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Created August 16, 2012 00:44
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possible 7.6rc1 bug?
cabal configure ; cabal build 1 ↵
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring idris-0.9.3...
rm -f closure.o libidris_rts.a
Building idris-0.9.3...
Preprocessing executable 'idris' for idris-0.9.3...
[ 1 of 41] Compiling Util.Pretty ( src/Util/Pretty.hs, dist/build/idris/idris-tmp/Util/Pretty.o )
[ 2 of 41] Compiling Core.TT ( src/Core/TT.hs, dist/build/idris/idris-tmp/Core/TT.o )
Could not deduce (Ord a0)
arising from the ambiguity check for `prettySb'
from the context (Eq a1, Num a, Ord a, Show a1, Pretty a1)
bound by the inferred type for `prettySb':
(Eq a1, Num a, Ord a, Show a1, Pretty a1) =>
[(a1, Binder (TT a1))] -> a1 -> Binder (TT a1) -> Bool -> Doc
at src/Core/TT.hs:(624,5)-(661,42)
The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Ord Name -- Defined at src/Core/TT.hs:160:17
instance Ord Const -- Defined at src/Core/TT.hs:242:17
instance Ord b => Ord (Binder b)
-- Defined at src/Core/TT.hs:300:23 32 others
When checking that `prettySb'
has the inferred type `forall a a1.
(Eq a1, Num a, Ord a, Show a1, Pretty a1) =>
[(a1, Binder (TT a1))] -> a1 -> Binder (TT a1) -> Bool -> Doc'
Probable cause: the inferred type is ambiguous
In an equation for `prettyEnv':
prettyEnv env t
= prettyEnv' env t False
prettyEnv' env t dbg = prettySe 10 env t dbg
bracket outer inner p
| inner > outer = lparen <> p <> rparen
| otherwise = p
prettySe p env (P nt n t) debug
= pretty n
if debug then
lbrack <+> pretty nt <+> colon <+> prettySe 10 env t debug
<+> rbrack
prettySe p env (V i) debug
| i < length env
= if debug then
text . show . fst $ env !! i
lbrack <+> text (show i) <+> rbrack
| otherwise = text "unbound" <+> text (show i) <+> text "!"
prettySe p env (Bind n b@(Pi t) sc) debug
| noOccurrence n sc && not debug
= bracket p 2
$ prettySb env n b debug <> prettySe 10 ((n, b) : env) sc debug
prettySe p env (Bind n b sc) debug
= bracket p 2
$ prettySb env n b debug <> prettySe 10 ((n, b) : env) sc debug
prettySe p env (App f a) debug
= bracket p 1 $ prettySe 1 env f debug <+> prettySe 0 env a debug
prettySe p env (Constant c) debug = pretty c
prettySe p env Erased debug = text "[_]"
prettySe p env (Set i) debug = text "Set" <+> (text . show $ i)
prettySb env n (Lam t) = prettyB env "\955" "=>" n t
prettySb env n (Hole t) = prettyB env "?defer" "." n t
prettySb env n (Pi t) = prettyB env "(" ") ->" n t
prettySb env n (PVar t) = prettyB env "pat" "." n t
prettySb env n (PVTy t) = prettyB env "pty" "." n t
prettySb env n (Let t v) = prettyBv env "let" "in" n t v
prettySb env n (Guess t v) = prettyBv env "??" "in" n t v
Could not deduce (Ord a0) arising from the ambiguity check for `sb'
from the context (Eq a1, Num a, Ord a, Show a1)
bound by the inferred type for `sb':
(Eq a1, Num a, Ord a, Show a1) =>
[(a1, Binder (TT a1))] -> a1 -> Binder (TT a1) -> [Char]
at src/Core/TT.hs:(665,5)-(689,46)
The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Ord Name -- Defined at src/Core/TT.hs:160:17
instance Ord Const -- Defined at src/Core/TT.hs:242:17
instance Ord b => Ord (Binder b)
-- Defined at src/Core/TT.hs:300:23 32 others
When checking that `sb'
has the inferred type `forall a a1.
