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Created September 10, 2012 17:01
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Dolpy scifi
['Layout', 'Collection', 'Model'],
function('Layout', 'Collection', 'Model') {
'use strict';
{ tag: 'div',
cls: ['todo-item',
{ test: 'item.completed', yes: 'completed' },
{ test: 'editedItemId ==', yes: 'editing' } ],
bind: 'item',
content: [
{ widget: 'checkbox', field: 'completed' },
{ test: 'editedItemId ==',
yes: { tag: 'input', cls: 'edit', value: { field: 'title' } },
no: { tag: 'label', content: { field: 'title' } }
{ widget: 'button', cls: 'destroy', action: 'delete' }
var todoListLayout = Layout({
widget: 'section',
cls: 'todoapp',
header: [
{ tag: 'h1', content:"todos" },
{ tag: 'input',
handlers: { enter: 'createTodo' },
attr: { placeholder: 'What needs to be done?', autofocus: true } }
content: { test: 'todos', nonEmpty: [
{ widget: 'checkbox',
cls: 'toggle-all',
handlers: { change: 'completeAll' }
label: 'Mark all as complete' },
{ widget: 'list',
cls: 'todo-list',
items: { each: 'todos', item: { widget: 'todo-item' } } }
footer: { test: 'remaining', nonEmpty: [
{ tag: 'span',
cls: 'todo-count',
content: [
{ tag: 'strong', content: { expr: 'remaining.length' } },
{ test: 'remaining', singular: ' item left', plural: ' items left' },
{ widget: 'list',
cls: 'filters',
items: [
{ tag: 'a',
cls: { test: 'filter == "all"', yes: 'selected' },
href: '#/',
content: 'All' },
{ tag: 'a',
cls: { test: 'filter == "active"', yes: 'selected' },
href: '#/active',
content: 'Active' },
{ tag: 'a',
cls: { test: 'filter == "completed"', yes: 'selected' },
href: '#/completed',
content: 'Completed' }
var todos = Collection({
schema: {
description: 'Todo list item',
type: 'object',
properties: {
title: { type: 'string', required: true },
completed: { type: 'boolean', default: false },
order: { type: 'integer', required: true }
return function(context) {
context.view = todoListLayout;
context.model = {
todos: todos,
filter: 'all',
remaining: function() {
return this.filter({completed: false});
var hashHanders = {
'#/': function() {
context.model.filter = 'all';
'#/active': function() {
todos.setFilter({completed: false});
context.model.filter = 'active';
'#/completed': function() {
todos.setFilter({completed: true});
context.model.filter = 'completed';
context.handlers = {
createTodo: function(evt) {
completeAll: function() {
todos.each(function(todo) {
todo.completed = true;
onHashChange: function(urlHash) {
var handler = hashHanders[urlHash];
if (handler) handler();
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