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Last active July 30, 2020 19:39
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// Notes:
// 0. Immediately thrown off by `{` and `}` being colorized as the string literal
// 1. Bad expression diagnostic in the interpolation is correct
// 2. String literal in non-triple-quoted string diagnostic is good
// 3. Typing these out works well, editor doesn't freak out
// 4. symbol-based operations all work (symbol highlight, find refs, go to def) for symbols in interpolated stuff
// 5. Breakpoint can be set in the interp string on a single line
// 6. Using interp string with %d/%s/etc. specifiers adjusts the argument's type as expected (e.g., %d{whom} infers a valid type for 'whom')
// 7. Error recoviery for splitting the interpolated expression into a new line matches other rules for splitting things out into new lines
// 8. Quick fix to rename misspelled identifier in interpolation works
// 9. I can specify sprintf with an interpolated string -- why? I guess it's not harmful, just kinda redundant
// 10. 'fromCurriedBadString' has weird diagnostic - clearly I am missing something but trying to "curry" a value into the interpolated context, which is nonsense
// 11. Nested interpolations work, but completion of quotes and braces makes it kind of bad, especially when inside of triple quotes
let toPigLatinBadExpr (str: string) =
$"""{str.[1..] + str.[0] + "ay"}"""
let toPigLatinBadStringLiteral (str: string) =
$"{str.[1..] + str.[0] + "ay"}"
let toPigLatin (str: string) =
$"""{str.[1..] + string str.[0] + "ay"}"""
let don = "Don"
let symeroni = "Syme"
printfn $"First name: {don}\n Last name: {symeroni}"
// Define a function to construct a message to print
let from whom =
$"from %d{
let from whom =
$"from {whom}"
let from (whom: string) =
$"from {whom.Chars}"
// Can use currying with sprintf
let fromCurried = sprintf "from %s"
// Try to use "currying" (??) with interpolated string
// FS0010: Unexpected interpolated string (final part) in binding.
// What does this error message mean? (I know what it means from an implementation details standpoint, but not as a user)
let fromCurriedBadString = $"from {}"
// The error message persists across the whole string literal spanning the new line and beyond
let fromCurriedBadString2 = $"from {}
// FS0010: unexpected interpolated string (part) in binding
// But only between the two `{}`, not the whole string
// would have expected the whole string to give an error
let badString = $"{} is my name and {} is my game"
let rec machine = nameof machine
let nestedInterpString = $"""Hello {$"from the {machine}"}"""
type R = { Name: string; Age: int }
type DU = A of int * string | B
// Embedded record, needs a space either between the `{` and `}` or before the `{ for the interpolation
// as expected, need triple quotes to instantiate a string
let rString = $"""{ {Name = "hello"; Age = 12} }"""
// Not adding the space makes it all just a string literal
let rString' = $"""{{Name = "hello"; Age = 12}}"""
// Space after the first `{` works
let arString = $"""{ {| Name = "hello"; Age = 12 |}}"""
// Space before the `}` does NOT work
let arString2 = $"""{{| Name = "hello"; Age = 12 |} }"""
// Making it a struct means no problem :)
let sarString2 = $"""{struct{| Name = "hello"; Age = 12 |}}"""
// DU case works as expected
let duString = $"""{A(12, "hellow")}"""
let os = System.Text.StringBuilder() // line 1
let _ = $"{0}" // line 2
let _ = $"%A{0}" // line 3
let _ = $"%7.1f{1.0}" // line 4
let _ = $"%-8.1e{1.0}+567" // line 5
let s = "value" // line 6
let _ = $@"%-5s{s}" // line 7
let _ = $@"%-A{-10}" // line 8
let _ = @$"
%-O{-10}" // line 10
let _ = $"
%-O{-10}" // line 13
let _ = (fun x -> sprintf $@"%A{x}
") // line 15
let _ = $"\n%-8.1e{1.0}+567" // line 16
let _ = $@"%O{1}\n%-5s{s}" // line 17
let _ = $"%%" // line 18
let s2 = $"abc %d{s.Length} and %d{s.Length}def" // line 19
let s3 = $"abc %d{s.Length}
and %d{s.Length}def" // line 21
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