(Eq a1, Num a, Ord a, Show a1) =>
[(a1, Binder (TT a1))] -> a1 -> Binder (TT a1) -> [Char]'
Probable cause: the inferred type is ambiguous
In an equation for showEnv':
showEnv' env t dbg
= se 10 env t
se p env (P nt n t)
= show n
if dbg then "{" ++ show nt ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ "}" else ""
se p env (V i)
| i < length env
= (show $ fst $ env !! i)
++ if dbg then "{" ++ show i ++ "}" else ""
| otherwise = "!!V " ++ show i ++ "!!"
se p env (Bind n b@(Pi t) sc)
| noOccurrence n sc && not dbg
= bracket p 2 $ se 1 env t ++ " -> " ++ se 10 ((n, b) : env) sc
se p env (Bind n b sc)
= bracket p 2 $ sb env n b ++ se 10 ((n, b) : env) sc
se p env (App f a) = bracket p 1 $ se 1 env f ++ " " ++ se 0 env a
se p env (Constant c) = show c
se p env Erased = "[__]"
se p env (Set i) = "Set " ++ show i
sb env n (Lam t) = showb env "\\ " " => " n t
sb env n (Hole t) = showb env "? " ". " n t
sb env n (GHole t) = showb env "?defer " ". " n t
sb env n (Pi t) = showb env "(" ") -> " n t
sb env n (PVar t) = showb env "pat " ". " n t
sb env n (PVTy t) = showb env "pty " ". " n t
sb env n (Let t v) = showbv env "let " " in " n t v
sb env n (Guess t v) = showbv env "?? " " in " n t v
showb env op sc n t = op ++ show n ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ sc
showbv env op sc n t v
= op
++ show n ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ " = " ++ se 10 env v ++ sc
reprocessing executable 'idris' for idris-0.9.3...
[ 2 of 41] Compiling Core.TT ( src/Core/TT.hs, dist/build/idris/idris-tmp/Core/TT.o )
Ambiguous constraint `Num a'
At least one of the forall'd type variables mentioned by the constraint
must be reachable from the type after the '=>'
In the type signature for `prettyEnv':
prettyEnv :: (Eq a1, Num a, Ord a, Show a1, Pretty a1) =>
[(a1, Binder (TT a1))] -> a1 -> Binder (TT a1) -> Bool -> Doc
Ambiguous constraint `Ord a'
At least one of the forall'd type variables mentioned by the constraint
must be reachable from the type after the '=>'
In the type signature for `prettyEnv':
prettyEnv :: (Eq a1, Num a, Ord a, Show a1, Pretty a1) =>
[(a1, Binder (TT a1))] -> a1 -> Binder (TT a1) -> Bool -> Doc
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, DeriveFunctor #-}
module Core.TT where
import Control.Monad.State
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import Data.Binary hiding (get, put)
import Util.Pretty hiding (Str)
{- The language has:
* Full dependent types
* A hierarchy of universes, with cumulativity: Set : Set1, Set1 : Set2, ...
* Pattern matching letrec binding
* (primitive types defined externally)
Some technical stuff:
* Typechecker is kept as simple as possible
- no unification, just a checker for incomplete terms.
* We have a simple collection of tactics which we use to elaborate source
programs with implicit syntax into fully explicit terms.
