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Last active December 18, 2015 23:19
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XQuery - Query embedded MARC records for edition statements and create <edition> element for local metadata schema
xquery version "1.0-ml";
(: 6/19/12 Query theocom documents for edition statements and create <edition> elements :)
declare namespace ia = "";
declare namespace m = "";
for $doc in xdmp:directory("/ia-xml/l/ly/", "infinity")
let $marc := $doc/ia:doc/ia:metadata/ia:marc/m:record
let $id := $doc/ia:doc/ia:metadata/ia:id
let $sortTitle := $doc/ia:doc/ia:metadata/ia:sortTitle
let $edition := $marc/m:datafield[@tag = "250"]
let $newNodeEdition := <edition xmlns="">{ fn:normalize-space($edition) }</edition>
let $newLine := text {"&#10;"}
let $indent := text {" "}
where $edition
return let $empty := xdmp:node-insert-after($sortTitle, $newLine)
let $empty := xdmp:node-insert-after($sortTitle, $indent)
let $empty := xdmp:node-insert-after($sortTitle, $newNodeEdition)
return ()
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