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Created August 22, 2016 20:31
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; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
; contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
; this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
; The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
; (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
; the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
(ns app.handler
(:use compojure.core)
(:use [ring.util.response :only [response]]
[ring.middleware.json :only [wrap-json-response]]
[ring.middleware.logger :only [wrap-with-logger]])
(:require [compojure.handler :as handler]
[compojure.route :as route]
[app.core :as core]))
(defn is-supported?
"Return true if a given language code, specified as a string,
is a key in the supported map of languages."
(keyword lang-code)
(contains? core/langs)))
(defn no-bogus-params?
"Returns true if all of the supplied URL parameters
are valid as defined by their respective PO.DAAC service.
The collection of supported parameters for a particular PO.DAAC service call.
The collection of URL parameters entered."
[supported-params given-params]
(every? (set supported-params) given-params))
(defn metadata-dataset-is-valid?
"Returns true if a request for an iPReS Metadata Dataset
supplies the required parameters and no bogus parameters, as detailed by:"
(let [supported-params [:datasetId :shortName :format]]
(and (or (contains? request :datasetId)
(contains? request :shortName))
(no-bogus-params? supported-params (keys request)))))
(defn metadata-granule-is-valid?
"Returns true if a request for an iPRes Metadata Granule
supplies the required parameters, as detailed by:"
(let [supported-params [:datasetId :shortName :granuleName :format
:startTime :endTime :itemsPerPage]]
(and (contains? request :datasetId)
(contains? request :shortName)
;; Request is for a metadata for a single, specified granule
(and (contains? request :granuleName)
(complement (contains? request :format)))
;; Request is for metadata for a list of granules archived
;; within the last 24 hours in Datacasting format
(and (contains? request :format)
(complement (contains? request :granuleName)))
;;Request is for metadata for a list of granules
(and (contains? request :startTime)
(contains? request :endTime)
(contains? request :format)))
(no-bogus-params? supported-params (keys request)))))
(defn search-dataset-is-valid?
"Returns true if a request for an iPReS Search Dataset
supplies the appropriate parameters, as detailed by:"
(let [supported-params [:keyword :startTime :endTime :startIndex
:itemsPerPage :datasetId :shortName :instrument
:satellite :fileFormat :status :processLevel
:pretty :format :sortBy :bbox :full]]
(and (not (= request nil))
(no-bogus-params? supported-params (keys request)))))
(defn search-granule-is-valid?
"Returns true if a request for an iPReS Search Granule
supplies the required parameters, as detailed by:"
(let [supported-params [:datasetId :shortName :startTime :endTime
:bbox :startIndex :itemsPerPage :sortBy
:format :pretty]]
(and (or (contains? request :datasetId)
(contains? request :shortName))
(no-bogus-params? supported-params (keys request)))))
(defn extract-granule-is-valid?
"Returns true if a request for an iPReS Extract Granule
supplies the required parameters, as detailed by:"
(let [required-params [:datasetId :shortName :granuleName :bbox :format]]
(every? (set (keys request)) required-params)))
(defn api-routes
"The API routes for the iPReS service.
Nested route structure under supported languages."
(GET "/metadata/dataset" [& request]
(let [req (dissoc request :lang)]
(if (metadata-dataset-is-valid? req)
(response {:extracted-text (core/translate-request
"metadata/dataset" req lang "")}))))
(GET "/metadata/granule" [& request]
(let [req (dissoc request :lang)]
(if (metadata-granule-is-valid? req)
(response (core/translate-request
"metadata/granule" req lang "")))))
(GET "/search/dataset" [& request]
(let [req (dissoc request :lang)]
(if (search-dataset-is-valid? req)
(response (core/translate-request
"search/dataset" req lang "")))))
(GET "/search/granule" [& request]
(let [req (dissoc request :lang)]
(if (search-granule-is-valid? req)
(response (core/translate-request
"search/granule" req lang "")))))
;;(GET "/extract/granule" [& request]
;; (let [req (dissoc request :lang)]
;; (if (extract-granule-is-valid? req)
;; (response (core/translate-request
;; "extract/granule" req lang "")))))
(response "Not found."))))
;; iPReS routes - 404's if language unsupported
(defroutes ipres
(context "/:lang" [lang]
(if (is-supported? lang)
(api-routes lang)
(response "Not found."))))
(def app
(handler/api ipres)
;; this code will go away eventually ... maybe
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