data Option = SetInSet
| CheckConv
deriving Eq
data FC = FC { fc_fname :: String,
fc_line :: Int }
deriving Eq
deriving instance Binary FC
instance Sized FC where
size (FC f l) = 1 + length f
instance Show FC where
show (FC f l) = f ++ ":" ++ show l
data Err = Msg String
| InternalMsg String
| CantUnify Term Term Err [(Name, Type)] Int -- Int is 'score' - how much we did unify
| NoSuchVariable Name
| NotInjective Term Term Term
| CantResolve Term
| CantResolveAlts [String]
| IncompleteTerm Term
| UniverseError
| ProgramLineComment
| Inaccessible Name
| At FC Err
deriving Eq
instance Sized Err where
size (Msg msg) = length msg
size (InternalMsg msg) = length msg
size (CantUnify left right err _ score) = size left + size right + size err
size (NoSuchVariable name) = size name
size (NotInjective l c r) = size l + size c + size r
size (CantResolve trm) = size trm
size (CantResolveAlts _) = 1
size (IncompleteTerm trm) = size trm
size UniverseError = 1
size ProgramLineComment = 1
size (At fc err) = size fc + size err
size (Inaccessible _) = 1
score :: Err -> Int
score (CantUnify _ _ m _ s) = s + score m
score (CantResolve _) = 20
score (NoSuchVariable _) = 1000
score _ = 0
instance Show Err where
show (Msg s) = s
show (InternalMsg s) = "Internal error: " ++ show s
show (CantUnify l r e sc i) = "CantUnify " ++ show l ++ " " ++ show r ++ " "
++ show e ++ " in " ++ show sc ++ " " ++ show i
show (Inaccessible n) = show n ++ " is not an accessible pattern variable"
show _ = "Error"
instance Pretty Err where
pretty (Msg m) = text m
pretty (CantUnify l r e _ i) =
if size l + size r > breakingSize then
text "Cannot unify" <+> colon $$
nest nestingSize (pretty l <+> text "and" <+> pretty r) $$
nest nestingSize (text "where" <+> pretty e <+> text "with" <+> (text . show $ i))
text "Cannot unify" <+> colon <+> pretty l <+> text "and" <+> pretty r $$
nest nestingSize (text "where" <+> pretty e <+> text "with" <+> (text . show $ i))
pretty _ = text "Error"
data TC a = OK a
| Error Err
deriving (Eq, Functor)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (TC a) where
pretty (OK ok) = pretty ok
pretty (Error err) =
if size err > breakingSize then
text "Error" <+> colon $$ (nest nestingSize $ pretty err)
text "Error" <+> colon <+> pretty err
instance Show a => Show (TC a) where
show (OK x) = show x
show (Error str) = "Error: " ++ show str
-- at some point, this instance should also carry type checking options
-- (e.g. Set:Set)
instance Monad TC where
return = OK
x >>= k = case x of
OK v -> k v
Error e -> Error e
fail e = Error (InternalMsg e)
tfail :: Err -> TC a
tfail e = Error e
trun :: FC -> TC a -> TC a
trun fc (OK a) = OK a
trun fc (Error e) = Error (At fc e)
instance MonadPlus TC where
mzero = fail "Unknown error"
(OK x) `mplus` _ = OK x
_ `mplus` (OK y) = OK y
err `mplus` _ = err
discard :: Monad m => m a -> m ()
discard f = f >> return ()
showSep :: String -> [String] -> String
showSep sep [] = ""
showSep sep [x] = x
showSep sep (x:xs) = x ++ sep ++ showSep sep xs
pmap f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
traceWhen True msg a = trace msg a
traceWhen False _ a = a
-- RAW TERMS ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Names are hierarchies of strings, describing scope (so no danger of
-- duplicate names, but need to be careful on lookup).
-- Also MN for machine chosen names
data Name = UN String
| NS Name [String] -- root, namespaces
| MN Int String
deriving (Eq, Ord)
deriving instance Binary Name
instance Sized Name where
size (UN n) = 1
size (NS n els) = 1 + length els
size (MN i n) = 1
instance Pretty Name where
pretty (UN n) = text n
pretty (NS n s) = pretty n
pretty (MN i s) = lbrace <+> text s <+> (text . show $ i) <+> rbrace
instance Show Name where
show (UN n) = n
show (NS n s) = showSep "." (reverse s) ++ "." ++ show n
show (MN i s) = "{" ++ s ++ show i ++ "}"
-- Contexts allow us to map names to things. A root name maps to a collection
-- of things in different namespaces with that name.
type Ctxt a = Map.Map Name (Map.Map Name a)
emptyContext = Map.empty
nsroot (NS n _) = n
nsroot n = n
addDef :: Name -> a -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
addDef n v ctxt = case Map.lookup (nsroot n) ctxt of
Nothing -> Map.insert (nsroot n)
(Map.insert n v Map.empty) ctxt
Just xs -> Map.insert (nsroot n)
(Map.insert n v xs) ctxt
{- lookup a name in the context, given an optional namespace.
The name (n) may itself have a (partial) namespace given.
