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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Basic Future takeFirstMatch
object FutureOps extends FutureOps
trait FutureOps {
def takeFirstMatch[A](futures: Traversable[Future[A]], predicate: A => Boolean): Future[Option[A]] = {
val promise = Promise[Option[A]]
def aggregateFailures(futuresToFailureCheck: Traversable[Future[A]], exceptions: Seq[Throwable]): Unit = {
futuresToFailureCheck match {
case Nil => {
Promise.failed(new RuntimeException(s"All Futures Failed - StackTraces: ${ { case (e, i) => s"Exception ${i} ${ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)}"}}"))
case head :: tail => head onFailure { case ex => aggregateFailures(tail, exceptions :+ ex)}
futures.foreach(_.onSuccess { case a if predicate(a) => promise.trySuccess(Some(a))})
Future.sequence(futures) onComplete {
case _ => {
val completeSuccess =
if (!completeSuccess.isEmpty) { match {
case Some(value) => promise.trySuccess(Some(value)) //just in case this executed first
case _ => promise.trySuccess(None)
def takeFirst[A](futures: Traversable[Future[A]]) = takeFirstMatch(futures,{ A => true})
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