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Created January 4, 2019 00:03
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Disable signup reminder in MemberPress if user has cancelled monthly membership, or has upgraded to annual membership already
// THIS CODE CAN BE PASTED INTO A PLUGIN LIKE Code Snippets, My Custom Functions, or placed in a Child Theme's functions.php file
// Begin copying from line #4 below
function disable_mepr_reminder_if_cancelled_or_upgraded($disable_email, $reminder, $usr, $prd) {
global $wpdb;
$annual_membership_id = 2974;
$monthly_membership_id = 2973;
$active_subs = $usr->active_product_subscriptions();
// User is not active on any membership - so let's not send the reminder
if(empty($active_subs)) { $disable_email = true; }
// User has already upgraded to Annual - so let's not send the reminder
if(in_array($annual_membership_id, $active_subs, false)) { $disable_email = true; }
// The user may have canceled recently, but is still active...
// because their transaction to the Monthly membership has not expired yet...
// So we need to make sure the user's Subscription is not canceled before sending
if(in_array($monthly_membership_id, $active_subs, false)) {
$num_active = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}mepr_subscriptions WHERE user_id = {$usr->ID} AND product_id = {$monthly_membership_id} AND status = 'active'");
// User has no enabled/active monthly subscriptions so disable the reminder because they've likely canceled recently
if(empty($num_active)) {
$disable_email = true;
} else {
$disable_email = false;
} else {
$disable_email = true; //We shouldn't ever get here, but just in case - don't send the reminder
return $disable_email;
add_filter('mepr-member-signup-reminder-disable', 'disable_mepr_reminder_if_cancelled_or_upgraded', 11, 4);
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