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Last active September 10, 2023 23:16
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How to write large amount of data to CSV sequentially or concurrently
package main
import (
func main() {
// Process start
start := time.Now()
// Create CSV file
w, f := getCSVWriter()
// Write CSV header
// Define data size
records := 10000
// ----------------------------------------
// Uncomment each of functions below to run
testSequential(records, w)
// testConcurrencyWaitGroup(records, w)
// testConcurrencyChannel(records, w)
// ----------------------------------------
// Flush buffer to file
// Close the file
err := f.Close()
if err != nil {
// Process finish then print elapsed time
elapsed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("Time taken: %s to finish", elapsed)
func testSequential(records int, w *csv.Writer) {
allData := make([]data, records)
for i := 0; i < records; i++ {
// Wait randomized 0~100ms to simulate API call
// Assign dummy data
allData[i] = getDummyData(i)
fmt.Printf("[Write " + allData[i].Name + "] ")
// Write CSV body
writeCSVBody(allData, w)
fmt.Println("Write CSV " + strconv.Itoa(records) + " records is finished")
// Note this function shares memory for each goroutine, which violates Go principle
// "Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating."
// I just put this as an example
func testConcurrencyWaitGroup(records int, w *csv.Writer) {
allData := make([]data, records)
// Define WaitGroup
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < records; i++ {
go func(i int) {
// Mark gotoutine as as finished when data is assigned
defer wg.Done()
// Wait randomized 0~100ms to simulate API call
// Assign dummy data
allData[i] = getDummyData(i)
fmt.Printf("[Write " + allData[i].Name + "] ")
// Make WaitGroup wait for all goroutines to finish
// Write CSV body
writeCSVBody(allData, w)
fmt.Println("Write CSV " + strconv.Itoa(records) + " records is finished")
func testConcurrencyChannel(records int, w *csv.Writer) {
// Define buffered channel
ch := make(chan data, records)
done := make(chan bool)
// Close channel only if sending is finished
defer close(ch)
for i := 0; i < records; i++ {
go func(i int) {
// Wait randomized 0~100ms to simulate API call
// Send data to channel
ch <- getDummyData(i)
fmt.Printf("[Write " + getDummyData(i).Name + "] ")
// Write CSV body
go writeCSVBodyWithChannel(ch, done, records, w)
// Notify main goroutine process is finished
fmt.Println("Write CSV " + strconv.Itoa(records) + " records is finished")
type data struct {
ID string
Name string
Description string
func getRandomSleepTime(denom int) time.Duration {
s := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
r := rand.New(s)
return time.Duration(r.Intn(denom)) * time.Millisecond
func getDummyData(num int) data {
return data{
ID: strconv.Itoa(num + 1),
Name: "Name" + strconv.Itoa(num+1),
Description: "Desc",
func getCSVWriter() (*csv.Writer, *os.File) {
f, err := os.Create("/home/ec2-user/concurrency.csv")
if err != nil {
w := csv.NewWriter(f)
w.UseCRLF = true
return w, f
func writeCSVHeader(w *csv.Writer) {
err := w.Write([]string{
if err != nil {
func writeCSVBody(allData []data, w *csv.Writer) {
// Write data from slice to CSV
for _, data := range allData {
err := w.Write([]string{
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("File writing failed")
func writeCSVBodyWithChannel(ch chan data, done chan bool, records int, w *csv.Writer) {
// Write data from channel to CSV
for data := range ch {
err := w.Write([]string{
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("File writing failed")
// Check if all records are processed, if yes then notify channel
if records == 0 {
done <- true
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@carthegian Gw lagi nyari coding buat write CSV concurrent pake GO, nemu artikel web elu, terus gw liat .gist.nya. Jujur awal.ny kagak sadar, pas lagi scrolling, kok nama lu familiar... Gw liat alias elu jg gw inget banget, dan pas liat profile elu... ternyata itu elu :D

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Anyway keren banget, software engineer skg ya di sana... gmn kabarnya?

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Hoo, geblek random banget.. =p
Oke2 aja lah d sini. Yang dikerjain ga beda jauh, cuma beda bahasa aja.

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