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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Yesod - Generate a form from post data stored in the session
-- Most of these pragmas probably aren't needed, just ripped from Yesod.Form.Functions
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod
import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS (evalRWST)
import Data.Byteable (constEqBytes)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Network.Wai (requestMethod)
-- Create a form from last post data in the session if exists, otherwise create a blank form.
generateFormFromLastPost :: (RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage, MonadHandler m) =>
(Markup -> MForm m (FormResult a, xml)) -> m (xml, Enctype)
generateFormFromLastPost form = do
env <- getLastInvalidPost
case env of
Nothing -> generateFormPost form
Just _ -> first snd <$> postHelper form env
lastInvalidPostSessionKey :: Text
lastInvalidPostSessionKey = "lastInvalidPost"
-- Sets the post data retreived from postEnv, ignoring the FileEnv.
setLastInvalidPost :: MonadHandler m => Maybe (Env, FileEnv) -> m ()
setLastInvalidPost Nothing = return ()
setLastInvalidPost (Just (env, _)) = sessionSetter lastInvalidPostSessionKey env
-- Retrieves the previous post data to be passed to postHelper.
getLastInvalidPost :: MonadHandler m => m (Maybe (Env, FileEnv))
getLastInvalidPost = do
result <- sessionGetter lastInvalidPostSessionKey
return $ case result of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just env -> Just (env, Map.fromList [])
sessionSetter :: (MonadHandler m, Show a) => Text -> a -> m ()
sessionSetter key = setSession key . pack . show
sessionGetter :: (MonadHandler m, Read b) => Text -> m (Maybe b)
sessionGetter key = do
mBS <- lookupSession key
return $ readMaybe . unpack =<< mBS
-- Ripped source from Yesod.Form.Functions
-- Requires cabal dependencies: wai, byteable, transformers
runFormGeneric :: Monad m
=> MForm m a
-> HandlerSite m
-> [Text]
-> Maybe (Env, FileEnv)
-> m (a, Enctype)
runFormGeneric form site langs env = evalRWST form (env, site, langs) (IntSingle 0)
postEnv :: (MonadHandler m, MonadResource m)
=> m (Maybe (Env, FileEnv))
postEnv = do
req <- getRequest
if requestMethod (reqWaiRequest req) == "GET"
then return Nothing
else do
(p, f) <- runRequestBody
let p' = Map.unionsWith (++) $ map (\(x, y) -> Map.singleton x [y]) p
return $ Just (p', Map.unionsWith (++) $ map (\(k, v) -> Map.singleton k [v]) f)
postHelper :: (MonadHandler m, RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage)
=> (Html -> MForm m (FormResult a, xml))
-> Maybe (Env, FileEnv)
-> m ((FormResult a, xml), Enctype)
postHelper form env = do
req <- getRequest
let tokenKey = "_token" :: Text
let token =
case reqToken req of
Nothing -> mempty
Just n -> [shamlet|<input type=hidden name=#{tokenKey} value=#{n}>|]
m <- getYesod
langs <- languages
((res, xml), enctype) <- runFormGeneric (form token) m langs env
let res' =
case (res, env) of
(FormSuccess{}, Just (params, _))
| not (Map.lookup tokenKey params === reqToken req) ->
FormFailure [renderMessage m langs MsgCsrfWarning]
_ -> res
where (Just [t1]) === (Just t2) = TE.encodeUtf8 t1 `constEqBytes` TE.encodeUtf8 t2
Nothing === Nothing = True -- It's important to use constTimeEq
_ === _ = False -- in order to avoid timing attacks.
return ((res', xml), enctype)
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