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Last active January 17, 2024 14:02
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Pretty print Scala case classes and other data structures.
* Pretty prints a Scala value similar to its source represention.
* Particularly useful for case classes.
* @param a - The value to pretty print.
* @param indentSize - Number of spaces for each indent.
* @param maxElementWidth - Largest element size before wrapping.
* @param depth - Initial depth to pretty print indents.
* @return
private def prettyPrint(a: Any, indentSize: Int = 2, maxElementWidth: Int = 30, depth: Int = 0): String = {
val indent = " " * depth * indentSize
val fieldIndent = indent + (" " * indentSize)
val thisDepth = prettyPrint(_: Any, indentSize, maxElementWidth, depth)
val nextDepth = prettyPrint(_: Any, indentSize, maxElementWidth, depth + 1)
a match {
// Make Strings look similar to their literal form.
case s: String =>
val replaceMap = Seq(
"\n" -> "\\n",
"\r" -> "\\r",
"\t" -> "\\t",
"\"" -> "\\\""
'"' + replaceMap.foldLeft(s) { case (acc, (c, r)) => acc.replace(c, r) } + '"'
// For an empty Seq just use its normal String representation.
case xs: Seq[_] if xs.isEmpty => xs.toString()
case xs: Seq[_] =>
// If the Seq is not too long, pretty print on one line.
val resultOneLine =
if (resultOneLine.length <= maxElementWidth) return resultOneLine
// Otherwise, build it with newlines and proper field indents.
val result = => s"\n$fieldIndent${nextDepth(x)}").toString()
result.substring(0, result.length - 1) + "\n" + indent + ")"
// Product should cover case classes.
case p: Product =>
val prefix = p.productPrefix
// We'll use reflection to get the constructor arg names and values.
val cls = p.getClass
val fields = cls.getDeclaredFields.filterNot(_.isSynthetic).map(_.getName)
val values = p.productIterator.toSeq
// If we weren't able to match up fields/values, fall back to toString.
if (fields.length != values.length) return p.toString match {
// If there are no fields, just use the normal String representation.
case Nil => p.toString
// If there is just one field, let's just print it as a wrapper.
case (_, value) :: Nil => s"$prefix(${thisDepth(value)})"
// If there is more than one field, build up the field names and values.
case kvps =>
val prettyFields = { case (k, v) => s"$fieldIndent$k = ${nextDepth(v)}" }
// If the result is not too long, pretty print on one line.
val resultOneLine = s"$prefix(${prettyFields.mkString(", ")})"
if (resultOneLine.length <= maxElementWidth) return resultOneLine
// Otherwise, build it with newlines and proper field indents.
// If we haven't specialized this type, just use its toString.
case _ => a.toString
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saved the day!

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ghost commented Jun 20, 2017

Good job. Thank you.

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Very easy to use with REPL. Thank you!

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swoogles commented Jan 4, 2018

Just a heads up - since this uses reflection, it's not going to work if you're compiling with ScalaJS.

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thank you

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xtulnx commented Sep 19, 2018

thank you

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gekomad commented Jun 25, 2019

Good Job, you should add
case opt: Some[_] => "Some(" + prettyPrint(opt.get) + ")"

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myDisconnect commented Jul 18, 2019

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thank you!

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