Rules for resolution:
- if an explicit namespace is given, return the names which match it. If none
match, return all names.
- if the name has has explicit namespace given, return the names which match it
and ignore the given namespace.
- otherwise, return all names.
lookupCtxtName :: Maybe [String] -> Name -> Ctxt a -> [(Name, a)]
lookupCtxtName nspace n ctxt = case Map.lookup (nsroot n) ctxt of
Just xs -> filterNS (Map.toList xs)
Nothing -> []
filterNS [] = []
filterNS ((found, v) : xs)
| nsmatch n found = (found, v) : filterNS xs
| otherwise = filterNS xs
nsmatch (NS n ns) (NS p ps) = ns `isPrefixOf` ps
nsmatch (NS _ _) _ = False
nsmatch looking found = True
lookupCtxt :: Maybe [String] -> Name -> Ctxt a -> [a]
lookupCtxt ns n ctxt = map snd (lookupCtxtName ns n ctxt)
updateDef :: Name -> (a -> a) -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
updateDef n f ctxt
= let ds = lookupCtxtName Nothing n ctxt in
foldr (\ (n, t) c -> addDef n (f t) c) ctxt ds
toAlist :: Ctxt a -> [(Name, a)]
toAlist ctxt = let allns = map snd (Map.toList ctxt) in
concat (map (Map.toList) allns)
addAlist :: Show a => [(Name, a)] -> Ctxt a -> Ctxt a
addAlist [] ctxt = ctxt
addAlist ((n, tm) : ds) ctxt = addDef n tm (addAlist ds ctxt)
data Const = I Int | BI Integer | Fl Double | Ch Char | Str String
| IType | BIType | FlType | ChType | StrType
| PtrType | VoidType | Forgot
deriving (Eq, Ord)
deriving instance Binary Const
instance Sized Const where
size _ = 1
instance Pretty Const where
pretty (I i) = text . show $ i
pretty (BI i) = text . show $ i
pretty (Fl f) = text . show $ f
pretty (Ch c) = text . show $ c
pretty (Str s) = text s
pretty IType = text "Int"
pretty BIType = text "BigInt"
pretty FlType = text "Float"
pretty ChType = text "Char"
pretty StrType = text "String"
pretty PtrType = text "Ptr"
pretty VoidType = text "Void"
pretty Forgot = text "Forgot"
data Raw = Var Name
| RBind Name (Binder Raw) Raw
| RApp Raw Raw
| RSet
| RForce Raw
| RConstant Const
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Sized Raw where
size (Var name) = 1
size (RBind name bind right) = 1 + size bind + size right
size (RApp left right) = 1 + size left + size right
size RSet = 1
size (RForce raw) = 1 + size raw
size (RConstant const) = size const
instance Pretty Raw where
pretty = text . show
deriving instance Binary Raw
data Binder b = Lam { binderTy :: b }
| Pi { binderTy :: b }
| Let { binderTy :: b,
binderVal :: b }
| NLet { binderTy :: b,
binderVal :: b }
| Hole { binderTy :: b}
| GHole { binderTy :: b}
| Guess { binderTy :: b,
binderVal :: b }
| PVar { binderTy :: b }
| PVTy { binderTy :: b }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor)
deriving instance Binary Binder
instance Sized a => Sized (Binder a) where
size (Lam ty) = 1 + size ty
size (Pi ty) = 1 + size ty
size (Let ty val) = 1 + size ty + size val
size (NLet ty val) = 1 + size ty + size val
size (Hole ty) = 1 + size ty
size (GHole ty) = 1 + size ty
size (Guess ty val) = 1 + size ty + size val
size (PVar ty) = 1 + size ty
size (PVTy ty) = 1 + size ty
fmapMB :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Binder a -> m (Binder b)
fmapMB f (Let t v) = liftM2 Let (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (NLet t v) = liftM2 NLet (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (Guess t v) = liftM2 Guess (f t) (f v)
fmapMB f (Lam t) = liftM Lam (f t)
fmapMB f (Pi t) = liftM Pi (f t)
fmapMB f (Hole t) = liftM Hole (f t)
fmapMB f (GHole t) = liftM GHole (f t)
fmapMB f (PVar t) = liftM PVar (f t)
fmapMB f (PVTy t) = liftM PVTy (f t)
raw_apply :: Raw -> [Raw] -> Raw
raw_apply f [] = f
raw_apply f (a : as) = raw_apply (RApp f a) as
raw_unapply :: Raw -> (Raw, [Raw])
raw_unapply t = ua [] t where
ua args (RApp f a) = ua (a:args) f
ua args t = (t, args)
data RawFun = RawFun { rtype :: Raw,
rval :: Raw
deriving Show
data RawDatatype = RDatatype Name Raw [(Name, Raw)]
deriving Show
data RDef = RFunction RawFun
| RConst Raw
| RData RawDatatype
deriving Show
type RProgram = [(Name, RDef)]
-- WELL TYPED TERMS ---------------------------------------------------------
data UExp = UVar Int -- universe variable
| UVal Int -- explicit universe level
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Sized UExp where
size _ = 1
-- We assume that universe levels have been checked, so anything external
-- can just have the same universe variable and we won't get any new
-- cycles.
