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Created April 8, 2014 18:48
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Getting a 'false' expiration on Membership Payment events
// Track account upgrade via gift redemption
function cgc_rcp_track_payment( $payment_id = 0, $args = array(), $amount ) {
if( ! function_exists( 'rcp_get_subscription_name' ) )
global $wpdb;
$mp = Mixpanel::getInstance( CGC_MIXPANEL_API );
$user = get_userdata( $args['user_id'] );
$mp->identify( $user->user_login );
$rcp_payments = new RCP_Payments;
// Get the last payment of the user
$this_payment = $rcp_payments->get_payment( $payment_id );
$last_payment = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . rcp_get_payments_db_name() . " WHERE `user_id`='%d' AND id < '%d' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;", $args['user_id'], $payment_id ) );
$renewal = ! empty( $last_payment );
// get expiration
$expiration = rcp_get_expiration_date( $user_id );
$person_props = array();
$person_props['$first_name'] = $user->first_name;
$person_props['$last_name'] = $user->last_name;
$person_props['$email'] = $user->user_email;
$person_props['$username'] = $user->user_login;
$person_props['Account Type'] = 'Citizen';
$person_props['Account Status'] = 'Active';
$person_props['Expiration'] = $expiration;
$person_props['Payment Term'] = rcp_get_subscription( $user->ID );
$person_props['Last Payment Date'] = $this_payment->date;
$mp->people->set( $user->user_login, $person_props );
$event_props = array();
$event_props['distinct_id'] = $user->user_login;
$event_props['Value'] = $amount;
$event_props['Payment Term'] = rcp_get_subscription( $user->ID );
$event_props['Payment Type'] = $renewal ? 'Renewal' : 'Initial';
$event_props['Last Payment Date'] = $this_payment->date;
$event_props['Expiration'] = $expiration;
$mp->track( 'Membership Payment', $event_props );
$mp->people->trackCharge( $user->user_login, $amount );
add_action( 'rcp_insert_payment', 'cgc_rcp_track_payment', 10, 3 );
// Track account upgrade
function cgc_rcp_account_upgrade( $user_id, $data ) {
if( ! function_exists( 'rcp_get_subscription_name' ) )
$mp = Mixpanel::getInstance( CGC_MIXPANEL_API );
$user = get_userdata( $user_id );
$mp->identify( $user->user_login );
$subscription = rcp_get_subscription( $user_id );
$expiration = rcp_get_expiration_date( $user_id );
$recurring = rcp_is_recurring( $user_id ) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
$rcp_payments = new RCP_Payments;
$new_user = $rcp_payments->last_payment_of_user( $user_id );
$user_time = strtotime( $user->user_registered, current_time( 'timestamp' ) );
$renewal = ! empty( $new_user );
$upgrade = $user_time < $ten_min_ago && ! $renewal ? true : false;
$person_props = array();
$person_props['$first_name'] = $user->first_name;
$person_props['$last_name'] = $user->last_name;
$person_props['$email'] = $user->user_email;
$person_props['$username'] = $user->user_login;
$person_props['Account Type'] = 'Citizen';
$person_props['Account Status'] = 'Active';
$person_props['Account Level'] = $subscription;
$person_props['Recurring'] = $recurring;
$person_props['Expiration'] = $expiration;
$person_props['$created'] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$mp->people->set( $user->user_login, $person_props, array( '$ip' => cgc_mixpanel_get_ip() ) );
$event_props = array();
$event_props['distinct_id'] = $user->user_login;
$event_props['Account Type'] = 'Citizen';
$event_props['Account Status'] = 'Active';
$event_props['Account Level'] = $subscription;
$event_props['Recurring'] = $recurring;
$event_props['Expiration'] = $expiration;
$event_props['Renewal'] = $renewal ? 'Yes' : 'No';
$event_props['Time Since Creation'] = human_time_diff( $user_time, current_time( 'timestamp' ) );
$mp->track( 'Account Upgraded', $event_props );
add_action( 'rcp_stripe_signup', 'cgc_rcp_account_upgrade', 10, 2 );
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