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Last active September 26, 2019 22:22
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An example of implementing type classes in C++.
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template <template <class, class...> class f>
struct functor {
template<typename a, typename b>
static f<b>* map(function<b(a)> ab, const f<a>* fa);
template <template <class, class...> class f>
struct applicative {
template<typename a>
static f<a>* pure(a aval);
template <typename a, typename b>
static f<b>* ap(const f<function<b(a)>>* fab, const f<a>* fa);
template <template <class, class...> class f>
struct monad {
template<typename a, typename b>
static f<b>* bind(function<f<b>(a)> afb, const f<a>* fa);
template <typename a>
struct semigroup {
static a* combine(a* x, a* y);
template <typename a>
struct monoid {
static a* empty();
struct functor<vector> {
template<typename a, typename b>
static vector<b>* map(function<b(a)> ab, const vector<a>* va) {
vector<b>* vb = new vector<b>(va->size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < va->size(); ++i) {
(*vb)[i] = ab((*va)[i]);
return vb;
template <>
struct applicative<vector> {
template<typename a>
static vector<a>* pure(const a aval) {
vector<a>* va = new vector<a>(1);
(*va)[0] = aval;
return va;
template <typename a, typename b>
static vector<b>* ap(const vector<function<b(a)>>* vab, const vector<a>* va) {
vector<b>* vb = new vector<b>(va->size() * vab->size());
unsigned i = 0;
for (auto ait = va->begin(); ait < va->end(); ++ait) {
for (auto abit = vab->begin(); abit < vab->end(); ++abit) {
(*vb)[i++] = (*abit)(*ait);
return vb;
template <>
struct monad<vector> {
template<typename a, typename b>
static vector<b>* bind(const vector<a>* va, function<vector<b>*(a)> avb) {
vector<b>* res = new vector<b>();
for (auto ait = va->begin(); ait < va->end(); ++ait) {
const vector<b>* vb = avb(*ait);
res->insert(res->end(), vb->begin(), vb->end());
// While deleting seems dangerous, we might argue that part of the contract
// of bind is that intermediate structures are subject to deletion as
// a means of avoiding leaking memory since the caller likely won't be
// able to take care of this.
delete vb;
return res;
template <typename a>
struct semigroup<vector<a>> {
static vector<a>* combine(vector<a>* x, vector<a>* y) {
vector<a>* res = new vector<a>(x->size() + y->size());
unsigned i = 0;
for (auto it = x->begin(); it < x->end(); ++it) {
(*res)[i++] = *it;
for (auto it = y->begin(); it < y->end(); ++it) {
(*res)[i++] = *it;
return res;
template <typename a>
struct monoid<vector<a>> {
static vector<a>* empty() {
return new vector<a>(0);
template <typename a>
void render_vec(ostream& os, vector<a>* vs) {
for (auto it = vs->begin(); it < vs->end(); ++it) {
if (it > vs->begin()) cout << ", ";
cout << *it;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
vector<int> vi { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
vector<string>* vs = functor<vector>::map<int, string>(
[](int i) { return to_string(i*2); }, &vi
cout << "functor::map => ";
render_vec(cout, vs);
cout << '\n';
delete vs;
cout << "applicative::pure => ";
vs = applicative<vector>::pure<string>("hi");
render_vec(cout, vs);
cout << '\n';
delete vs;
cout << "applicative::ap => ";
vector<function<string(int)>> vis
{ ([](int i) { return to_string(i); })
, ([](int i) { return to_string(i*2); })
, ([](int i) { return to_string(i*3); })
, ([](int i) { return to_string(i*4); })
vs = applicative<vector>::ap<int, string>(&vis, &vi);
render_vec(cout, vs);
cout << '\n';
delete vs;
cout << "monad::bind => ";
vs = monad<vector>::bind<int, string>(
[](int n) {
vector<string>* res = new vector<string>(n);
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= (unsigned)n; ++i) {
(*res)[i-1] = to_string(i);
return res;
render_vec(cout, vs);
cout << '\n';
delete vs;
cout << "monoid::empty\n";
cout << "semigroup::combine => ";
vector<string>* vs0 = monoid<vector<string>>::empty();
vector<string> vs1 { "hi", "there" };
vector<string>* vs2 = semigroup<vector<string>>::combine(vs0, &vs1);
render_vec(cout, vs2);
cout << '\n';
delete vs0;
delete vs2;
return 0;
% g++ tc.cpp -std=c++11 -o tc
% ./tc
functor::map => 2, 4, 6, 8
applicative::pure => hi
applicative::ap => 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8, 3, 6, 9, 12, 4, 8, 12, 16
monad::bind => 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4
semigroup::combine => hi, there
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