instance Binary UExp where
put x = return ()
get = return (UVar (-1))
instance Show UExp where
show (UVar x) | x < 26 = [toEnum (x + fromEnum 'a')]
| otherwise = toEnum ((x `mod` 26) + fromEnum 'a') : show (x `div` 26)
show (UVal x) = show x
-- show (UMax l r) = "max(" ++ show l ++ ", " ++ show r ++")"
data UConstraint = ULT UExp UExp
| ULE UExp UExp
deriving Eq
instance Show UConstraint where
show (ULT x y) = show x ++ " < " ++ show y
show (ULE x y) = show x ++ " <= " ++ show y
type UCs = (Int, [UConstraint])
data NameType = Bound | Ref | DCon Int Int | TCon Int Int
deriving (Show, Ord)
deriving instance Binary NameType
instance Sized NameType where
size _ = 1
instance Pretty NameType where
pretty = text . show
instance Eq NameType where
Bound == Bound = True
Ref == Ref = True
DCon _ a == DCon _ b = (a == b) -- ignore tag
TCon _ a == TCon _ b = (a == b) -- ignore tag
_ == _ = False
data TT n = P NameType n (TT n) -- embed type
| V Int
| Bind n (Binder (TT n)) (TT n)
| App (TT n) (TT n) -- function, function type, arg
| Constant Const
| Erased
| Set UExp
deriving (Ord, Functor)
deriving instance Binary TT
instance Sized a => Sized (TT a) where
size (P name n trm) = 1 + size name + size n + size trm
size (V v) = 1
size (Bind nm binder bdy) = 1 + size nm + size binder + size bdy
size (App l r) = 1 + size l + size r
size (Constant c) = size c
size Erased = 1
size (Set u) = 1 + size u
instance Pretty a => Pretty (TT a) where
pretty _ = text "test"
type EnvTT n = [(n, Binder (TT n))]
data Datatype n = Data { d_typename :: n,
d_typetag :: Int,
d_type :: (TT n),
d_cons :: [(n, TT n)] }
deriving (Show, Functor, Eq)
instance Eq n => Eq (TT n) where
(==) (P xt x _) (P yt y _) = xt == yt && x == y
(==) (V x) (V y) = x == y
(==) (Bind _ xb xs) (Bind _ yb ys) = xb == yb && xs == ys
(==) (App fx ax) (App fy ay) = fx == fy && ax == ay
(==) (Set _) (Set _) = True -- deal with constraints later
(==) (Constant x) (Constant y) = x == y
(==) Erased _ = True
(==) _ Erased = True
(==) _ _ = False
-- A few handy operations on well typed terms:
isInjective :: TT n -> Bool
isInjective (P (DCon _ _) _ _) = True
isInjective (P (TCon _ _) _ _) = True
isInjective (Constant _) = True
isInjective (Set x) = True
isInjective (Bind _ (Pi _) sc) = True
isInjective (App f a) = isInjective f
isInjective _ = False
instantiate :: TT n -> TT n -> TT n
instantiate e = subst 0 where
subst i (V x) | i == x = e
subst i (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap (subst i) b) (subst (i+1) sc)
subst i (App f a) = App (subst i f) (subst i a)
subst i t = t
pToV :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> TT n
pToV n = pToV' n 0
pToV' n i (P _ x _) | n == x = V i
pToV' n i (Bind x b sc)
| n == x = Bind x (fmap (pToV' n i) b) sc
| otherwise = Bind x (fmap (pToV' n i) b) (pToV' n (i+1) sc)
pToV' n i (App f a) = App (pToV' n i f) (pToV' n i a)
pToV' n i t = t
-- Convert several names. First in the list comes out as V 0
