*sizeX + pos.x) = step;
return true;
} else {
* Returns how many steps can be performed from this field
* after having moved one step further.
* coord initial: The field from which the steps are counted.
int countPossibleSteps(coord initial) {
int result = 0;
coord buffer;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
buffer = getFieldByNumber(initial, i, 0);
if(!getFieldVal(buffer)) {
return result;
int compare (const void * a, const void * b) {
extCoord aExt = *(extCoord*)a;
extCoord bExt = *(extCoord*)b;
int res = aExt.possibleSteps - bExt.possibleSteps;
if (res == 0) {
// If two positions have the same amount of possible steps,
// the Euclidian distance between each position and the
// middlepoint of the board are compared to speed up
// the algorithm.
double distA = sqrt( pow((sizeX-1)/2.0 - aExt.position.x,2) + pow((sizeY-1)/2.0 - aExt.position.y,2));
double distB = sqrt( pow((sizeX-1)/2.0 - bExt.position.x,2) + pow((sizeY-1)/2.0 - bExt.position.y,2));
return distA - distB;
} else {
return res;
* Returns if a knights tour is possible and fills the steps array
* with the route of the knights tour.
* coord pos: Current position of the method.
* final pos: Final position which the method tries to reach, if there
* is no given final position it is -1 , -1.
* int counter: Counts the moved steps to check if the method is finished,
* the starting value is 0.
* int *tries: pointer to an int which displays the left tries, until the
* method returns false and terminates.
* int modifier: Modifies the order in which the next step is calculated.
bool backTrackingAlgorithm(coord pos, coord final, int counter, int modifier) {
setFieldVal(pos, true);
if (counter == (sizeX * sizeY - 1)) {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
coord buffer = getFieldByNumber(pos, i, 0);
if ((buffer.x == final.x && buffer.y == final.y)
|| (final.x == -1 && final.y == -1)) {
addStepToSteps(pos, counter);
return true;
setFieldVal(pos, false);
return false;
extCoord followingSteps[8] =
{.possibleSteps = -1}, {.possibleSteps = -1},
{.possibleSteps = -1}, {.possibleSteps = -1},
{.possibleSteps = -1}, {.possibleSteps = -1},
{.possibleSteps = -1}, {.possibleSteps = -1}
// Tries to execute all possible moves from the current field.
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
coord buffer = getFieldByNumber(pos, i, modifier);
if (!getFieldVal(buffer)) {
followingSteps[i].possibleSteps = countPossibleSteps(buffer);
followingSteps[i].position = buffer;
// Sort the positions from where the least amount
// of steps are possible to speed up the algorithm.
qsort(followingSteps, 8, sizeof(extCoord), compare);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
if (followingSteps[j].possibleSteps != -1) {
if (backTrackingAlgorithm(followingSteps[j].position, final,
counter + 1, modifier)) {
addStepToSteps(pos, counter);
return true;
setFieldVal(pos, false);
return false;
/* Returns if a solution is possible, and fills the steps array with the
* needed steps to perform the knights tour. Tries different modifier for
* the backtracking method.
* coord pos: Current position of the method.
* final pos: Final position which the method tries to reach, if there
bool backTracking(coord initial, coord final) {
int maxTries = sizeX * sizeY - 1;
while (true) {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
int tries = maxTries;
if (backTrackingAlgorithm(initial, final, 0, &tries, i)) return true;
maxTries *= 2;
return backTrackingAlgorithm(initial, final, 0 , 0);
* Returns if there is a possible solution for the knights tour
* on the current field size.
* If found, the solution is saved in steps.
* coord initial: Coordinate at which the knights tour starts.
bool startBackTracking(coord initial) {
if( (sizeX % 2 != 0 && sizeY % 2 != 0) && (initial.x + initial.y) % 2 != 0 ) {
printf("This position combined with this specific board size has no solution.\n");
return false;
return backTracking(initial, invalid);
* Returns true if there is a possible solution for a closed knights tour
* on the current field size.
* If found, the solution is saved in steps.
