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Created May 31, 2018 04:05
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.align 4,0x90
.no_dead_strip _StgRunIsImplementedInAssembler
.file 1 "rts/StgCRun.c"
.loc 1 369 1
.loc 1 370 5
# 370 "rts/StgCRun.c" 1
.globl _StgRun
.private_extern _StgRun
subq $48, %rsp
movq %rsp, %rax
subq $16384, %rsp
movq %rbx,0(%rax)
movq %rbp,8(%rax)
movq %r12,16(%rax)
movq %r13,24(%rax)
movq %r14,32(%rax)
movq %r15,40(%rax)
.cfi_def_cfa rsp, 0
.cfi_offset rbx, 16384
.cfi_offset rbp, 16392
.cfi_offset r12, 16400
.cfi_offset r13, 16408
.cfi_offset r14, 16416
.cfi_offset r15, 16424
.cfi_offset rip, 16432
.cfi_escape 0x16, 0x07, 0x04, 0x77, 184, 128, 1
movq %rsi,%r13
movq %rdi,%rax
.globl _StgRunJmp
.private_extern _StgRunJmp
.no_dead_strip _StgRunJmp
jmp *%rax
.globl _StgReturn
movq %rbx, %rax
addq $16384, %rsp
movq 0(%rsp),%rbx
movq 8(%rsp),%rbp
movq 16(%rsp),%r12
movq 24(%rsp),%r13
movq 32(%rsp),%r14
movq 40(%rsp),%r15
addq $48, %rsp
# 0 "" 2
.loc 1 537 1 is_stmt 0
.section __DWARF,__debug_frame,regular,debug
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.file 5 "/usr/include/sys/_types/_int32_t.h"
.file 6 "/usr/include/sys/_types/_int64_t.h"
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.file 8 "/usr/include/_types/_uint16_t.h"
.file 9 "/usr/include/_types/_uint32_t.h"
.file 10 "/usr/include/_types/_uint64_t.h"
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.file 15 "includes/rts/storage/TSO.h"
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.file 20 "includes/HsFFI.h"
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.file 22 "/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/8.1.0/lib/gcc/8/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin17.5.0/8.1.0/include/stddef.h"
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.ascii "stopEventLogWriter\0"
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.byte 0
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.byte 0x19
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.byte 0x1b
.ascii "Killed\0"
.byte 0x2
.byte 0x1b
.ascii "Interrupted\0"
.byte 0x3
.byte 0x1b
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.byte 0x4
.byte 0
.byte 0x4
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.byte 0x38
.byte 0xa
.ascii "stackOverflowHook\0"
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.long 0x164
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.long 0x175
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.long 0x182
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.long 0x198
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.long 0x1ba
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.ascii "long int\0"
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.long 0x206
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.long 0x213
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.long 0x54d
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.long 0x2666
.ascii "StgSRTField\0"
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.ascii "StgInfoTable_\0"
.long 0x26d1
.ascii "StgFunInfoExtraRev_\0"
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.ascii "StgFunInfoExtraRev\0"
.long 0x27ad
.ascii "StgFunInfoTable\0"
.long 0x27f6
.ascii "StgThunkInfoTable_\0"
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.ascii "StgThunkInfoTable\0"
.long 0x2862
.ascii "StgHeader\0"
.long 0x1b25
.ascii "StgClosure_\0"
.long 0x2883
.ascii "StgBlockingQueue_\0"
.long 0x29f3
.ascii "StgIntCharlikeClosure\0"
.long 0x2a11
.ascii "_StgWeak\0"
.long 0x2a94
.ascii "StgWeak\0"
.long 0x2aa4
.ascii "StgTRecHeader\0"
.long 0x2b4c
.ascii "StgTVarWatchQueue_\0"
.long 0x2bc1
.ascii "StgTVarWatchQueue\0"
.long 0x2c58
.ascii "StgTVar\0"
.long 0x2cc7
.ascii "StgAtomicInvariant\0"
.long 0x2d36
.ascii "TRecEntry\0"
.long 0x2d49
.ascii "StgTRecChunk_\0"
.long 0x2dcf
.ascii "StgTRecChunk\0"
.long 0x2e3e
.ascii "TRecState\0"
.long 0x2e51
.ascii "StgInvariantCheckQueue_\0"
.long 0x2ecf
.ascii "StgInvariantCheckQueue\0"
.long 0x2abb
.ascii "StgTRecHeader_\0"
.long 0x2f01
.ascii "Message_\0"
.long 0x2f3b
.ascii "Message\0"
.long 0x2f4c
.ascii "MessageWakeup_\0"
.long 0x2f9c
.ascii "MessageThrowTo_\0"
.long 0x28f9
.ascii "MessageBlackHole_\0"
.long 0x3019
.ascii "StgThreadID\0"
.long 0x309e
.ascii "StgTSOBlockInfo\0"
.long 0xa4f
.ascii "StgTSO_\0"
.long 0x295b
.ascii "StgStack_\0"
.long 0xbff
.ascii "bdescr_\0"
.long 0x4b67
.ascii "bdescr\0"
.long 0x4bb3
.ascii "memcount\0"
.long 0xbc8
.ascii "nursery_\0"
.long 0x4833
.ascii "generation_\0"
.long 0x4bd0
.ascii "generation\0"
.long 0x4c46
.ascii "fpos_t\0"
.long 0x4c55
.ascii "__sbuf\0"
.long 0x4c8e
.ascii "__sFILE\0"
.long 0x4e9a
.ascii "FILE\0"
.long 0x4ee8
.ascii "_GC_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x51a5
.ascii "GC_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x51b6
.ascii "_DEBUG_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x52f3
.ascii "DEBUG_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x5307
.long 0x538c
.long 0x53a6
.long 0x552d
.long 0x5545
.ascii "_TRACE_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x55e2
.ascii "TRACE_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x55f6
.long 0x5647
.long 0x5660
.ascii "_MISC_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x575f
.ascii "MISC_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x5772
.ascii "_PAR_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x588d
.ascii "PAR_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x589f
.ascii "_TICKY_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x58e5
.ascii "TICKY_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x58f9
.ascii "_RTS_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x59d2
.ascii "RTS_FLAGS\0"
.long 0x5a61
.ascii "snEntry\0"
.long 0x5a8b
.ascii "spEntry\0"
.long 0x5b1a
.ascii "mblock_address_range\0"
.long 0x30b6
.ascii "InCall_\0"
.long 0x5d2a
.ascii "InCall\0"
.long 0x5c24
.ascii "Task_\0"
.long 0x5d39
.ascii "Task\0"
.long 0x1b70
.ascii "Capability_\0"
.long 0x5e17
.ascii "SyncType\0"
.long 0x5e6d
.ascii "PendingSync\0"
.long 0
.section __DWARF,__debug_aranges,regular,debug
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.quad L$set$60
.quad 0
.quad 0
.section __DWARF,__debug_line,regular,debug
.section __DWARF,__debug_str,regular,debug
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.ascii "header\0"
.ascii "compact\0"
.ascii "bitmap\0"
.ascii "scheduler\0"
.ascii "link\0"
.ascii "blocks\0"
.ascii "time_ticks\0"
.ascii "generations\0"
.ascii "n_blocks\0"
.ascii "longGCSync\0"
.ascii "mem_alloc\0"
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