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Last active May 29, 2024 04:05
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Show post_type slug, post_type labels or post_type supports using this bound block.
"meta": {
"title": "Install mu-plugin from a gist",
"author": "carstenbach",
"description": "Install and activate a WordPress must-use plugin from a .php file stored in a gist.",
"categories": [
"landingPage": "/wp-admin/post.php?post=4&action=edit",
"preferredVersions": {
"wp": "beta",
"php": "8.0"
"steps": [
"step": "login"
"step": "writeFile",
"path": "/wordpress/wp-content/",
"data": {
"resource": "url",
"url": ""
"step": "wp-cli",
"command": "wp post create --post_title='post_type bound block' --post_status='published' /wordpress/wp-content/"
"step": "writeFile",
"path": "/wordpress/wp-content/mu-plugins/0-plugin.php",
"data": {
"resource": "url",
"url": ""
* Plugin Name: 'post_type' Block via Block Bindings API
* Description: Show post_type slug, post_type labels or post_type supports using this bound block.
* Author: Carsten Bach, Liam Gladdy
* Version: 0.1-alpha1
* @package cbprototype
* @link
* @see Based on the skeleton of
* @example 1 Get the current post type slug.
* <!-- wp:paragraph {
* "placeholder":"POST TYPE",
* "metadata":{
* "bindings":{
* "content":{
* "source":"cbprototype/posttype",
* }
* },
* "name":"POST TYPE"
* }
* } -->
* <p></p>
* <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
* @example 2 Get a specific label from the current post type.
* @see
* <!-- wp:paragraph {
* "placeholder":"POST TYPE (label:singular_name)",
* "metadata":{
* "bindings":{
* "content":{
* "source":"cbprototype/posttype",
* "args": {
* "label":"singular_name"
* }
* }
* },
* "name":"POST TYPE (label:singular_name)"
* }
* } -->
* <p></p>
* <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
* @example 3 Get a specific post_type_support from the current post type.
* @see
* @see
* <!-- wp:paragraph {
* "placeholder":"POST TYPE (support:author)",
* "metadata":{
* "bindings":{
* "content":{
* "source":"cbprototype/posttype",
* "args": {
* "support":"author"
* }
* }
* },
* "name":"POST TYPE (support:author)"
* }
* } -->
* <p></p>
* <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
* Register plugin bindings on init.
* @since 0.1
function () {
// Do some checking ... maybe.
// And start.
* Handle returing the block binding value for the current post type.
* @since 0.1
* @param array $source_args An array of arguments passed via the metadata.bindings.$attribute.args property from the block.
* @param WP_Block $block_instance The current instance of the block the binding is connected to as a WP_Block object.
* @param mixed $attribute_name The current attribute set via the metadata.bindings.$attribute property on the block.
* @return string The block binding value
function cbprototype_get_block_binding_post_value( $source_args, $block_instance ) {
// If no 'label' or 'support' argument is set, bail early with the current post type.
if ( ! isset( $source_args['label'] ) && ! isset( $source_args['support'] ) ) {
// Get the post type from context.
return ( $block_instance->context['postType'] )
? sprintf(
__( '<code>%s</code>', 'cbprototype' ),
: null;
// Get the post type from context.
$post_type = $block_instance->context['postType'];
$post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type );
// If 'label' argument is set, return with the requested label of the current post type.
if ( ! empty( $source_args['label'] ) && $post_type_object instanceof WP_Post_Type ) {
// Check if this is an accepted key of a post_type_label.
if ( property_exists( $post_type_object->labels, $source_args['label'] ) ) {
return $post_type_object->labels->{$source_args['label']};
// If 'support' argument is set, return with the requested post_type_support of the current post type.
if ( ! empty( $source_args['support'] ) && $post_type ) {
$supports = get_all_post_type_supports( $post_type );
// Check if this is an accepted post_type_support key and if it is enabled.
$support = ( isset( $supports[ $source_args['support'] ] ) && $supports[ $source_args['support'] ] ) ? '✅' : '🚫';
return sprintf(
__( '<code>%1$s</code> %2$s', 'cbprototype' ),
return null;
* Registers the "cbprototype/posttype" source for the Block Bindings API.
* This allows you to access the post type of the current post.
* @since 0.1
* $source_name: A unique name for your custom binding source in the form of namespace/slug.
* $source_properties: An array of properties to define your binding source:
* label: An internationalized text string to represent the binding source. Note: this is not currently shown anywhere in the UI.
* get_value_callback: A PHP callable (function, closure, etc.) that is called when a block’s attribute matches the $source_name parameter.
* uses_context: (Optional) Extends the block instance with an array of contexts if needed for the callback.
* For example, if you need the current post ID, you’d set this to [ 'postId' ].
function register_cbprototype_block_bindings_source() {
'label' => __( 'Post Type', 'cbprototype' ),
'get_value_callback' => 'cbprototype_get_block_binding_post_value',
'uses_context' => [ 'postType' ],
Show post_type slug, post_type labels or post_type supports using this bound block.
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