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Last active October 5, 2015 17:27
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Use cts:uris to query 730 fields for local collection headings in MARCXML
xquery version "1.0-ml";
(: 3/2/12 Use MarkLogic function cts:uris to query 730 fields for local collection headings in embedded MARCXML :)
declare namespace ia = "http://my.server/";
declare namespace m = "";
let $values := fn:distinct-values(let $uris := cts:uris((), "ascending")
for $uri in $uris [fn:position() = (50001 to fn:last())]
return for $doc in fn:doc($uri)
let $marc := $doc/ia:doc/ia:metadata/ia:marc/m:record
let $collections := $marc/m:datafield[@tag = "730"][@ind2 = " "]
return for $collection in $collections
where fn:contains($collection, "collection")
or fn:contains($collection, "Collection")
or fn:contains($collection, "library")
or fn:contains($collection, "Library")
return fn:normalize-space(fn:replace($collection, "\.", "", "i")))
for $value in $values
order by $value
return $value
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