pToVs :: Eq n => [n] -> TT n -> TT n
pToVs ns tm = pToVs' ns tm 0 where
pToVs' [] tm i = tm
pToVs' (n:ns) tm i = pToV' n i (pToVs' ns tm (i+1))
vToP :: TT n -> TT n
vToP = vToP' [] where
vToP' env (V i) = let (n, b) = (env !! i) in
P Bound n (binderTy b)
vToP' env (Bind n b sc) = let b' = fmap (vToP' env) b in
Bind n b' (vToP' ((n, b'):env) sc)
vToP' env (App f a) = App (vToP' env f) (vToP' env a)
vToP' env t = t
finalise :: Eq n => TT n -> TT n
finalise (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (fmap finalise b) (pToV x (finalise sc))
finalise (App f a) = App (finalise f) (finalise a)
finalise t = t
subst :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> TT n -> TT n
subst n v tm = instantiate v (pToV n tm)
substNames :: Eq n => [(n, TT n)] -> TT n -> TT n
substNames [] t = t
substNames ((n, tm) : xs) t = subst n tm (substNames xs t)
-- Returns true if V 0 and bound name n do not occur in the term
noOccurrence :: Eq n => n -> TT n -> Bool
noOccurrence n t = no' 0 t
no' i (V x) = not (i == x)
no' i (P Bound x _) = not (n == x)
no' i (Bind n b sc) = noB' i b && no' (i+1) sc
where noB' i (Let t v) = no' i t && no' i v
noB' i (Guess t v) = no' i t && no' i v
noB' i b = no' i (binderTy b)
no' i (App f a) = no' i f && no' i a
no' i _ = True
-- Returns all names used free in the term
freeNames :: Eq n => TT n -> [n]
freeNames (P _ n _) = [n]
freeNames (Bind n (Let t v) sc) = nub $ freeNames v ++ (freeNames sc \\ [n])
++ freeNames t
freeNames (Bind n b sc) = nub $ freeNames (binderTy b) ++ (freeNames sc \\ [n])
freeNames (App f a) = nub $ freeNames f ++ freeNames a
freeNames _ = []
-- Return the arity of a (normalised) type
arity :: TT n -> Int
arity (Bind n (Pi t) sc) = 1 + arity sc
arity _ = 0
-- deconstruct an application; returns the function and a list of arguments
unApply :: TT n -> (TT n, [TT n])
unApply t = ua [] t where
ua args (App f a) = ua (a:args) f
ua args t = (t, args)
mkApp :: TT n -> [TT n] -> TT n
mkApp f [] = f
mkApp f (a:as) = mkApp (App f a) as
forget :: TT Name -> Raw
forget tm = fe [] tm
fe env (P _ n _) = Var n
fe env (V i) = Var (env !! i)
fe env (Bind n b sc) = RBind n (fmap (fe env) b)
(fe (n:env) sc)
fe env (App f a) = RApp (fe env f) (fe env a)
fe env (Constant c)
= RConstant c
fe env (Set i) = RSet
fe env Erased = RConstant Forgot
bindAll :: [(n, Binder (TT n))] -> TT n -> TT n
bindAll [] t =t
bindAll ((n, b) : bs) t = Bind n b (bindAll bs t)
bindTyArgs :: (TT n -> Binder (TT n)) -> [(n, TT n)] -> TT n -> TT n
bindTyArgs b xs = bindAll (map (\ (n, ty) -> (n, b ty)) xs)
getArgTys :: TT n -> [(n, TT n)]
getArgTys (Bind n (Pi t) sc) = (n, t) : getArgTys sc
getArgTys _ = []
getRetTy :: TT n -> TT n
getRetTy (Bind n (PVar _) sc) = getRetTy sc
getRetTy (Bind n (PVTy _) sc) = getRetTy sc
getRetTy (Bind n (Pi _) sc) = getRetTy sc
getRetTy sc = sc
uniqueName :: Name -> [Name] -> Name
uniqueName n hs | n `elem` hs = uniqueName (nextName n) hs
