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Created July 7, 2009 23:25
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# Configuring Apache Multi-Processing Module
case node[:platform]
when "centos","redhat","fedora","suse"
binary_to_use = @node[:apache][:binary]
if @node[:apache][:mpm] != 'prefork'
binary_to_use << ".worker"
template "centos_sysconfig_httpd" do
source "sysconfig_httpd.erb"
mode "0644"
:sysconfig_httpd => binary_to_use
notifies :reload, resources(:service => "apache")
when "debian","ubuntu"
package "apache2-mpm-prefork" do
only_if do @node[:apache][:mpm] == 'prefork' end
package "apache2-mpm-worker" do
only_if do @node[:apache][:mpm] != 'prefork' end
# Configuration file for the httpd service.
# The default processing model (MPM) is the process-based
# 'prefork' model. A thread-based model, 'worker', is also
# available, but does not work with some modules (such as PHP).
# The service must be stopped before changing this variable.
HTTPD=<%= @sysconfig_httpd %>
# To pass additional options (for instance, -D definitions) to the
# httpd binary at startup, set OPTIONS here.
# By default, the httpd process is started in the C locale; to
# change the locale in which the server runs, the HTTPD_LANG
# variable can be set.
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