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Created September 24, 2021 17:23
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private fun BottomNavigationBar(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
currentDestination: Screen,
onClick: (id: Screen) -> Unit
) {
val bottomBarVisible = bottomBarNavDestinations.contains(currentDestination)
visible = bottomBarVisible,
enter = fadeIn(animationSpec = tween(1000)) + slideInVertically(
initialOffsetY = { it },
animationSpec = tween(1000)
exit = fadeOut(animationSpec = tween(1000)) + slideOutVertically(
targetOffsetY = { it },
animationSpec = tween(1000)
) {
BottomNavigation(modifier = modifier) {
bottomBarNavDestinations.forEach { destination ->
icon = {
when (destination) {
Screen.Calendar -> Icon(
imageVector = Icons.Default.CalendarToday,
contentDescription = null
Screen.Targets -> Icon(
imageVector = Icons.Default.PieChart,
contentDescription = null
Screen.FoodList -> Icon(
imageVector = Icons.Default.Fastfood,
contentDescription = null
else -> Unit
label = { Text(text = },
selected = currentDestination == destination,
onClick = { onClick(destination) }
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