| otherwise = n
nextName (NS x s) = NS (nextName x) s
nextName (MN i n) = MN (i+1) n
nextName (UN x) = let (num', nm') = span isDigit (reverse x)
nm = reverse nm'
num = readN (reverse num') in
UN (nm ++ show (num+1))
readN "" = 0
readN x = read x
type Term = TT Name
type Type = Term
type Env = EnvTT Name
-- an environment with de Bruijn indices 'normalised' so that they all refer to
-- this environment
newtype WkEnvTT n = Wk (EnvTT n)
type WkEnv = WkEnvTT Name
instance (Eq n, Show n) => Show (TT n) where
show t = showEnv [] t
instance Show Const where
show (I i) = show i
show (BI i) = show i ++ "L"
show (Fl f) = show f
show (Ch c) = show c
show (Str s) = show s
show IType = "Int"
show BIType = "Integer"
show FlType = "Float"
show ChType = "Char"
show StrType = "String"
show PtrType = "Ptr"
show VoidType = "Void"
showEnv env t = showEnv' env t False
showEnvDbg env t = showEnv' env t True
prettyEnv:: (Eq a1, Num a, Ord a, Show a1, Pretty a1) =>
[(a1, Binder (TT a1))] -> a1 -> Binder (TT a1) -> Bool -> Doc
prettyEnv env t = prettyEnv' env t False
prettyEnv' env t dbg = prettySe 10 env t dbg
bracket outer inner p
| inner > outer = lparen <> p <> rparen
| otherwise = p
prettySe p env (P nt n t) debug =
pretty n <+>
if debug then
lbrack <+> pretty nt <+> colon <+> prettySe 10 env t debug <+> rbrack
prettySe p env (V i) debug
| i < length env =
if debug then
text . show . fst $ env!!i
lbrack <+> text (show i) <+> rbrack
| otherwise = text "unbound" <+> text (show i) <+> text "!"
prettySe p env (Bind n b@(Pi t) sc) debug
| noOccurrence n sc && not debug =
bracket p 2 $ prettySb env n b debug <> prettySe 10 ((n, b):env) sc debug
prettySe p env (Bind n b sc) debug =
bracket p 2 $ prettySb env n b debug <> prettySe 10 ((n, b):env) sc debug
prettySe p env (App f a) debug =
bracket p 1 $ prettySe 1 env f debug <+> prettySe 0 env a debug
prettySe p env (Constant c) debug = pretty c
prettySe p env Erased debug = text "[_]"
prettySe p env (Set i) debug = text "Set" <+> (text . show $ i)
prettySb env n (Lam t) = prettyB env "λ" "=>" n t
prettySb env n (Hole t) = prettyB env "?defer" "." n t
prettySb env n (Pi t) = prettyB env "(" ") ->" n t
prettySb env n (PVar t) = prettyB env "pat" "." n t
prettySb env n (PVTy t) = prettyB env "pty" "." n t
prettySb env n (Let t v) = prettyBv env "let" "in" n t v
prettySb env n (Guess t v) = prettyBv env "??" "in" n t v
prettyB env op sc n t debug =
text op <> pretty n <+> colon <+> prettySe 10 env t debug <> text sc
prettyBv env op sc n t v debug =
text op <> pretty n <+> colon <+> prettySe 10 env t debug <+> text "=" <+>
prettySe 10 env v debug <> text sc
showEnv' env t dbg = se 10 env t where
se p env (P nt n t) = show n
++ if dbg then "{" ++ show nt ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ "}" else ""
se p env (V i) | i < length env = (show $ fst $ env!!i) ++
if dbg then "{" ++ show i ++ "}" else ""
| otherwise = "!!V " ++ show i ++ "!!"
