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Last active December 21, 2015 14:59
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XQuery - Query to retrieve all exact duplicates title-date values
xquery version "1.0-ml";
(: 8/6/13 Query to retrieve all exact duplicates title-date values (using one of Priscilla Walmsley's functx XQuery functions :)
declare namespace ia = "http://my.local.namespace";
declare namespace m = "";
declare namespace functx = "";
declare function functx:non-distinct-values
( $seq as xs:anyAtomicType* ) as xs:anyAtomicType* {
for $val in distinct-values($seq)
return $val[count($seq[. = $val]) > 1]
} ;
let $items :=
<items>{ let $titleDateSeq :=
let $docs := xdmp:directory("/ia-xml/q/", "infinity")
for $doc in $docs
let $date := $doc/ia:doc/ia:metadata/ia:date
let $title := $doc/ia:doc/ia:metadata/ia:title
let $vol := $doc/ia:doc/ia:metadata/ia:volumeInfo
where fn:not($vol)
order by $title
return <item>
<title>{ fn:normalize-space($title) }</title>
<date>{ fn:normalize-space($date) }</date>
return $titleDateSeq }</items>
order by $items/item/title
(: Return value is title-date combination that appears more than once (i.e., exact duplicate title-date values) :)
return functx:non-distinct-values($items/item)
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