* coord initial: Coordinate at which the knights tour starts and ends.
bool startBackTrackingClosed(coord initial) {
if( (sizeX % 2 != 0 && sizeY % 2 != 0) || (sizeX==1||sizeX==2||sizeX==4)
|| (sizeX==3 && (sizeY==4||sizeY==6||sizeY==8) ) ) {
printf("This specific board size does not have a closed solution.\n");
return false;
return backTracking(initial, initial);
// Input & Output
* (Re-)Initialize board and step array with the values 0.
void resetBoardAndSteps() {
board = (bool *)calloc(sizeX * sizeY, sizeof(bool));
steps = (int *)calloc(sizeX * sizeY, sizeof(int));
* Returns how many digits one number has.
* int num: The number of which the digits are counted.
int lengthInt(int num) {
int result = 0;
while (num != 0 ) {
num /= 10;
return result;
* Prints out a grid of the order with which the Knight moved.
void printSteps() {
int stepsAmount = sizeX*sizeY;
int magnitude = lengthInt(stepsAmount);
char printfFormat[30] = "%0";
char magnitudeString[10];
* printfFormat = "%0Xd\n"
* X is the number of digits that the largest step contains
* Used to print out leading 0's so the grid stays aligned
sprintf(magnitudeString, "%d", magnitude);
strcat(printfFormat, magnitudeString);
strcat(printfFormat, "d ");
for(int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++) {
printf(printfFormat, *(steps + y*sizeX + x) + 1);
* Flushes the standard input stream to "clean" unused input
* Source:
void flushStdIn() {
int ch;
while(((ch = getchar()) !='\n') && (ch != EOF));
* Prompts for an integer between 0 and an upper Limit
* char prompt[]: String that is displayed to the user as a prompt
* int upperLimit: Limits the integer which can be input
int promptForDigitsWithLimit(char prompt[], int upperLimit) {
while(true) {
int input;
printf("%s: ", prompt);
if (scanf("%d", &input) <= 0) {
printf("Input must be a number.\n");
} else if (input > upperLimit && upperLimit != -1) {
printf("Number can't be greater than %d.\n", upperLimit);
} else if (input <= 0) {
printf("Number must be greater than 0.\n");
} else {
return input;
* Prompt for an integer larger than 0
* char prompt[]: String that is displayed to the user as a prompt
int promptForDigits(char prompt[]) {
return promptForDigitsWithLimit(prompt, -1);
* Prompts the user for the board size and sets the according variables
void setupBoardSize() {
sizeX = promptForDigits("Board Size (x)");
sizeY = promptForDigits("Board Size (y)");
* Prompts the user for the Initial or Destination X and Y Positions
* and returns a coord variable with these values
* char option[]: Prefixes the prompt to indicateIntitial/Destination positions
coord setupPosition(char option[]) {
int length = strlen(option) + 12;
char *stringXPos = malloc(length * sizeof(char));
char *stringYPos = malloc(length * sizeof(char));
strcat(stringXPos, option);
strcat(stringXPos, " X Position");
strcat(stringYPos, option);
strcat(stringYPos, " Y Position");
coord setup = {
// Subtract 1 from the given input to go from 1-indexed to 0-indexed.
.x = promptForDigitsWithLimit(stringXPos, sizeX) - 1,
.y = promptForDigitsWithLimit(stringYPos, sizeY) - 1
return setup;
int main() {
printf("1: Startfeld wird vom Programm gewählt.\n");
printf("2: Startfeld wird vom Anwender frei gewählt.\n");
printf("3: Startfeld wird vom Anwender frei gewählt, der Springer geht einen geschlossenen Pfad.\n");
int option = promptForDigitsWithLimit("Wählen Sie bitte zwischen den Optionen 1, 2 und 3 aus", 3);
bool result = false;
coord initial;
switch (option) {
case 1: { // open tour with initial values pre-defined
printf("Starting at Position (1,1).\n");
coord initial = { .x = 0 , .y = 0 };
result = startBackTracking(initial);
case 2: { // open tour
initial = setupPosition("Initial");
result = startBackTracking(initial);
case 3: { // closed tour
initial = setupPosition("Initial");
result = startBackTrackingClosed(initial);
if(result) {
printf("\nA solution has been found!\n");
printf("\nSolution Steps:\n\n");
} else {
printf("No solution could be found, please try other values!\n");
printf("Press enter to exit the program.");
return 0;
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