se p env (Bind n b@(Pi t) sc)
| noOccurrence n sc && not dbg = bracket p 2 $ se 1 env t ++ " -> " ++ se 10 ((n,b):env) sc
se p env (Bind n b sc) = bracket p 2 $ sb env n b ++ se 10 ((n,b):env) sc
se p env (App f a) = bracket p 1 $ se 1 env f ++ " " ++ se 0 env a
se p env (Constant c) = show c
se p env Erased = "[__]"
se p env (Set i) = "Set " ++ show i
sb env n (Lam t) = showb env "\\ " " => " n t
sb env n (Hole t) = showb env "? " ". " n t
sb env n (GHole t) = showb env "?defer " ". " n t
sb env n (Pi t) = showb env "(" ") -> " n t
sb env n (PVar t) = showb env "pat " ". " n t
sb env n (PVTy t) = showb env "pty " ". " n t
sb env n (Let t v) = showbv env "let " " in " n t v
sb env n (Guess t v) = showbv env "?? " " in " n t v
showb env op sc n t = op ++ show n ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ sc
showbv env op sc n t v = op ++ show n ++ " : " ++ se 10 env t ++ " = " ++
se 10 env v ++ sc
bracket outer inner str | inner > outer = "(" ++ str ++ ")"
| otherwise = str
-- Check whether a term has any holes in it - impure if so
pureTerm :: TT n -> Bool
pureTerm (App f a) = pureTerm f && pureTerm a
pureTerm (Bind n b sc) = pureBinder b && pureTerm sc where
pureBinder (Hole _) = False
pureBinder (Guess _ _) = False
pureBinder (Let t v) = pureTerm t && pureTerm v
pureBinder t = pureTerm (binderTy t)
pureTerm _ = True
-- weaken a term by adding i to each de Bruijn index (i.e. lift it over i bindings)
weakenTm :: Int -> TT n -> TT n
weakenTm i t = wk i 0 t
where wk i min (V x) | x >= min = V (i + x)
wk i m (App f a) = App (wk i m f) (wk i m a)
wk i m (Bind x b sc) = Bind x (wkb i m b) (wk i (m + 1) sc)
wk i m t = t
wkb i m t = fmap (wk i m) t
-- weaken an environment so that all the de Bruijn indices are correct according
-- to the latest bound variable
weakenEnv :: EnvTT n -> EnvTT n
weakenEnv env = wk (length env - 1) env
where wk i [] = []
wk i ((n, b) : bs) = (n, weakenTmB i b) : wk (i - 1) bs
weakenTmB i (Let t v) = Let (weakenTm i t) (weakenTm i v)
weakenTmB i (Guess t v) = Guess (weakenTm i t) (weakenTm i v)
weakenTmB i t = t { binderTy = weakenTm i (binderTy t) }
weakenTmEnv :: Int -> EnvTT n -> EnvTT n
weakenTmEnv i = map (\ (n, b) -> (n, fmap (weakenTm i) b))
orderPats :: Term -> Term
orderPats tm = op [] tm
op ps (Bind n (PVar t) sc) = op ((n, t) : ps) sc
op ps sc = bindAll (map (\ (n, t) -> (n, PVar t)) (sortP ps)) sc
sortP ps = pick [] (reverse ps)
namesIn (P _ n _) = [n]
namesIn (Bind n b t) = nub $ nb b ++ (namesIn t \\ [n])
where nb (Let t v) = nub (namesIn t) ++ nub (namesIn v)
nb (Guess t v) = nub (namesIn t) ++ nub (namesIn v)
nb t = namesIn (binderTy t)
namesIn (App f a) = nub (namesIn f ++ namesIn a)
namesIn _ = []
pick acc [] = reverse acc
pick acc ((n, t) : ps) = pick (insert n t acc) ps
insert n t [] = [(n, t)]
insert n t ((n',t') : ps)
| n `elem` (namesIn t' ++ concatMap namesIn (map snd ps))
= (n', t') : insert n t ps
| otherwise = (n,t):(n',t'):ps
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