@Composable |
fun RepeatingButton( |
modifier: Modifier = Modifier, |
onClick: () -> Unit, |
enabled: Boolean = true, |
interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }, |
elevation: ButtonElevation? = ButtonDefaults.elevation(), |
shape: Shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.small, |
border: BorderStroke? = null, |
colors: ButtonColors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(), |
contentPadding: PaddingValues = ButtonDefaults.ContentPadding, |
maxDelayMillis: Long = 1000, |
minDelayMillis: Long = 5, |
delayDecayFactor: Float = .20f, |
content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit |
) { |
Button( |
modifier = modifier.repeatingClickable( |
interactionSource = interactionSource, |
enabled = enabled, |
maxDelayMillis = maxDelayMillis, |
minDelayMillis = minDelayMillis, |
decayFactor = delayDecayFactor |
) { onClick() }, |
onClick = {}, |
enabled = enabled, |
interactionSource = interactionSource, |
elevation = elevation, |
shape = shape, |
border = border, |
colors = colors, |
contentPadding = contentPadding, |
content = content |
) |
} |
fun Modifier.repeatingClickable( |
interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource, |
enabled: Boolean, |
maxDelayMillis: Long = 1000, |
minDelayMillis: Long = 5, |
delayDecayFactor: Float = .20f, |
onClick: () -> Unit |
): Modifier = this.then( |
composed { |
val currentClickListener by rememberUpdatedState(onClick) |
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope() |
pointerInput(interactionSource, enabled) { |
scope.launch { |
awaitEachGesture { |
val down = awaitFirstDown(requireUnconsumed = false) |
// Create a down press interaction |
val downPress = PressInteraction.Press(down.position) |
val heldButtonJob = launch { |
// Send the press through the interaction source |
interactionSource.emit(downPress) |
var currentDelayMillis = maxDelayMillis |
while (enabled && down.pressed) { |
currentClickListener() |
delay(currentDelayMillis) |
val nextMillis = currentDelayMillis - (currentDelayMillis * delayDecayFactor) |
currentDelayMillis = nextMillis.toLong().coerceAtLeast(minDelayMillis) |
} |
} |
val up = waitForUpOrCancellation() |
heldButtonJob.cancel() |
// Determine whether a cancel or release occurred, and create the interaction |
val releaseOrCancel = when (up) { |
null -> PressInteraction.Cancel(downPress) |
else -> PressInteraction.Release(downPress) |
} |
launch { |
// Send the result through the interaction source |
interactionSource.emit(releaseOrCancel) |
} |
} |
} |
}.indication( |
interactionSource = interactionSource, |
indication = rememberRipple() |
) |
} |
) |