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Drupal 7: hook_webform_submission_presave() to subscribe a user to a Simplenews newsletter with a conditional component.
* Implementation of hook_webform_submission_presave()
* For a particular Webform node, use the submitted
* value of a component to determine whether or not
* the submitter will be subscribed to a Simplenews
* newsletter.
* Subscribe the user to the Simplenews newsletter
* using the value of the email component on the form.
* In this example, the Webform node id will be 42
function yourmodulename_webform_submission_presave($node, &$submission){
// Choose the webform ID
if($submission->nid == 42){
* Here I check my controlling component.
* I used a checkbox component to let users
* check a box if they wanted to subscribe.
* If the value is NULL, do nothing -- they
* don't want to subscribe.
if($submission->data[4][0] != NULL){
* The user wants to subscribe, use the value of
* this Webform's email component.
* In my form, I decided to have a hidden field that I would use
* to subscribe users.
// Set the email component value as the hidden field's value too.
$submission->data[5][0] = $submission->data[3][0];
// Create the user array.
$user = array(
'snid' => '',
'activated' => '1',
'mail' => $submission->data[3][0],
'uid' => 0,
'language' => 'English',
// Create the subscription array.
$subscribe = array(
'snid' => '',
'tid' => 1,
'status' => 1,
'timestamp' => time(),
'source' => 'Your Module Name',
// Create an object out of the user array.
$subscriber = (object) $user;
if(simplenews_user_is_subscribed($subscriber->mail, 1)){
// Do nothing, user is already subscribed
// Subscribe them.
simplenews_subscribe_user($subscriber->mail, 1, FALSE, 'Your Module Name');
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