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Last active November 17, 2023 13:07
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Shell long-options
SHORT_PARAM='-s' # short option name
LONG_PARAM='--server' # long option name
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "${1}" in
$SHORT_PARAM=*|$SHORT_PARAM*|$LONG_PARAM=*|$LONG_PARAM) ## matches both`[-s|--server]=value` and `[-s|--server] value`
param="${1#$SHORT_PARAM}" ## removes `-s` from the front of $1
param="${param#$LONG_PARAM}" ## removes `--server` from the front of $1
if [ "${param:0:1}" == = ]; then ## if there is a `=` as the first char
param=${param:1} ## removes `=`. this acts like an slice (goland) and list range (python)
## the value is the rest of $1, after the `=`
elif [ -z "${param:0:1}" ]; then
shift ## otherwise, the value is the next parameter ($2). `shift` "eats" $1
param=$1 ## and the new `$1` is nown the former `$2`.
SERVER="$param" ## save the value for future use
*) echo Invalid parameter: $1
# Tests:
# $ for i in -sbastion -s=bastion '-s bastion' --server=bastion '--server bastion'; do
# /tmp/ $i
# done
# SERVER=bastion
# SERVER=bastion
# SERVER=bastion
# SERVER=bastion
# SERVER=bastion
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