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Last active October 25, 2016 18:44
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Save caschwartz/2764025 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
XQuery - Adds "sort" element to dmdSec of METS documents for journal issue numbers
xquery version "1.0-ml";
(: 12/1/11 Adds "sort" element to dmdSec of METS documents for issue numbers :)
declare namespace sort = "http://my.server/";
declare namespace mets = "";
declare namespace dc = "";
for $journal in xdmp:directory("/METS/")/mets:mets/mets:dmdSec[2]/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData
let $title := $journal/dc:format
let $issue := fn:replace(fn:normalize-space($title), "^The Princeton Seminary Bulletin Supplementary Issue No.\s(\d).*$", "$1")
let $sortIssue := element sort:issue {$issue}
let $sortIss := $journal/preceding::mets:dmdSec/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/sort:issue
let $node := $journal/preceding::mets:dmdSec/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData
where fn:not($sortIss) and fn:matches($title, "^The Princeton Seminary Bulletin Supplementary Issue No.\s(\d).*$")
(: and fn:matches($title, "^.*\s(\d{1,2})$") :)
(: return xdmp:node-insert-child($node, $sortIssue) :)
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