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Last active March 30, 2023 08:49
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MacOs system info zsh functions
# The OS is macOS (darwin)
function is_mac() { [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; }
# The OS is macOS (darwin) running on an M1 (arm64) CPU
function is_mac_arm() { is_mac && [[ "$CPUTYPE" == arm64 ]]; }
# The OS is macOS (darwin) running on an Intel (amd64) CPU
function is_mac_intel() { is_mac && [[ "$CPUTYPE" == x86_64 ]]; }
# Does shell env have command
function is_cmd() { command -v "$1" &>/dev/null; }
# timestamp sane for filenames
function timestamp_filename () { date +%y-%m-%dT%H%M%S; }
if ! is_mac; then
echo "This script is made for MacOS computers"
exit 1
if is_mac_arm; then
# Add rosetta homebrew alias
alias ibrew='arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/brew'
alias brew='arch -arm64e /opt/homebrew/bin/brew'
alias iarch='arch -x86_64'
alias march='arch -arm64e'
alias ibrew='echo "not a aarch64 mac"; exit 1;'
alias iarch='echo "not a aarch64 mac"; exit 1;'
alias brewu="brew update && brew upgrade; brew cleanup"
brew install m-cli
npm i -g prettier
function __macos_sysinfo_yml() {
if ! is_cmd 'json2yaml'; then
if ! is_cmd 'npm'; then
brew install node
export PATH="$(brew --prefix node)/bin:$(brew --prefix node)/libexec/bin:$PATH"
npm install -g json2yaml
echo '---'
m info
echo 'kernel:'
echo " name: '$(uname -s)'"
echo " nodename: '$(uname --nodename)'"
echo " release: '$(uname -r)'"
echo " version: '$(uname -v)'"
echo " machine: '$(uname -m)'"
echo " processor: '$(uname -p)'"
echo " hardware_platform: '$(uname -i)'"
echo " operating_system: '$(uname -o)'"
system_profiler -json \
SPSoftwareDataType \
SPHardwareDataType \
SPDeveloperToolsDataType | json2yaml |
grep --invert-match 'serial_number: ' |
grep --invert-match 'platform_UUID: ' |
grep --invert-match 'provisioning_UDID: ' |
tail -n +2
function system_update_report() {
if ! [[ "$SHELL" == *zsh* ]]; then
echo "This function is made for Z-Shell (ZSH)";
return 1
if ! is_cmd 'json2yaml' || ! is_cmd 'prettier'; then
if ! is_cmd 'npm' || ! is_cmd 'node'; then
brew install nvm
cat <<EOD >> ~/.zshrc
export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/"
source ~/.zshrc
nvm install --lts
nvm install-latest-npm
nvm alias default stable
npm install -g json2yaml prettier
if ! is_cmd 'm'; then
brew install m-cli
TIMESTAMP="$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S)"
ISO_TIMESTAMP="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)"
system_profiler -json SPInstallHistoryDataType | json2yaml >"mac_info_install_history_${TIMESTAMP}.yml"
system_profiler -json SPApplicationsDataType | json2yaml >"mac_info_applications_${TIMESTAMP}.yml"
__macos_sysinfo_yml >"mac_info_general_${TIMESTAMP}.yml"
alias echo='echo -e'
# yaml frontmatter
echo '---' >"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
m info >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo "date: ${ISO_TIMESTAMP}" >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'---\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
# markdown title
echo "# Computer summary (${ISO_TIMESTAMP})"$'\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'## macOS\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'### System update settings\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo '```sh' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'$ softwareupdate --list' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
softwareupdate --list >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH" 2>&1
echo $'\n$ softwareupdate --schedule' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
softwareupdate --schedule >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH" 2>&1
echo $'```\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'### Info yaml\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo '```yaml' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
tail -n +2 "mac_info_general_${TIMESTAMP}.yml" >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'```\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'## Homebrew Status\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
if is_mac_arm; then
echo $'### Arch arm64\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo '```sh' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'$ brew update && brew upgrade' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
brew update && brew upgrade >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH" 2>&1
echo $'\n$ brew autoupdate status' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
brew autoupdate status >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH" 2>&1
echo $'```\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
if is_mac_arm; then
echo $'### Arch amd64\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'```sh' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'$ which ibrew' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
which ibrew >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH" 2>&1
echo $'\n$ ibrew update && ibrew upgrade' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
ibrew update && ibrew upgrade >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH" 2>&1
echo $'\n$ brew autoupdate status' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
ibrew autoupdate status >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH" 2>&1
echo $'```\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'## Homebrew Versions\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
if is_mac_arm; then
echo $'### Arch arm64\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo '```sh' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'$ brew list --versions' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
brew list --versions >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH" 2>&1
echo $'```\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
if is_mac_arm; then
echo $'### Arch amd64\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'```sh' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
echo $'$ brew list --versions' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
brew list --versions >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH" 2>&1
echo $'```\n' >>"$MD_REPORT_PATH"
prettier -w *"_${TIMESTAMP}".{yml,md}
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